Chapter 6

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Ok new writing style to help u guys and mostly me.....for you to under stand the story better.





Your pov

I was in a forest resting with Adora and the others I shift in my sleep when I suddenly heard an unfamiliar chilling voice whisper my name.

????: y/n.

my eyes shot open hearing the voice and I look around as I start to stand my hand on my sword ready to draw it if needed.

Y/n: who was that calling my name?

Adora suddenly shot up from her sleep. I look at her and see her eyes were full alert and a little fear in them.

Y/n: Adora you ok?

She looks at me and looks around then she looks back at me with a worried expression. I lower my hand from my sword a look at her confused.

Adora: did you hear it to?

Y/n: you mean a voice call out my name yeah I heard it to but I don't know who's it was.

Adora: i know who's and it's someone who worries me.

Y/n: well I think it's best since we are wake we both keep watch.

Adora: yeah that sounds like a good idea.

Quick pov change-no one pov

We now see bow as he opens his eyes and smiles then sits up and stretches.

Bow: morning glimmer

Glimmer groans and pulled her cape over her head.

Glimmer: it's to early. Five more minutes.

Bow: buts it's a beautiful morning today.

Bow smiles as he looks at the sky.

Glimmer: todays canceled. Go back to bed now.

Cringer: I second that.

Cringer lifts his head up and lets out a yawn then puts it back down going back to sleep.

Bow smiles and stares at glimmer.
Glimmer groans and pulls her cape off her head.

Glimmer: I can feel you staring at me.

Bow continues smiling at glimmer causing her to groan and sit up her hair a mess.

Glimmer: why is it the one who snore the loudest is the first to wake up?

Bow: what I don't snore. Do I snore y/n, Adora?

Bow turns to where you and Adora were and saw you and her standing at the clearing edge looking into the forest.

Bow: uhh y/n? Adora?

Glimmer lets out a sigh she grabs bow and teleports her and bow behind you and Adora. Glimmer bumps into you and Adora startling you both.

Glimmer: sorry too early to teleport.

You and Adora give her a quick look before still having your eyes fixated on the forest. Bow stands in between you following your gaze.

Bow: what are you two looking at?

Adora: I don't know we thought we heard a noise in the woods.

Y/n: yeah we heard someone calling out to us. We also thought we saw something.

Glimmer: like what a bunny or maybe a butterfly?

You and adora looked at glimmer with an unamused look then back into the woods

Y/n: no more like something or someone is out there watching us.

Glimmer gains a concerned look and places a hand on Adora shoulder she let out a startled gasp.

Glimmer: did you or y/n get any sleep at all last night.

Adora: someone had to stand gaurd.

Y/n: yeah plus it's best if it's two people standing guard.

Adora and you started to walk away and glimmer follows the both of you.

Glimmer: okay I know you and y/n are on edge because of what happened with entraptas robots infected murder bots, but it's all over now.

You turn your head to glimmer and hold up two fingers.

Y/n: two key words in that sentence that would put anyone on edge infected and murder.

Glimmer lets out a sigh and now stands next to Adora again patting her arm.

Glimmer: but it's all over now you two have got to relax.

Y/n: that's easy for you to say and it's not easy when you have to be ready for anything.

Glimmer: you two need a vacation which is why we are going to mystacor.

Bow lets out a loud gasp and his eyes sparkle hearing this.

Bow: mystacor?!! No way

Cringer walks up his eyes half closed and he let out a yawn and stretched.

Cringer: why so loud and what's mystacor?

Y/n: yeah what is this place?

Glimmer: it's a secret, floating kingdom. That is home to all of etheria's sorcerers. It also has tranquil gardens, beautiful beaches, and healing springs and my aunt castaspella just so happens to be head sorceress there.

Bow: trust me you'll will love it there you guys. Plus you'll will not have to worry about evil things that go bump in the night in the woods.

Cringer: why is that?

Bow: so glad you asked my talking feline friend. It's protected by a mystical invisibility barrier where no evil can get inside or even pfind it.

Y/n: has that even been tested to be sure?

Glimmer leads you and Adora way from bow ignoring your question.

Glimmer: it's the most safest and peaceful place in all of etheria.
Besides we will be having you two relaxing in no time.

Adora: you know I never relaxed in my life right?

Y/n: when I am on edge it's hard for me to relax.

Bow appears next to us and puts a hand on Adora shoulder.

Bow: well we are about to change that just you two wait you'll be relaxing in no time.

You all walk off unaware of the menacing shadow creature hiding behind a tree then it starts to follow you.

In the fright zone

We see shadow weaver she resting both her hands on a glowing red stone. Catra appears behind her and salutes to her and speaks.

Catra: shadow weaver you wanted to see me?

Shadow weaver turns around the gem on her mask shines brightly making Catra cover her eyes with her hand to avoid the glow.

Shadow weaver: ah. Force captain how kind of you to join me.

Shadow weaver floats to a cauldron near by the glow of the gem on her mask fades away as it returns to normal. She then places both hands on it and an image appears in the green liquid and it shows it is her shadow creature.

Catra: what's up with you? You have been way spookier than you usually are.

Shadow weaver: my shadow spies have found adora and y/n. They are with their friends on their way to........mystacor.? Ha this is going to be too easy.

Catra lets out a small groan as her cat ears droop.

Catra: another Adora mission. Fine when do I leave?

Unknown to shadow weaver Catra was happy inside thinking of the chance to see you again.

