Chapter: 5 School of elements and zodiacs

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With a resounding thud, they landed only to find themselves surrounded by hundreds of children. Some were slightly older or younger, but most were their age. 

A faint voice was heard between the crowds. "Please make way... Excuse me." A 40-year-old man with gleaming gold eyes and brown hair stepped towards them. "Welcome!" he said in a cheery tone for an old man. "I'm Thomas Hector, the headmaster of the school," he introduced himself.

Sania muttered, "Umm." She was at a loss for words because she had not expected to see hundreds of children staring at them. She had hoped it would be a normal school with children listening to long, boring lectures in their classrooms. She was pretty surprised to find that there were no traditional classrooms; instead, there were four dome-shaped houses, each big enough to fit 20 members, and a ring-shaped area that looked as if it was used for some magical activities. It almost seemed like she had arrived at a magical place, but that couldn't be possible, could it? Considering numerous possibilities, she slowly whispered to Jake, "Jake! It's so unusual here," she said in a hushed tone. "I really don't understand..." but she was cut off by the HM. "Now don't be shy, say hi to everyone. You must be Sania Everly, Jake di Carter, Aanya di Carter, and Lewis Anderson, right?" Mr Thomas Hector asked.

"how do you know our names??" Jake asks 

"I know everything!" he replies

"you guys are twins??" a fair boy with silky stylish blond hair, hazel brown eyes, muscular and extremely hot looking asks.

"umm... yeah" Aanya replies scolding herself for blushing furiously.

 " anyway let me give you a tour!!" he smiles at them and offers his hand, sania reluctantly took and they set off with the HM.

On the way Aanya asks "umm excuse me sir" she says in a soothing tone "what are we going to learn here?"

"Powers of yours of course" Mr. Thomas says

Lewis chimes in "what powers??"

Mr. Thomas says "your parents didn't introduce?"

"NO!" they all said in unison. Mr. Thomas had a long way to go now.

"Okay, come sit here and explain how you reached here," he said as he led them to a large dome-like structure located behind four smaller domes. "This is the main office room," he explained, as he led him inside, then gestured towards large soft cushions and sat in front of them. "Explain now," he requested.

Sania began narrating the entire adventure, starting from their situation to how they met Aanya. Then Aanya shared her version of events. She described how she had sneaked out of the house, only to be scooped up by a giant eagle and thrown into the middle of the forest after she screamed, "Leave me!"

The headmaster found it rather amusing; his eyes were wide in shock. "You!" He pointed at the four of them. "You are the children of the zodiacs, just like the others out there." He pointed at some of the children outside. "I've never seen the children of the major 6," he muttered, finding it interesting. "This is going to be so strange, but I have to explain," he said.

"What's strange?" asked Jake.

Mr. Thomas paused for a moment, taking in a deep breath as he prepared to impart his ancient knowledge and he shifted to a different tone. "In the mists of the world's birth, there existed only four primal elements: earth, fire, water, and air. These mighty forces wove together to shape the very fabric of our world with their incredible powers. Yet, as time passed, the elements began to feel a profound sense of solitude. Thus, they sought to create beings to share in their world. Thus, humans came to be. The union between the major elements and humans gave rise to the minor elements, endowed with divine blood and nearly as potent as their primordial ancestors. Over time, the ebb and flow of celestial magic gave rise to the zodiacs, each aligned with the changing seasons and imbued with great power by the heavenly patrons. Their valour and strength earned them immortality, blessed by the heavenly patrons themselves. The legacy of the major and minor elements endured led to the establishment of a school where their progeny could harness and refine their formidable abilities. As the zodiacs proved their worth, they were granted the heavenly ring, a relic of unparalleled might that bound the patrons. Tragically, the ring was lost, leading to the punishment of the zodiacs, who were transformed into constellations. Yet a prophecy emerged, foretelling that the offspring of the major six would one day reclaim the lost ring. Despite having sworn to forgo parenthood, the zodiacs were compelled to break their vow. And thus, here you stand, the descendants of the major six," Mr. Thomas says 

Sania coudnt believe anything. How could this be possible? "so basically you're saying that our parents are constellations?"

"actually yeah, but they were allowed to visit their children once in a while, and no not both of your parents only your father Sania" he said returning to his normal tone.

"wait, first of all how do you know her parentage?" questioned jake.

"I know everything" he replies. they were really getting tired of that answer.

"Then answer me who are our parents?" Sania demands

"Your father is Aries, and Lewis's mother is Pisces. But what I don't understand is you both" he points at Aanya and Jake.

"wait a sec!" lewis says "my mother is Pisces.. PISCES!!!????" he screams "how is that possible???" lewis asks

"oh dear, please calm down will you" he turns to look at Sania, she has gone completely pale.

"Now listen, I think Jake's father is  Aquarius and Aanya's mother is  Libra," Mr. Thomas says in a grave tone. "I believe that both of your parents are zodiacs. I suppose your story is relevant to my guess?" he asks.

"yes..." jake says slowly

"Now it all makes sense," Sania murmurs slowly. "The way I could put fire, Lewis could breathe underwater, Jake controlling the air, Aanya charm-speaking, it all makes sense now. These are our powers, aren't they?" Sania asks.

"Mr. Thomas said, 'Yes dear, your power is fire manipulation. You can control fire and do wonders. Lewis, yours is water weaving; you can control water. Jake, yours is atmospheric control; you can bend the air as you want. And Aanya, yours is harmonious induction and charm speaking; you can control people with your words and bring harmony.' Then he ended his long speech."

"now no more questions please, you must be tired I'll escort you all to your cabins." He gestured towards the dome-like structure. They all followed him. "Sania, your cabin is the Fire Patron," he gestured to a dome painted red that looked exactly like a volcano. "Jake and Aanya, your cabin is the Air Patron," he pointed at another dome covered in white tendrils, where everything was swirling like a hurricane. "And Lewis, your cabin is the Water Patron," he pointed at another dome covered in blue paint with lots of water around it, making it look like a tsunami had come. "The last one is the Earth Patron's cabin," he said, pointing at the last dome, completely covered in mud with lots of cracks, making it look like it had survived an earthquake. "I'd advise you to be careful as it's not stable there. The patrons are in a bad mood and causing disasters due to the lost ring," he said in a serious tone. "Enjoy!" he said and busied himself with some work.

It was unbelievable for Sania and her friends; they finally said their goodbyes and went to their cabins.

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