Chapter 5

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A few days had passed after that meeting with the other trolls. Poppy and Branch continued to visit Aria every morning and night and she seemed to get more comfortable with them day by day. Poppy wanted to introduce Aria to the rest of the tribes, including her dad. To show that Lost Trolls weren't dangerous. To show that Aria wasn't dangerous. And maybe bring the last tribe of trolls together with the others?

Poppy had been discussing with Branch about inviting Aria to the big party tonight but to her surprise, Branch didn't seem so convinced. He knew what it was like to be an outcast and be afraid around other people, thinking they wouldn't understand your ways. He may know very little about Aria and her tribe but he understood her and should be grateful that she trusts him and Poppy.

Poppy and Branch reached the clearing and found Aria sitting with her back against the tree and Echo flying around her head.

"Hey Ari!" Poppy greeted.

"Hey guys!" Aria greeted back. Poppy dug around in her hair to find something and pulled out a small basket of fruits.

"I brought you these, I thought you'd like them more than the candy." Poppy handed the basket to Aria. "They're from the market. I went yesterday."

"Wow! Thank you!" Aria smiled gratefully. Poppy gave Branch a look, as if telling him that she was going to ask Aria about the party. Branch gave her doubtful look.

"So Ari..." Poppy started, Aria looked at them attentively. "There's a huge party of all the troll tribes tonight, and me and Branch..." Branch gave her a dry look. "Okay just me. I was wondering if you would like to come." Aria's face dropped and she gave a sigh.

"Guys, I appreciate how you want to include me but..." Aria paused. "I-I just can't...our tribes are just too different."

"But Ari, it's our differences that make the world a richer pl-" Poppy was cut off.

"No!" Ari blurted. "You don't understand."

"Look Aria, I know what it's like to feel different from everyone else," Branch said. "But you're never gonna be rid of the feeling until you try." Poppy looked at Branch, feeling bad for what he had gone through. Branch then held Poppy's hand. "And you've got us to help you." Aria looked at the two trolls with tears in her eyes.

"Guys, you really don't understand." Aria sniffed. "I just....I-I...I can't!" She ran away from the trolls.

"Ari wait!" Poppy tried to stop her but Branch grabbed her shoulder. Echo looked over at Poppy and Branch before flying over to comfort Aria.

"We should go." Branch said, glumly. Poppy sighed as she looked at the direction that Aria ran off. She slowly nodded, agreeing with Branch.


In the center of Pop village, the party was just about to start and trolls from all six tribes were already starting to arrive. Branch was walking around trying to find Poppy, he felt so bad about Aria and he couldn't imagine how Poppy felt. All she wanted was to help Aria open up and unite the trolls. ALL the trolls. She only wanted to do good. Branch spotted Poppy sitting glumly on one of the colorful mushrooms near the village center. He walked over to her to see if she was okay.

"Poppy?" Branch said to her. Poppy looked at him with sad eyes. He climbed up onto the mushroom and sat beside her.

"It was my fault she got upset." Poppy sighed, she brought her head to her hands and groaned. "I feel like the worst friend ever." Branch put his arm around her shoulders and kissed her cheek.

"You're not the worst friend Poppy." Branch assured. "You were willing to give Aria a chance to open up and supported her no matter what." Poppy looked at Branch and he held her hands in his. "Just like how you never gave up on me when I was gray." Poppy smiled at Branch and brought him in for a hug.

"You're the best, Branch." Poppy said in his ear. "I love you so much."

"I love you too, Poppy." Branch said. The two of them broke away from the hug and Branch smiled at her. "Come on, let's go find her. Just to see if she's okay." Poppy nodded back.


The two trolls entered the clearing and called Aria's name, hoping for a reply.

"Ari?" Poppy called out. "Ari where are you?" Nothing. "You don't have to come out, we just want to know if you're okay." Still no response. "I can't imagine what you're going through and I shouldn't have pushed you like that! I'm sorry!" Still nothing.

"Maybe she just needs her space." Branch sighed. Poppy lowered her head.

"Come on, let's go to the party." Poppy sighed.