Shadow weaver then turns to Catra the gem on her mask glowing again

Shadow weaver: the only place you're heading is outside my door to stand guard. I am going to use my magic to go after Adora and her brother myself. So you will see that I am not disturbed.

Catra gains a small look of shock hearing this it then turns into a look of hate.

Shadow weaver: clearly no one else can be trusted to bring Adora and y/n here to the horde, at least of all you now go.

Catra scowls but does not move by doing this she angers shadow weaver. She then grows slightly and looms over Catra.

Shadow weaver: I said....go!!!

Catra becomes frightens and quickly runs out of the room not looking back. She then stops outside the doors corner and catches her breath then peeks her head in and gasps. Shadow weaver was facing the cauldron looking into it liquid she had her hands raised as the crackled with red electricity. The liquid in the cauldron started to glow.

Shadow weaver: from the farthest reaches of etheria, I command you, be as one!!!

A red diamond shape appears and it rises up from it and starts to be covered in shadows as it grows in height and turns into a monstrous figure and lets out a shriek. Catra gapes on seeing it and shadow weaver suddenly turns and sees Catra and forces the door shut with Catra still gapping as it closed.

Back to you and the others.
No ones pov

Y/n: how longer until we get there glimmer?

Glimmer: just up ahead y/n.

You and the others come to a cliff sedate and glimmer smiles and holds out her hand.

Adora and you go wide eyed as you see how high you are. Adora then gains a look of confusion as she looks at glimmer.

Adora: uh, we're on a cliff overlooking a thousand-foot drop.

Y/n: don't forget a thousand-foot drop to our doom if we fall.

Cringer: yeah I wanna go back to the ground now.

Y/n: yeah where is the paradise you spoke of?

Glimmer: well just follow us.

Both glimmer and bow jump off the cliff and vanish through the clouds.

Y/n: glimmer, bow!!!!

Adora: uh, guys??!!!

Sudden a good sized floating island rises from the clouds with bow and glimmer safely standing there on it.

Bow: come on you three jump before it's too late!!

Cringer gulped then he took some steps back and closed his eyes and takes a deep breath before opening them and runs he jumps safely to the floating island.

Y/n: ok so now it's our turn you ready Adora.

Adora: ok let's do this.

Both you and Adora jump as you and Adora soar through the air. Adora then noticed something and she starts to frail in the air causing her to bang into you and you both roughly land next to bow and glimmer. But with you landing on your face in the dirt.

Y/n: ow.

Bow: woah you guys okay.

You got back on your feet and rubbed your face before looking at glimmer and bow.

Y/n: yeah i'm fine you ok Adora?

Adora quickly stands up and goes to the edge and start look round as if looking for something. You and the others look at her in worry.

Bow: Adora what's wrong.

Cringer: yeah you look as if you saw a ghost.

Adora then turns to you and the others and brushes dirt off her arm.

Adora: I'm fine I thought I saw.....

Adora lets out a sigh and looks behind her before looking back at bow.

Adora: i'm just stressed.

Glimmer: Hang in there Adora. Next stop mystacor.

The island starts to float up and you look at Adora in worry. Adora turns back and looks at the cliffs edge and sees nothing. Unaware to everyone the shadow creature slithers on the floating rock. As the land mass you were on floated higher through the clouds and you see something hidden in the clouds once they part you catch your breath.

It was a floating palace when you saw it. It reminded you of the avion civilization with its floating islands in the mystic mountains back on eternia.

Y/n: wow.

Bow: yep that was my reaction at first too.

You go higher into the air and once the land mass was next to the edge near a clearing you all jump off.

Bow and glimmer laugh and then look at one another.

Bow: we road a floating mountain through the clouds. It will never get old now matter how many times I do it.

You all walk forward and Adora stops and looks back at the floating rock that brought you all up here.

Pov change
Your pov

I stop and notice Adora was looking at the land mass that brought us up here with a worried expression.

Adora: uh, yeah sure. It was great.

She then smiles and starts to follow glimmer, cringer and bow. But I stay and looked at it a minute longer before shrugging and following the others.

Glimmer: just so you guys know, my aunt casta can be a lot.

Y/n: what do you mean by a lot?

Glimmer: don't worry, I know how to handle her.

Y/n mind : that doesn't answer my question at all.

Sunddenly a voice calls out causing everyone to stop in their tracks.

????:is that my glimmer?

I see a tall woman running up to us which I guessed was glimmers aunt casta. She was wearing a long purple dress with a light purple cape and a strange crown that just seems to float on her head.

Casta: it's been so long since you came to visit.

She then looks at bow and hugs him as well.

Y//n:ok so she's a hugger

She then notice me,Adora,and cringer and smiles at us.

Casta: and who are these three?

Glimmer puts one of her hands my shoulder and the other on adora's.

Glimmer: these aren't friends Adora, her twin brother y/n and his pet tiger cringer.

She then pushes me and Adora forward as if using us as a shield.

Glimmer: they they are also sometimes eight-foot-tall warriors called he-man and shera. So don't freak out when it happens.

Adora&y/n: hi.

Cringer: hello

Casta's eyes go wide when she heard cringer spoke but she then smiles.

Glimmer: yeah and cringer talks too.

Casta: Adora, y/n and cringer. How nice glimmer has finally started making new friends. We were all so pleased when she started bringing bow around. I was sure she had made him up at first.

I noticed glimmer with a small sad look as her aunt let out a small laugh. Glimmer then clears her throat getting her aunts attention. Her aunt then looks at glimmer.

