Chapter 16: Loyalty

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"I can't do it!" Ren exclaimed in annoyance and she paced back and forth the room.

"Do what?" Sebastian asked, his eyes focused on her movements.

"This whole time I've been trying to control you" she said, throwing her hands in the air. As soon as those words made their way to Sebastian's ears, he began chuckling out loud, his laughter not in his control anymore.

"What are you laughing for?" she asked, rolling her eyes as she sighed and plopped down on the couch right behind her.

"The fact that you think you can control me is insane" he said with a half smug, half amused expression.

"What's the big deal?" she asked, losing her patience.

"You could say I'm immune to being controlled" he said "try someone else".

"Find me someone. Probably someone annoying" she said.

"When I told you I'd help you, I didn't mean I'll obey you" he said, as he grabbed Ren by the arm and threw her at the window.

"You've seriously gotta stop throwing me like this" she said clicking her tongue as she winced in pain.

"Look at that guy. The bald one" he said, ignoring her complaints as usual.

"What about him?" she asked.

"I want you to make him throw himself in front of a bus" he said, clearly not thinking about what he was saying.

"What the heck? Hell no I ain't doing that. He's going to die" she said, disapproving of his ways.

"Unlike witches, you don't have to tell them what to do. You can just make them do it" he said, proud of his species.

"Could you elaborate? I understood nothing" she said as she decided to focus on the bald man, who was now walking away from them.

"Think as him. Pretend you are him. Make him jump in front of that bus" he ordered his voice raising as she failed to obey him. He bent his knees, as his cheek touched her ear.

"Do it". 

Ren laid her brown eyes on the man, her hands twitching as she tried to move him. He strided to the left, walking away from the footpath, making his way toward the bus. 

"Now what?" she asked panicking, as her heart raced in worry.

"Let him die" Sebastian said, his cold blue eyes showing only hatred and anger.

"I can't do that!" Ren said, moving her wrists in the opposite direction, saving the bald man by a few inches.

"What the hell were you trying to make me do?" she said, raising her voice at him, her eyes filled with fury.

"You're never going to get your revenge" he said as though it was obvious.

"Says who?" she asked, trying to sound all confident even though she knew she had been questioning it herself.

"After all, you can't even kill a dude you don't even know. You won't even kill a dude who clearly deserves it because in your eyes he's innocent. I find it quite hard to believe that you will get revenge on those who looked after you for so many years" he said, proud of his big speech.

"I'm not about to kill a man, just because you said he deserves it" she said.

"Mercy is for the weak, Ren" he said as he opened the window. Standing on the window sill, he quickly darted down, jumping from the fifth floor of the building. His feet touched the ground with friction, like he was just a feather that fell from the sky. He raced towards the man, grabbing him by his red T-shirt as he slammed him on a tree right behind them.

"You saw that coming, didn't you?" Sebastian spat out in his thick, cold and threatening voice as he picked him up and threw in front of a car, racing at sixty-two miles per hour. This time, however, his face fell right at the roof of the car, his face compressed by the pressure. He gasped as his eyes jerked wide open, unable to get words, more like cries for help out of his mouth. His heart slowed down, the rate unstable. His eyes just remained open as Sebastian strided away, with pride, ego and satisfaction.


"Wanna go to New Orleans?" Sebastian asked as he threw the door open.

"What did you just do?" Ren asked as she walked towards him and punched at his chest.

"Was that supposed to hurt?" he asked casually, making his way toward the brick wall.

"What is wrong with you?" she asked as she bit her nail and spat it on the floor.

"Nothing. He deserved it" he said as he took out, what seemed like a piece of paper from his pocket.

"What's that?" Ren asked, immediately forgetting about the corpse outside.

"You weren't planning on walking to New Orleans, were you?" he asked, as he looked at the paper, puzzled.

"I can't believe you would do that" she said in disbelief.

"I'm a demon. that's kinda what we do" he said, "besides, am I not hearing this from the same girl who threw someone in jail for lifetime?".

"Stop talking. What do we do with that piece of paper?" she asked, diverting her attention.

"I'm pretty sure you can like create a portal or something. Stole it from the bald guy. I'm not sure how to use it though" he said with confusion on his face. Ren looked at the paper as she chuckled "Maybe it would be easier if you held it right".


Ren snatched the paper from his hand, realising something. She ran to her drawer, grabbing one of her sweatshirts. She made her hand travel through the pocket as she pulled a half solid, half liquid, glass shard.

"What's that?" Sebastian asked with curiosity.

"Remnants of the portal Ava went through" she said as a smirk appeared on both of their faces. Sebastian took it from her and slammed it onto the wall. On the wall, appeared a mirror shaped hole that smelt like rainwater. Sebastian grabbed her hand as they both stepped into it, hand-in-hand. The door closed behind them and after what felt like hours of spinning, they fell to the ground.


She's here, is she not?,  Ava thought as her supposed grandmother struggled to get out of her chair.

"Ava, follow us" Blair called out, walking toward the kitchen as Ava followed.

"What is it?" she asked not knowing what to address him as yet.

"Is there anything about Ren that we might want to know?" Andrea cooed, hoping for answers.

"You want to know if she remembers you?" Ava asked raising her eyebrows.

"We don't want to take chances" Andrea said, "I hope you understand".

"She's a demon" Ava said, immediately regretting it.

"Is she coming for us?" Blair asked as his face filled with worry.

"N-no. She isn't." Ava said, stuttering. A part of her knew that they already knew everything about Ren. A part of her didn't want to bail on her. But what difference did it make if they already knew.

"Ava, you don't have to be scared of her anymore. We are all your family" Andrea said, trying to convince her.

"I was never scared of her. It's called loyalty. I guess you wouldn't know" Ava said as she stormed from the stupid dinner she just had to be in. She removed her plaid dress and threw it across the room. Slipping onto her pj's, she strided around the room as she looked out of the window. Cars were bustling every corner she turned. She pulled on her hair as she thought the same thing over and over again.

Cuddy. Whose side are we on?

Author's Note: Hehe I posted! So I kinda have an ending planned but who knows, not like I stick with one thing for long anyway. Also, when i add the banner that asks you to comment and vote. You must do that XD. Also, follow me cuz I've been so close to 300 for so long. Huma_Sebastian, as much as I hate to say it, Ren'll be coming a lot so don't yell at me. Sebastian is too epic is he not 😍. Ahh this Author's Note is getting too big so Imma stop. I'll see y'all next Thursday!! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

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