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The gentle sweet tune of a music box filled the room. Lights streamed in through the windows. It wasn't natural light though, it was coming from the passing traffic in the distance. It came and went with each vehicle that drove by. The room was constantly flicking back and forth between light and darkness. Fortunately, the occupant was not bothered by this, for she had a candle by her side.

All of her attention focused upon the spinning dancer of the music box, Chloe snapped out of her thoughts when she heard a knock on her office door. Sitting up in her chair, the empress called softly, "Come in." The door creaked open as her loyal guard Rooster stepped inside. Bowing deeply, the Welsh sheepdog spoke, "My queen."

"Rooster, please. You and I have known each other for years and there's no one else here. You can use my name," Chloe playfully scolded the captain of the guard. Adjusting the silvery tiara on her head, she asked quietly, "Were you able to find what I asked for?"

"Yes ma'am- I mean Chloe. And I also bought some extra jars so you're all stocked up," Rooster reported as he set a small bottle of ink down onto the desk. Taking a step back, he tilted his head to the side and remarked, "What a week, huh?"

"Yes, what a week it has been. Thank you Rooster, you should get some rest now. I'll see you tomorrow morning," Chloe meowed kindly as she picked up the bottle. Bowing once more to the empress, Rooster replied, "Of course Chloe, you have a good night. Let me know if you need anything." Without another word, the Welsh sheepdog left the office.

Alone once more, Chloe pulled open one of the desk drawers and pulled out some blank paper and her favorite feather pen. Taking a moment to admire it, she opened the jar of ink and stuck the pen in. Glancing over at the music box and its spinning dancer once more, the tabby cat could see the words of her story flowing in her mind like water in a river. It was time to write it, before the facts could be lost to history.

And with that, her pen touched the paper...

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