Casta: oh you've done something to your hair.

Glimmer: what? Oh, yeah I cut it.

Casta: i can see that. I also see you're not wearing the sweater I knitted for you.

Casta takes hold of cape and puts a hand on her cheek.

Casta: don't you like it?

Glimmer: sure, I like it. It's really great. It's's a little warm for sweaters right now.

Casta: but you'd tell me if you didn't like it right?

Glimmer nods her head as she gives a quick smile and nods her head again.

Glimmer: yes I'd tell you.

Bow then chips in as he speaks up.

Bow: I'm wearing the socks you sent me.

Casta smiles as he looks at bow.

Casta: well I've always been fond of this one. So tell me glimmer what brings you all the way out here to visit your aunt? is it once in a blue moon already?

Casta starts to laugh at her joke. She then turns around and starts walking away and I look at glimmer as she had a serious expression on her face.

Glimmer: we're on a diplomatic mission auntie. I'm rebuilding the princess alliance.

Casta: my goodness then you must be starving I'll have a feast prepared.

Glimmer slaps her forehead as her aunt Casta continues to walk forward.

Casta: I'm sure your mom hasn't been feeding you.

I look at bow as we follow glimmer and her aunt.

Y/n: is she always this....perky?

Bow: sometimes yeah.

We continue to walk forward Adora and I look up at the castle then look around looking at everyone doing magic and other things.

Y/n: this place reminds me of the stories of Trolla that orko would tell me.

Casta: you've come at a perfect time. There is an eclipse this evening. I'm heading right now to inspect the lunar crystals for the ceremony. Also nothing would make me happier to my niece and her friends a tour.

Glimmer looks like she is trying find the right words as not to sound rude or disappoint her aunt the.

Glimmer: uh.....bow and I have already had a tour the last time we were here. So we don't want to get in your way.

Bow then perks up as we walks forward.

Bow: it's all right, glimmer. Y/n, cringer and Adora haven't seen it so let's do it again. It'll be fun.

I notice glimmer scowl at bow as he gives her look that might of said "what did I do" or "what did I say?"

Casta: oh. Well, I guess it's up to them then. What do you three dears say?

Adora: oh ummm.

Adora and I share a look as If we were saying it's up to you so what do you want to do.

Cringer: ummm I'm fine with the tour but can I get some fish after the tour I'm hungry.

Me and Adora look a cringer at hearing what he says and we both let out a sigh.

Y/n: yeah sure I think it's best if we get the tour so we know where we are going and don't get lost.

Adora: agreed.

Casta: oh I like these three

Casta pushes both me and Adora forward and cringer follows us. We then are lead through a door with a glass ceiling.

Y/n: woah.

Adora: wow.

Cringer: it's amazing.

Casta then walks up and stands next to Adora.

Casta: the lunar lenses. We use them to monthly ceremonies to renew mystacor's magic defenses. So they keep us shielded from the outside world.

Y/n: so this place is kinda like castle greyskull.

Casta then turns to use with a smile

Casta: you will be coming to the eclipse ceremony tonight won't you?

Glimmer then chimes in finally.

Glimmer: aunt Casta I've seen the ceremony a dozens of times and we're all really tired from traveling so far. Maybe can we skip it this time?

Casta: nonsense.....I'm sure your friends y/n,adora and their big green talking cat.

Y/n: his name is cringer.

Casta: cringer right they haven't seen it, and it quite the sight for all new comers.

Glimmers aunt casta grabs both me and Adora and holds us close to her.

Casta: Besides don't you want to spend more time with your aunt?

Glimmer gains a frantic look hearing this.

Glimmer: of course. But me and bow really want to show them the beach.

Casta: well if the beach is the only reason you're here. I really shouldn't keep you should I? I most certainly don't want to waste your time.

I could tell that glimmer hurt aunts feelings a little bit by her tone and the words she used. I then notice Adora walk off and was admiring the crystals on the wall. I follow her and stand next to her as we look at them.

Y/n: they're beautiful aren't they?

Adora: yeah they are.

As we look at the crystal in front of us we saw the reflection of a dark shadowy figure with one glowing red eye. We both turn around and stare at it as it dissappears.

Adora: you saw it too didn't you.

Y/n: yeah I did.

I look at my hand and is was shaking a little.

Y/n: what was that my hand is shaking just after seeing it.

I then notice Adora head in the direction of where it dissappeared.

Y/n: hey adora wait for me.

Very Quick pov change

no ones pov

Back to glimmer and the others.

Glimmer: no auntie that's not true really I didn't meant it in that way.

Bow then notices you and Adora. Running out of the room.

Bow: Adora, Y/n?

Hearing bow say adora and y/n name got the others attention. They see you and Adora run out of the room and down a hall way.

Casta: well they seem enthusiastic.

Your pov again

I run after her and after a while we came into a hall of statues.

Y/n: what is this place?

I suddenly hear glimmers aunt Casta voice behind me and I turn around and see bow,cringer, and glimmer behind her.

Casta: this is the hall of sorcerers.

Y/n: this is the hall of sorcerers?

Casta: yes these are the great ones who led mystacor through the ages.

Y/n: I know orko would love this place.

Casta stops in front of a statue of a man with bread as she smiles at it.

Casta: this is glimmers father my brother Micah. We trained in these very halls together when we were young. Glimmer looks just like him you know.

Glimmer: dad had a bread.

I lean in towards cringer who was standing next to me.

