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a/n: to those who have read the previous version of this book... WHO DO YOU SHIP MORE: HOLLOWxRAIN or HOLLOWx(sorry can't say cuz spoilers but YOU SHOULD KNOW IF YOU READ IT)

Hollowpaw pranced back to camp, her head high. Two plump voles were dangling from her jaws, and her heart felt as light as ever. She sighed happily and placed her catch on the prey pile.

Applepaw, spotting her, hurried over. "Did you catch those?"

Hollowpaw ducked her head. "Uh, yeah."

The ginger she-cat grinned. Purring, she said, "That's great! Barely anyone catches something on their first day! I didn't! Neither did Owlpaw or Stormpaw!"

What? I actually beat Stormpaw at something? Hollowpaw twitched her whiskers. "Well, I guess it's just natural talent!" she bragged in a haughty voice, then burst out in giggles. Applepaw cuffed her over the ear, also laughing. "Alright, alright, I suppose I deserved that."

Applepaw smirked. "Yeah, kind of. Okay, bye! I'm super tired!"

Hollowpaw nodded in acknowledgement and sat down. She began to groom herself, rasping her tongue over her fluffy black and white fur. She was exhausted and her pelt was full of leaves and sticks, but she felt better than she had in moons. I'm an apprentice! I can finally be better than my past!

She could feel her guilt melting away, and she no longer imagined herself as less than her siblings. Hollowpaw was finally a part of her family again, and no-one had any reason to blame her for anything she did in the past. She was a new cat now—a loyal, hard-working, and level-headed apprentice who would do whatever it took to be a good cat.

* * * * * * * * *

"Up!" Morningsleet commanded, and Hollowpaw obeyed. She pushed off the ground and let Owlpaw skid to a halt a few tail-lengths behind her.

Hollowpaw tilted her head. "Was that alright?" Her whole body was quivering with anticipation. This was her first ever time doing battle training, and it was just so fun that she knew she'd done it correctly.

Morningsleet meowed, "You did wonderful! And I saw some instinctive battle moves that I know I haven't taught you yet! Great job, Hollowpaw—you're shaping up to be a fine young warrior. Now, stand next to me and watch Scarpaw and Applepaw fight. You can learn a lot from those two."

She cheerfully obeyed and scampered up next to her mentor, her sharp claws scuffing the sandy ground. The feel of dirt between her toes was as wonderful as it had been when she had first left camp. Now, a half-moon later, the pleasure she felt was still unbearable. Hollowpaw smiled to herself. Is there anything better than being an apprentice?

Willing herself to focus, Hollowpaw trained her eyes on the two apprentices scuffling in front of her. Scarpaw leaped onto a tree trunk and attempted to hurl himself on top of Applepaw, but she was too fast. The ginger tabby jumped out of the way at the last second, avoiding the attack and sending Scarpaw careening into a bush.

Morningsleet leaned over and whispered, "That was called the Air Dodge—it's the more advanced version of the move you just pulled on Owlpaw."

Hollowpaw nodded vigorously, enthralled. "And what was the move Scarpaw tried to do? I think you taught me it..."

Her mentor raised an eyebrow. "Yes, I did teach you it, and would have expected you to remember!" But as Hollowpaw looked away sheepishly, Morningsleet's eyes softened. "It's called the Leap-and-Hold."

Argh, Hollowpaw thought as she racked her brain. Why can't I remember? It looks so easy! She huffed, scraping the ground with her paw

"Don't beat yourself up on it," Stormpaw whispered from her perch a few feet away. "These things are hard—I could barely manage a front-paw slash when I started!"

Hollowpaw looked away. She didn't feel like letting her sister see her hurt expression. I know she didn't mean anything by it... She only wanted to help. But, still... Does she always have to remind me every time that I got held back? A growl sounded in her throat, and she quickly turned it into a purr so Stormpaw wouldn't suspect anything. She doesn't need to know how I feel. She'll just pity me more.

Guess I'll just slowly die inside.

"Uh, hello? Hollowpaw?" Rainpaw's nose nearly touched her eyeball. "Are you coming or not?"