Aria watched from the tree as the two trolls left. Echo nuzzled her face as she lay on her shoulder. Aria took Echo in her hands and looked down at her.

"Am I doing the right thing?" Ari asked Echo. Echo just squeaked and gurgled in return. "You're right, I need to stop them." Aria slid down the tree and started to run out of the clearing. But before she could leave a figure dropped in front of her. She yelped as she stumbled back in surprise.

"Aria!" The figure cried. It was another Lost Troll. "Thank goodness you're okay!" He gave Aria a hug. "Are you going to the Pop Village with the others?" Aria looked behind him at the village and sighed.


At the party, all the trolls were having a good time. The lights were flashing, there was music blasting. Every song was different, a different style, different melody, different mood, something for everyone. King Peppy was dancing with the other trolls when he spotted Poppy. She looked so unhappy, very unusual for her. He walked over to see her.

"Hi sweetie. Are you alright?" Peppy asked his daughter.

"Hey Dad," Poppy sighed. She didn't know what to say, she was afraid to mention Aria to her dad because of what he told her.

"What's the matter?" Peppy asked. "I'm your father, you can tell me anything." Poppy knew he wasn't going to stop worrying until he found out what was bothering her. She had to come clean.

"Dad..." Poppy took a deep breath. "You know the other day when you told me and Branch about..." Poppy was cut off when all the lights went out suddenly. All the trolls fell silent and started to murmur to each other. "What happened to the power?" Poppy asked.

"Poppy!" Branch called out as he ran over to her. "What happened?" Poppy shrugged, worried. Suddenly a bright golden light came from on top of one of the large mushrooms. The light was coming from a luminous panther, similar to Echo. There was also a figure on top of the panther's back. Poppy and Branch both gasped.

"It can't be!" King Peppy gasped. "Lost Trolls!" The trolls all freaked out and ran away to hide. More guardians with Lost Trolls appeared around the village.

"Citizens of the Troll Kingdom!" The figure on top of the panther bellowed. "We don't want to harm you, we just..." A glitter canon was suddenly shot by a group of Pop Trolls and it hit the Lost Troll clean off of its guardian. The six tribes started to fight back. Rock Trolls created lightning from their guitars, Country Trolls chased the Lost Trolls and even Clampers got involved, and the Funk Trolls released bubbles to trap them, everyone fought back. King Peppy approached the troll on the golden panther. Poppy rushed over to her dad to stop him.

"Dad stop!" Poppy cried. "Don't hurt them, they're not dangerous!" King Peppy ignored Poppy as the Lost Troll approached him.

"Stay back!" King Peppy barked at the Lost Troll, standing in front of his daughter to protect her and using his cane for defense. "I will not let you harm our tribe again!"

"Our intention is not to harm you!" The Lost Troll said.

"That's exactly what your ancestor said!" King Peppy yelled.

"Get 'em!" Delta bellowed loudly. "All of ya!" All the trolls extended their hair to fight back and defend themselves. Delta and her Country Trolls started trying to capture the Lost Trolls with their hair. As Poppy stayed with her dad, she spotted Branch in the corner of her eye fighting against another Lost Troll with a green wolf guardian.

Aria couldn't believe what she was seeing. She hated seeing her tribe being attacked, but she also hated seeing the friends that she trusted getting hurt. She saw Branch getting attacked by the Lost Troll and his guardian. Branch used his hair to block the guardian's attacks. But the wolf grew larger and larger and attempted to trample him. Aria hopped onto Echo and flew down to stand between Branch and the wolf guardian. Echo grew larger and pushed against the wolf.

"Aria!" Branch gasped as she stood in front of him. Branch was so focused on the fight that he didn't notice Echo's tail about to knock him. It hit Branch so hard that it threw him against a nearby tree, knocking him unconscious. Poppy saw Branch against the tree and gasped.

"Branch!" Poppy cried as she sprinted over to him.

"Trolls! Retreat!" The Lost Troll on the panther guardian bellowed as he rode his guardian away. The other Lost Trolls followed him and rode their guardians away.