Y/n: yeah I don't see it.

Cringer: me neither.

Adora gains a confused look.

Adora: wait glimmers dad was your brother?

I look at Adora in disbelief as bow leans in and speaks in a low voice.

Bow: Adora do you know what aunt means.

Adora: no I was hoping someone would explain it to me eventually.

I place a hand on adora's should and she looks at me.

Y/n: ok listen well dear sister an aunt is basically the sister of your mother or father who is part of the family. So instead of calling her casta which is rude it's aunt casta or sometimes auntie make sense?

Adora: oh yes that makes sense now. But what would be the name if it was a brother.

Y/n: that would be called an uncle.

Adora oh ok thanks y/n.

Y/n: no problem.

POV change
No ones pov

Glimmer looks at her aunt and sees that her aunt is looking up at the of statue of glimmers father her brother with a look of sadness???

Glimmer: auntie we're going to avenge my dad and make sure that the horde doesn't hurt anyone else again. Mom believes in us and in shera.

Glimmer hears a cough and turns her head and looks at you as you star at her with your arms crossed.

Glimmer: also believe in he-man.

Glimmers aunt smiles hearing this.

Casta: well if your mother believes who am I not to as well? She is an angelic being after all while I'm just a common sorceress.

Glimmer groans in annoyance hearing this.

Glimmer: please not this again.

Casta: I do keep sending her letters and never got one back.

As glimmer argues with her aunt your mind drifts to thinking about your uncle keldor but you him better as skeletor.

Y/n: is this how things would have been if you never betrayed us uncle.

Glimmers aunt starts to walk off and you and the others follow her but then both you and Adora suddenly stopped in front of a statue of a woman with no light on it the lower part of her face was hidden by a vail.

Y/n: this statue why doesn't it have any light on it like the others?

Adora: what happened to her?

Casta walks up to both you and Adora looking at the statue.

Casta: light spinner a scar on mystacor's past. She sought power and complete control above all else and she was cast out. Although some say she never left. That she is only bidding her time just waiting to exact her revenge.

Y/n: freaky.

Adora: I'll say.

You then notice cringer shaken hearing the last part. You also notice Adora seems scared or worried by casta's words.

Casta: but those are only rumors and children tales of course..........any way who's hungry?

Casta walks off along with cringer and the others as you and Adora stay behind looking at the statue.

Y/n: you ok you seem shaken up by glimmers aunts words.

Adora: I'm fine y/n it's just I can't shake the feeling I know this light spinner.

You turn to look at Adora with a look of surprise.

Y/n: you do?

Adora: like I said it's just a feeling not sure if it's really anything.

Y/n: right sorry but we better catch up with the others.

Before you and adora could walk away a shadow runs up the opposite side of the wall and starts to take a human shape.

Adora lets out a gasp and grabs onto you as you stood in front of her protectively with your hand on your swords handle ready to draw it. You then both look down the hallway and saw no one

The both of you quickly back at the wall and see the shadow was no longer there.

Y/n: what was that thing?

Adora: I don't........

Before Adora could finish glimmer and bow appeared next to you in a flash of pink light and you both scream at their sudden appearance.

Glimmer: ok so aunt Casta has gone to fix us a big dinner and now it's finally beach time!

Bow notices both yours and adora's expression of fear and that you both have your guard up. He then elbow glimmer as she finally takes notice as well.

Bow: are you two okay.

You and glimmer look at the wall across light spinners statue once more thinking the shadow creature would appear again. Glimmer and bow then look at each other as glimmer whispers to him.

Glimmer: it's worse than we thought bow.

Bow: yeah I know.

Glimmer walks up to you and Adora and places her right hand on your shoulder and her left on Adora's.

Glimmer: you both need warm sand and calming waves stat.

She begins to lead you both away as bow follows. You then notice cringer wasn't with them and turn and look at bow.

Y/n: wait where's cringer?

Bow: he's with queen Casta seeing all the types of fish they have.

Y/n: ahh...sounds just like him.

Unknown to you all the shadow creature rises up behind and stars before it vanishes.

The scene now changes to the point of view of the creature from where shadow weaver watches the four of you walk away inside the cauldron.

SW-shadow weaver

SW: it's time for something more.

Shadow weaver raise her arms into the air as darkness rises up from the ground and surrounds her. And we are now back in the statue hall of mystacor's a shadow that crackled with red lighting rises up and takes the form of shadow weaver then vanishes.

The scene now changes to the beach as glimmer and bow spread towels on the beach as you and Adora watch.

Adora: so we lie here?

Glimmer stands up straight with her hands on her hips.

Glimmer: absolutely we just lay here and relax take in the waves and let your cares melt away.

Y/n: what waves I don't see any water.

Glimmer: didn't you do something to relax in the horde.

Adora: uh no we hit things.....hit things really hard.

Glimmer turns to you.

Y/n: sometimes didn't have much time to relax since I was the prince and it got harder when I became the defender of grayskull and Eternia.

Glimmer: well this is so much better then fighting right now?

Glimmer turns to bow and sees he has fallen asleep and is snoring.

Glimmer: just try it okay.

Adora sighs then a small smile is seen on her face.

Adora: ok.

Y/n: might as well do it to.

Both you and Adora spread your towel/blanket on the ground and the both of you lay down on your backs. The both of you look up at the sky as the clouds pass over head. Both you and Adora closes your eyes but they open again and Adora starts making bird noises and you hum.

Adora grits her teeth and then sighs.

