Charlie Nova

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I didn't feel like going through galaxy designs and said fuck it, ignore her glare she's a bubbly person

Name: Charlie Nova

Allis: Doesn't need one

Nickname: Nova, Teddy ( a childhood nickname ) 

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Species: Werewolf- vampire hybrid

Personality: Bubbly, optimistic, friendly, jokester, selfless, very territorial, very protective with her friends and family, also rather childish

Magic: Shifting control, healing factor ( if it's not serious ), lie detection, longevity, hypnosis, scaling walls, superhuman speed, bat form

Likes: Forests, tropical places, exploring, new people, playing fetch, blood, meat, space, stars, rolling around in the grass, feeling the wind on her, jokes, reading

Dislikes: People questioning her authority ( despite her having none ), the blood moon, hunters, spiders, alcohol, large ass snakes, priests, covering her face/mouth, high pitch noises, anything around her neck

Weapons: She uses her claws and teeth for weapons 

Other: Her mother was from an alpha bloodline making her very territorial along with wanting to show her strength along with her being very protective, she normally smells like a vampire, she has heightened senses of a wolf, the blood moon will cause her to act more animalistic, she often gets blood by willing people or by animals, she has four of each power from both sides of her family, she shares some weaknesses as a werewolf and a vampire

[ List of weaknesses ]

. Wolfsbane

.Pure silver

.Destorying the heart by ripping it out


.Any holy place


.Invitation ( please let her in- ) 

.Blood starvation 

while she is not hurt by sunlight she still prefers to wear stuff to cover herself up, she uses magic mostly healing magic though she does a few damage magic, she normally travels in her wolf form by day and bat form by night, she doesn't have a home and normally travels around places

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