Poppy sat beside Branch, holding his head and shifting his body onto her lap. He slowly opened his eyes and looked up at Poppy.

"Oh Branch," Poppy stroked his head and kissed his cheek. Branch tried to get up, he was confused about what was happening. "Shhh it's alright. I'm so glad you're okay." She helped him sit up and he winced as he rubbed the side of his head. Aria looked around in disbelief, Echo shrunk down and rested on her shoulder. She spotted Poppy and Branch by the tree and looked at them sadly, she was about to go over to them until...

"There's one more! Get her!" Delta Dawn bellowed. Growly Pete along with several other trolls wrapped their hair (and mustache) around Aria's body, pinning her to the ground. Poppy and Branch heard Aria struggling and looked over to see her. Poppy gasped as she ran over to stop them.

"No! Stop!" Poppy yelled. "She's not dangerous!" Branch stood up carefully and walked over to Poppy.

"Poppy don't!" Branch pulled her away. She watched sadly as Growly Pete used his mustache to restrain Aria's wrists behind her back. King Quincy and Queen Essence approached Aria, looking down at her in disappointment.

"Were you behind all this?" King Quincy asked sternly.

"Sir, I promise you my tribe wasn't trying to harm anyone. We just needed your help, we didn't want to hurt you." Aria explained. "Please just let me go and I'll never return, I promise." Aria looked over at Poppy who was in disbelief, while Branch gave Aria a stern look.

"Your majesty, I suggest we lock her up. Keep her out of trouble!" Delta Dawn suggested. "Who knows what could happen if we let her loose?" Growly Pete pulled her away, but Aria tried to struggle out of his grasp.

"Please no!" Aria cried as she struggled. They noticed her necklace start to glow. "Y-you don't understand...let. Me. GO!" Echo suddenly burst out and grew four times the height of a troll, letting out a huge roar-like sound, baring her teeth. All the trolls around her gasped as they stumbled back.

"The legend was right....she's a demon!" King Quincy cried. "Delta Dawn! Take her to the jail!"


In Lonesome Flats, the trolls locked Aria in the jail cell. Poppy and Branch watched sadly as the country trolls locked the door.

"Miss Delta, what if she uses that demon of her's?" Growly Pete asked. Delta took a closer look at the gem around Aria's neck and noticed how it glowed and was the same color as Echo.

"The gem!" Delta suggested. Growly Pete reached his arm through the bars of the cell door and grabbed the necklace, tearing it off Aria's neck.

"No! Not my gem!" Aria cried as she tried to snatch it back from him.

"Sit tight." Delta said. "You're gonna be here a while." Aria pressed her head against the bars of the door in defeat. When she looked up again, both Poppy and Branch were there.

"Guys! You have to help me!" Aria cried. "You need to help get my gem back!"

"Do you really think we're gonna help you after what you just did?!" Branch blurted. Aria looked shocked.

"But Branch I-" Aria tried to say.

"That whole time you were in the clearing, were you just spying on us?" Branch asked. "Planning your attack and reporting back to your tribe?!" Aria sulked. "We trusted you!"

"Okay yes!" Aria admitted. "I was spying on you when you first saw me. But only because my tribe needs your help!" Branch kept the same serious look on his face. "I was seeing if you guys were friendly enough for us to approach you. Then I would return to my tribe and tell them, but then I met you guys! I trusted you guys!"

"Well, why didn't your tribe just ask for help back there?" Poppy asked calmly.

"Because throughout history your ancestors ignored ours, refused to help us!" Aria said. "All because we were too different! Because you were afraid of the power we possessed!" Branch and Poppy looked down at the ground. "But you have to help me, I can't survive without Echo!"

"You mean you just need her to escape?" Branch said. "I'm sorry Aria, but I just can't trust anything you say anymore." Branch turned away and walked back to the Pop Village. Leaving Poppy and Aria.

"Poppy, please." Aria begged. "You need to help me." Poppy looked sadly.

"I'm sorry, Aria." Poppy said as she walked away to follow Branch. Aria watched them until they were no longer visible. Then she sat in the corner of the jail cell with her knees in her chest, crying into her knees.

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