Adora: okay relax......relax.

Y/n: this is harder than I thought it was.

Your mind suddenly has a flash of Catra and her grinning at you and you blush and slap your cheeks and let out a groan.

Y/n: why am I thinking about her.

You then turn your head to look at Adora and see her squeeze her eyes shut while she grits her teeth her eyes then open again as she hums then lets out a groan.

We see glimmer now and see her eyes open as she has an annoyed look on her face then glances at the both of you.

Glimmer: this isn't working for you both is it?

Y/n: yeah not really feeling it right now.

Adora: me either can we move now?

Glimmer: yes.

Both you and Adora sit up and let out a sigh of relief. Glimmer then sits up with a determined look on her face.

Glimmer: clearly we're going to have to take this relaxation to the next level.

She then stands and claps her hands.

Glimmer: bow wake up.

Bow frails his legs in the air and sits up.

Bow: what?!!

Glimmer: come on we need to show both y/n and Adora the steam grotto.

Glimmers eyes sparkle at saying the steam grotto. Now then let's put a cheer hearing her words.

Bow: whooo!!! The steam grotto.

The scene changes and we now see a large room of stone with steam and hot water going into stone baths.

Adora: wow.

Y/n: you can say that again.

Glimmer: I know right.

You turn and see glimmer and bow wearing identical robes to the one you and Adora are wearing. They remove them to reveal their swim suits and bow hurries into one of the baths. He flinches but soon relaxes glimmer walks up to us smiling.

Glimmer: the pools are full of magic minerals.

You then see her help Adora remove her robe and starts leading her to the tub. You remove your robe wearing the same thing as them and follow them into the hot water.

Glimmer: because of that sorcerers use them to cleanse themselves of worry and fear. Before big ceremonies or spells it's really the best.

Y/n: huh that's interesting.

Glimmer: yeah now the both of you just clear your mind and relax.

Both you and Adora share a look then got into the water and sit down. Glimmer follows and looks at you and Adora.

Glimmer: breathe deeply and focus on the warmth on your skin. Let your bodies go perfectly.....

(A/n: Picture yourself next to Adora with your eyes closed)

You close your eyes and drift off. You then suddenly hear Adora scream and your eyes shot open. You see a shadowy figure hidden in the steam. As the shadows cover the whole area then it suddenly vanish.

You get out of the bath and see glimmer get out as well and and you both walk up to Adora. Adora was standing in the middle of the room holding up her sword a ready to strike. You then hear the fright in adora's voice as you walk up to her.

Adora: no no no.......shadow weaver is here.....I saw her!

Y/n: shadow weaver? Is that what that shadow creature was?

Bow then walks up to the rest of you.

Bow: Adora there's no ones else here.

Bow then takes notice of her sword.

Bow: you brought your sword in hear with you.

He then notice your sword on the ground behind Adora and he turns to you.

Bow: you brought yours too y/n.

Y/n: yeah got to be ready for anything got a problem with that?

Bow holds up his hands in defense.

Bow: nope just asking.

Glimmer leads Adora to a stone bench and motions Adora to sit down and she does. You pick up your sword and both you and bow stand near Adora.

Bow: Adora are you okay what happened.

Adora: shadow weaver was here. I saw her here in the grotto and in the sorceress hall too I saw her shadow on the floor.

Glimmer places a comforting hand on adora's shoulder as you look at Adora with concern.

Glimmer: what are you talking about who is shadow weaver?

Adora: shadow weaver is the one who raised me in the horde.

Hearing this your eyes widen.

Adora: she taught me how to read tie my boots and how to subvert the enemy and be victorious in battle.

Glimmer: okay so mom stuff.

Adora: no commander officer stuff.....and well I guess mom stuff too.

Y/n: but this shadow weaver is not her mother.

Bow and glimmer watch you as you scan the room.

Glimmer then looks back at adora.

Glimmer: but adora she's not here. She was never here it's impossible.

Y/n: never say impossible glimmer.

Adora: y/n right glimmer you have no idea what she's capable of.

Bow: sounds like this shadow weaver did a real number on you growing up.

Y/n: it does. what did she do to you adora?

Bow: but you don't need to worry now. You're okay now you got away from her.

Y/n: I'm not so sure about that bow.

They turn to me and you share a look with Adora.

Glimmer: what do you mean y/n?

Y/n: I've been seeing this shadow weaver too here and back in the hall.

Glimmer: y/n like I told Adora it's impossible.

Y/n: and like I just told you never say that evil people always find a way.

Bow then steps forward getting in between me and glimmer and smiles.

Bow: well let's forget this it's probably really bad stress do you guys wanna try something else. We could get messages or find something for you guys to hit.

Adora: It's okay I'm okay. I just think I need to clear my head.

Y/n: same here.

Adora: could you stay here with me y/n?

Y/n: sure.

Glimmer and bow walk out leaving just you and adora.

Just then you and Adora suddenly hear glimmers voice.

Glimmer: they both have finally lost it.

The both of you walk toward the grotto entrance but stay out of sight listen to them.

Bow: hey don't say that.

Glimmer: but didn't you see her in there? I think she's going nuts.

Bow: well how do you explain y/n?

Glimmer: well that's......I mean that could  just be twin stuff but I'm not sure.

Y/n: hey you hear all this?

Adora nods her head.

You and Adora walk out and are angry at hearing glimmer and bows words.

Adora&Y/n: we are not crazy!!!

You see nobody there and you both look at each other not understanding where they went.