"Oh, I was just getting 'in the zone,' before we fight," she lied.

Rainpaw raised his eyebrows but shrugged. "Whatever you say... Let's start!" Without waiting for her answer, he padded into the center of the hollow, angling with his tail for her to follow.

Swamped with relief that she wouldn't have to sit and stew about her past, she trailed behind him, flexing her claws to loosen her muscles. Hollowpaw turned to face Rainpaw and she set her paws, ready to leap anywhere at any moment. She was surprised how easily all the battle training came to her—it took only a few tries before she had mastered the beginner moves and Morningsleet had needed to teach more advanced attacks and dodges. Hollowpaw could tell her mentor was impressed, and a warm feeling flooded her chest. Let's go, Rainpaw.

Rainpaw made the first move. He feigned left and sprinted right, knocking her off her paws almost immediately. She scrambled to regain her footing and managed to kick dust in his eyes at the same time. Pushing upward, she catapulted onto Rainpaw back and slid her paws down his flank, acting like she would in a real battle. Hollowpaw kept her claws sheathed, of course—she didn't want to injure her clanmate.

"Hollowpaw! Roll over, onto your stomach!" called out Brokentuft. "He won't be able to get away if he's in the air!"

Rainpaw huffed indignantly. "You're my mentor, Brokentuft! You should be helping me, not her!"

"Not if she's got less training! Now shut up and focus."

Hollowpaw reacted before Rainpaw could—not rolling like Brokentuft said, but leaping off Rainpaw to slam a paw down his muzzle. Ha, she thought smugly. He wasn't expecting that! He thought I'd do what Brokentuft told me! She darted away quickly before Rainpaw could retaliate.

He charged at her, full speed. Hollowpaw yelped and leaped into the air, hoping to avoid him. But she was a second too late—he barreled into her as she jumped and sent her sprawling backward. Hollowpaw tumbled into the undergrowth and gave a yowl of pain as she landed on a thorn. "Oof!"

Rainpaw rushed up to her and put a paw on her chest proudly. "Yes! I win!"

"Get off, you big galoot!"

He grinned. "I have literally no idea how I managed to do that! But I won!"

Brokentuft padded up to both of them. "Simple physics, Rainpaw. She was jumping as you ran into her, which sent her both up and backward."

"That was Hollowpaw? I thought that was a mutant squirrel," joked Applepaw, who had come to help Hollowpaw up.

Hollowpaw rolled her eyes. "Who are you calling a squi–"

"Nobody's a squirrel," Morningsleet cut in. "It's getting dark, and my apprentice here took quite the tumble. I say we should head back to camp now."

Thunderbrook, Brokentuft, Flashtooth, and Birdflight nodded approvingly, though their apprentices groaned in annoyance. Only Redheart seemed perturbed by how the young warrior was taking the lead. He was a senior warrior, and every cat in the Clan knew he wanted to be deputy. Hollowpaw twitched her whiskers in amusement.

Morningsleet seemed to have caught on too. "Redheart, I'm not trying to–"

The ginger tom gruffly interrupted. "I don't like cats reading my thoughts, either."

Her mentor nodded and sighed, and began to lead the way through the forest.

Now that Hollowpaw had a moment to herself, she realized how much she hurt all over. She had a cut on her stomach from rolling over a thorn and her pads were cracked and bleeding. It hurt to walk, and she groaned softly.

"You good?" Rainpaw whispered, eyes round in concern.

Hollowpaw nodded, hoping to avoid being the center of attention or making him feel bad. "I'm fine. Just a little banged up, that's all." Oh, please don't feel bad. It's not your fault. She gave him a bright smile to prove her point.

He licked his chest fur in embarrassment. "Oh, sorry. Guess I'm just too powerful for my own good," he boasted, licking her ear.

She purred. "Yeah, right!" But secretly, Hollowpaw felt pleased that he had noticed her, even when she tried to hide it. The spot where his tongue brushed her ear was ruffled, and she twitched it, smiling to herself. Maybe he likes me! She realized, and immediately felt her cheeks burn. No, no, no, of course not... That's silly.

Then why does it sound so wonderful?

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