The next day

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"Get up!" Emma's mum said "We are going now to the mall like you said" "Huh" Emma got up half awake "Get dressed" yes Emma said quietly, she looked at her phone"9:30!!!! no no no I am meant to go at 11" "mum can we leave at 10:30" "sure Emma' yes  Emma said again.

Emma arrived at 11:05 and was at the clothing store and looked everywhere secretly and no sign of Ella.

Emma felt stupid she didn't know what ELLA LOOKED LIKE so she decided to look for a girl with a dad.

Emma saw a girl with long brown hair, freckales and glasses.

"Emma is that you" Ella said

"Ella is that you" Emma said

"OMG we finally got to see each other" Both of them squealed.

"What all this" Their dad said.

Their mum was so confused.

So Emma and Ella told them the whole story and then they decided to live together and their mum and dad got back together and Emma and Ella was so happy they couldn't wait to share a room together, go to school together and do everything together and of course be big sisters for their new baby sister or brother.

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