Adora: we aren't crazy right y/n?

Y/n: yeah we aren't. But I think we should go back to where this all started when we arrived.

Adora: you mean that hall of statues?

Y/n: exactly.

Your pov

Both me and Adora stood in front of the statue of the sorceress light spinner I look at Adora as she looks up at the statue.

Y/n: so what do you think?

Adora: I think it's just a stupid statue. I we should just pull it together there is no way shadow weaver is here.

As soon as Adora said that a strange shadow creature appeared and knocked Adora down.

Y/n: adora!!!

As I was about to draw my sword the shadow creature knock me to the ground. I then I it attach itself to the wall and it dashes down the hall. I then turn to Adora as I get to my feet and draw my sword.

Y/n: Adora you ok?

Adora: I'm fine we gotta stop that thing.

Y/n: right let's do this.

Y/n: by the power of grayskull!!!

Adora: for the honor of grayskull!!!

We both transform and stood back to back as we look around the hall. But then we suddenly hear a voice and it was one we knew.

Catra: hey Adora hey y/n.

Adora lets out a gasp as she looks around.

Adora: Catra?!! Where are you?

Y/n: How did you find us here?!!

We then hear Catra laughing as we look around but couldn't see her.

Y/n: where is she?

We hear foot steps near by and run to where they were and see nothing.

Catra: nope

We walk down the hall looking around trying to find her.

Catra: getting colder.

Adora: whatever you're doing we won't let you get away with it.

Y/n: yeah so did shadow weaver send you?

Catra: what do you two think? Shadow weaver controls both me and you Adora she always has and soon she will control you as well y/n.

Y/n: not happening.

Adora: Catra wait.

Adora runs down the dark hall way.

Y/n: Adora don't go down there alone!

I run after her and find that Catra voice lead us into the room full of crystals. Suddenly I hear a sinister laugh and by the sound it was male It then spoke.

????: the horde had high hopes for you force captain Adora so disappointing.

Y/n: Adora who is this talking now?

Adora: it''s hordak leader of the horde.

The voice I now as hordak spoke again.

Hordak: does the rebellion truly think the both of you can save them?

I glance at Adora and see she is starting to panic.

Y/n: how about you come out of hiding and I'll show you.

Hordak: nothing can stop the horde least of all the two of you.

Adora: show yourself!

Y/n: yeah villains playing hide and seek not a good tactic plus it's the oldest trick in the book.

The voice of Hordak continues to speak unaffected by my words.

Hordak: the both of you will lead them all every last etherian to their complete and utter annihilation.

Y/n: that's what you think but that won't happen right Adora?...Adora?

I glance at Adora and see she is covering her ears and is as she staggers around.

Y/n: Adora are you ok?

I then see a figure appear in the crystal it was standing behind me and Adora as she charges her sword with energy and swings it I duck down to avoid it as it destroys the crystals behind me.

Just then glimmer aunt casta runs into the room and stares at the damage in horror and gets to her knees picking up some of the many pieces of broken crystal.

Casts: what...what have you done!!

Casta glares at Adora and Adora drops her sword and returns to normal.

Adora: I'm sorry I didn't mean...I thought I saw....

Glimmer runs in with bow and cringer.

Glimmer: Adora!!!

Cringer: y/n!!

They stand next to Adora as I get back to my feet and return the power and go back to normal as I stand next to them.

Casta: your friend has destroyed a thousand years of scared writings.

POV change
No one pov

Casta gets back to her feet.

Casta: she could've destroyed the very lenses that protect mystacor.

Cringer: would that be bad?

Casta: very bad.

Bow then steps forward to protected Adora.

Bow: she didn't mean to. Adora would never......

Casta walks to Adora and stands in front of her while pointing at her. She then turns to glimmer.

Casta: this is the kind of people you hang around with?

Casta not waiting for answer walks out of the room as glimmer follows her.

Glimmer: auntie wait.

Adora walk up to glimmer with a look of sadness and regret.

Adora: glimmer?

Glimmer: it's okay I'll handle her.

Glimmer runs out of the room to follow her aunt. You then change back to normal and stand next to Adora trying to figure out what is going on. Bow then walks up to use and stands next to Adora.

Bow: the horde isn't here Adora you need to get some sleep you as well y/n.

You look at Adora as she has a conflicted look.

Bow: promise me you'll both try.

Y/n: yeah ok.

Adora: yeah we'll try.

You watch as Adora leaves with bow then you glance around the room once more but see nothing.

Cringer: you okay y/n?

Y/n: wha....i mean....yeah I'm fine let's go cringer.

You walk out followed by cringer unknown to you the shadow creature follows you.

The scene know changes to the guest room Adora is using and you are with her you can tell she isn't looking to good.

Y/n: it's going to be okay Adora glimmer can fix this.......i hope.

Adora: you think?

Just then there was a knock on the door and you walk over and open it and see glimmer. Adora gets out of the bed and smiles.

Adora: glimmer look I'm really sorry....

Glimmer holds up her hand and cuts Adora off.

Glimmer: save it Adora how could you do this?

Y/n: hey that's a little harsh to say to her. Adora didn't mean to......

Glimmer: shut it y/n I thought you guys were supposed to be our friends.

Adora: we are your fiends right y/n?

Y/n: yeah we are friends glimmer.

Glimmer: the both of you have ruined everything I've be working for. What kind of friend does that??

Glimmers words are hurting both you and Adora and you clench your fist in anger until you you hear Adora speak up.

Adora: glimmer I'm sorry.

Glimmer: what do you expect me to do with a sorry. You know what? Maybe you should just go back to the horde Adora and take your brother with you.

Glimmer turns around and leaves the room closing the Dora behind her. You turn and look at Adora and see her hand her head.


Adora: y/n don't.

Y/n: what why not after everything we did she can't talk to you like that.

Cringer: I would just listen to her y/n.

You let out a sigh of frustration and run your hands through your hair.

Y/n: you're right sorry.

In the hallway

Glimmer walks down the hall then smirks as her appearance shifts revealing her to actually be one of the shadow spies as it flies off.

Time skip
Else where.

Glimmer and bow were at the ceremony as they watch casts draws a diamond shape in the air. Glimmer leans into bow and whispers in his ear.

Glimmer: are y/n and Adora coming?

Bow shrugs as he has a worried look on his face.

Bow: I don't know I didn't want to wake them plus they need sleep.

Casta looks up through the skylight in the ceiling seeing the eclipse is about to start. Beams of light shine into the room hitting the floating crystals around the room. But then the room is covered in darkness as the gems are covered in darkness as well.

Casta raises her hands into the air and uses her magic as she tries to hold off the darkness as it fills the room but it was too strong. The room was now completely covered in darkness. A shadow spy rises from the ground and lums over Casta and rushes towards her.

Scene change

We now see you Adora and cringer walking around the grounds of the kingdom. You look at Adora and see she is still up set by glimmers words.

Y/n: don't let it get to you sis after calming down I realized glimmer is just upbset so don't let her get to you.

Adora: you really think so?

Y/n: yeah I'm sure.

Suddenly bow runs up to you and Adora.

(fake) Bow: Y/n,adora we gotta go now come on!!!

Bow starts to run the way he came and you and Adora run after him.

Adora: bow what's going on?

He doesn't answer and keeps running then Adora tries to grab bows shoulder only for her hand to pass right through him and both you and Adora stop in your tracks.

Cringer: her went right through him!!!

you drew your sword.

Y/n: Adora get back that's not the real bow.

Adora: no way?

The fake bow turns around smirks as his body starts to changes.

(fake) Bow: it's both your fault.

The fake bow reveals himself to be the shadow creature that you and Adora have been seeing. It then disappears..

Y/n: where did it go?

Adora: I don't know.

Your eye widen in realization and you look in the direction of the observatory.

Y/n: observatory!!!

Adora: let's go we have to see if they need help!!

Y/n: right behind you let's go.

Both you and Adora run in the direction of the observatory.

Cringer: wait shouldn't we try and see if we can get help!!!

You glance back as you and Adora run towards the observatory.

Y/n: not enough time come on cringer.

Cringer: oh man.

Cringer runs after you and Adora.

The three of you enter the observatory and see glimmer, Casta, bow and any others on the ground unconscious and just then you hear a the same voice from earlier

????: y/n,adora.

You look infront of you as the shadow creature appeared but took a more human shape.

Adora eyes widen seeing the person.

Adora: shadow weaver y/n, cringer run!!!

You,cringer and Adora run to bow and glimmer but a wall of darkness appears blocking your way to them.

Cringer: oh no we're trapped!!

Y/n: what now Adora?

Adora looks around trying to figure out what to do.

SW: hahahaha.

Shadow weaver strokes Adora's check and she slaps shadow weavers hand away and grabs your hand and runs forward passing through shadow weaver. But then shadow weaver uses her shadows to grab hold of you and Adora.

SW: the eclipse is nearly over Adora, y/n. When it is and its shield is down the horde will conquer mystacor and bring the both of you home to me.

Adora: no. We'll stop you!

Y/n: that's right!

Cringer: y...yeah what they said.

Sudden both you and adora felt a hand on your shoulders and turn to see shadow weaver standing in front of you.

SW: why? To help these people? Who are they to the both of you? They don't understand you. Just as they did not understand me.

Your eyes widen as understand what she meant.

Y/n: your.....your light spinner.

SW: that's correct y/n I was but I not anymore.

Adora and cringers eyes widen in disbelief hearing your words.

Adora: what?

Cringer: but that can't be true can it?

SW: they cast me out for me for my use of dark magic.

Y/n: well nothing ever good comes with it that's why it's forbidden.

Cringer: but when has that ever stopped any baddie we've faced.

SW: but they didn't see the power it has. They'll never accept the both of you. Not like I do with you Adora and soon you as well y/n along with your talking green beast.

Adora: no,no your wrong

Y/n: yeah no way we'll go any where with you.....let's do this Adora!!!

Adora: right y/n.

Y/n&adora: by/for the power/honor of grayskull!!!

Nothing happens as you and Adora look at your swords in disbelief. Then a wall of shadows separate the both of you.

Y/n&cringer: adora!!!!

You still hear shadow weaver talking. But don't see her anywhere.

SW: the both of you know deep down it's true.

Y/n: just shut up you know nothing about me and you are nothing but someone that you instilled fear into my sister.

Cringer: y/n right you may call it love and care but it's not it's just fear of not being obeyed.

SW: silence you green pest!!!

Cringer suddenly falls to the ground

Y/n: cringer!!!

You check on him and see he is unconscious. You see your hand shaken but grip it closed to stop it.

Y/n: come on y/n keep it together.

You stand back up on your feet and keep your sword ready and wait to see if shadow weaver would attack. Ready it to strike her if she got close.

SW: now with that green beast out of the way.....deep down the both of you know what I say is true. So no more running Adora stand up and be the ambitious cutthroat, ruthless warrior I raised you to be. With you and your brother you will be an unstoppable force for the horde.

Adora: no i wont.

Y/n: yeah I'll never join you.

You see adora drop her sword and falls to her knees and hugs herself.

Y/n: Adora don't listen to her your stronger then you know!!

The wall separating you and adora vanishes and you see weaver standing behind Adora you wanted to run to her but saw shadows holding your legs in place. Shadow weaver got onto her knees and continues speaking.

SW: the princesses don't care about you or your brother. They want to use the both of you for your strength......return to fright zone rule by my side the both of you.

Y/n: come on sis don't do it.

Adora: no.

Adora breaks free from shadow weaver and runs up to both bow and glimmers and kneels in front of them.

Adora: no they are our friends they
Are kind to me.......something you never were

I smile hearing Adora's words and break free from the shadows holding my legs using my sword. Then run up and stand next to her. Adora faces shadow weaver.

SW: I prepared you for greatness!!!!

Adora: but you never loved me.

Y/n: yeah love is something evil people never understand I should know.

Adora: y/n right and I let you play your twisted little mind games. I'm none of the things you said I am.

Y/n: and she never will be.

Adora: me and y/n are not like you.

Shadow weaver glares at you and adora.

Adora: your bitter and cruel and your the one who used me.

Y/n: this is who adora this is who we are.

Adora: you hurt our friends and now.......

You step forward glaring at shadow weaver.

Y/n: you're gonna pay.

Shadow weaver stars at you and adora in silence then starts to laugh.

SW: it's too late the eclipse will be over in mere moments. Mystacor will fall and it will be both of you your faults.

Adora sees her sword and runs up to it as tentacles made of shadows head towards both you and her. You slice the tentacles and see adora lift up her sword as it is covered in a golden glow and turns into a shield.

Y/n: her sword can turn into a shield!??

Adora: y/n follow me I have an idea!!!

You Slash more shadow tentacles as you turn and look at adora.

Y/n: right behind you!

POV change
Your pov

I sheath my sword and follow adora as we run towards a one of the pillars and adora jumps and starts climbing up it then jumps over and lands on a floating platform. I follow her lead doing the same and then drew my sword once more.

SW: I can give you both etheria the three of us can rule together

Y/n: what's the plan now?

Adora: just wait.

Tentacles made of shapes rise up into the air all around us and I look around. I then see shadow weaver appear behind Adora.

Y/n: Adora behind you!!

I grab Adora hand and start running the both of us jumping from one platform to the next. When we jumped to the third platform I see shadow weaver in front of us.

SW: enough of this y/n, adora come back to the fright zone your home adora and soon yours y/n.

I look up at the eclipse then glance at adora's sword now shield and get  an idea. I then see adora get the same look I have.

Y/n: do it adora now!!!

Adora raises her shield and the light of the eclipse hits it and she reflects it to the alter as the room is filled with a blinding light. As the light shot towards the crystals floating all round the room and it got brighter.

SW: aaaaaaggggghhhh!

POV change
No ones pov

Back in the fright zone

The real shadow weaver backs away from the cauldron her hands covering her masked face. She screams of pain echo through out the room. She then falls back on the floor unconscious as the gem on her masks forehead blinks then its light fades.

Back in mystacor everyone who was unconscious due to shadow weavers spell start to wake up. The markings on the floor glow blue and travel up the pillars as the vail protecting mystacor returns. Both you and adora jump and land on the ground as glimmer, bow, and cringer run up to you. Both glimmer and bow pull you and adora into a hug.

Glimmer: adora, y/n are you two okay??!!

Y/n: I'm fine what about you sis?

Adora: yeah I'm ok. I'm finally ok she......she's gone.

Bow: I'm so sorry we didn't believe you guys. We've....been bad friends.

Y/n: no bow your not.

Adora: y/n right this is what shadow weaver does. She manipulates people, she pulls them apart.....but it's not gonna work on me again.

Y/n: or me I'll be ready next time.

Glimmers aunt casts walks up to us as adora looks at her with regret.

Adora:I'm sorry it's my fault she was here. I endangered mystacor.

Y/n: no adora not just you she's after me now as well so I'm to blame as well so we both endangered mystacor.

Casta smiles at us catching me by surprised.

Casta: nonsense the two of you saved mystacor. Glimmer has chosen her friends well. I'll knit you two a sweater.

She then gets a thoughtful look.

Casta: what are your sizes in shoulders?

The four of us laugh then go for a group hug.

Cringer smiles and rubs his head against adora leg and she pats him on the head.

Adora: right now I'm like really really tired.

Y/n: same here.

You and adora were now back on the mystcor beach resting when adora opens her eyes and looks around.

Adora: glimmer? Y/n?

You it up and come into adora line of sight smiling as does glimmer.

Y/n: we're right here sis.

Glimmer: we got you.

Adora smiles then closes her eyes once more.

Back in the fright zone

Catra runs into shadow weavers room and sees the small damage done as she looks around.

Catra: shadow weavers???

Catra finally notices shadow weaver on the ground unconscious then smirks and turns away from her and goes up shadow weavers cauldron and looks inside it.

Catra: you were going at this all wrong shadow weaver to get to adora you are going to have to strike at her heart.

Inside the cauldron we see bow relaxed figure as Catra laughs as the screen goes black.  

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