Chapter 3: America's Side

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Mitsuko: So I'm sorry if this took long.. I am really running out of ideas..but hey, I'm back! XD
So I hope you'll like this new chapter!


It's been two weeks since the outbreak started. The America's team, Unicorn, is striving hard just to survive. Unlike Inazuma Japan, this team doesn't know anything! Well, besides the fact that they are surrounded by smelly, scary, and mysterious virus-infected people.

Unicorn is still inside their camp. All of the windows and doors are barricaded. Fortunately, there are stocks of foods and drinks left in the refrigerator. And because of curiosity, Dylan decided to go out, but Mark noticed him.

"What are you doing, Dylan?" Mark asked in a serious tone, making Dylan gulp.

"U-umm...I'm just going out...?" Dylan said nervously hoping that Mark won't be mad.

"And why are you going out?" Mark asked again while his arms are crossed.

"J-just to check what's happening..." Dylan stuttered nervously while sweating really hard.

"Are you kidding me?! You're going out there, and you don't even know what's going on!" Mark shouted at him.

"That's why I'm going out! I can't just sit here and watch those stupid, walking, smelly, cannibal people lurk around our dorm! What if they got in? What are you going to do? Nothing! Because you don't know a thing about those pests! So shut up and let me be!" Dylan protested, angrily, making Mark froze on his spot.

"I...I'm coming with you." Mark said and Dylan nodded.

As they started to remove the objects from the door, there were a sudden noise from the kitchen, the sound is like a window being broken or something. The other members are alerted by this sound and they ran as quickly as possible to Mark and Dylan.

"What was that?" Billy asked.

"I don't know but we should check it out." Mark said while taking some steps forward as Dylan followed him, as so as the other members.

They were getting closer to the kitchen and it made them all nervous. Mark took a deep breath and peeked through the door. His eyes shot open when he saw the scene. It''s... TONY! Tony is being eaten by the cannibal! Mark continued to peek until he saw another of those kind coming closer to door. And it seemed like he is noticed by that 'thing'. Mark stepped away from the door and dragged Dylan to the front door.

"Oi! Where are you going?!" Bob asked in an irritated tone.

"Seriously! What did you saw?!" Ted butted in but Mark just ignored it and continued to remove the objects from the door.

"If you won't answer us, then we'll go inside!" Sean said as he opened the door. His eyes shot open when he saw a bunch of cannibals lurking around the kitchen. Those 'things' started to lunge at him and the other members, leaving them off guard!

"Mark! Why didn't you say that those things got inside of here?! Now they're all eating our friends!" Dylan shouted at Mark but Mark ignored it again. They were all panicking. Almost half of the team is being eaten. Mark finally removed all the objects barricading the door and he quickly dragged Dylan out of the dorm. He was about to close the door until someone shouted at him.

"MARK!! Wait for me!!" Domon shouted while running as he is trying to escape the cannibal that is chasing him. Dylan extended his arm for Domon to reach. Domon successfully reached his arm and got out of the dorm as Mark shut the door close.

The three are panting like crazy. They can't process what the glob is going on! Until Dylan snapped out of his thoughts.

"What the heck are you thinking, Mark?! If you just said that there were cannibals in that room then they should be safe right now! H-how could you!!" Dylan shouted at the top of his lungs making his voice echoed in the area. Mark just looked down, finding himself guilty.

"ANSWER ME!!" Dylan shouted once again as he shook Mark with full force.

"I WAS PANICKING, OKAY!! AND I DON'T KNOW WHAT CAME OVER TO ME!!! I'm sorry..." Mark kind of explained making Dylan loosen his grip on him.

"I'm sorry..." Mark spoked again making Dylan and Domon stare at him. Dylan is about to say something until they heard some growls coming to their direction.

"I think we caught their attention." Domon said while backing away.

"What does it look like?!" Dylan panicked yet again.

"We should run. NOW!" Mark alerted them as they ran to the opposite side, dodging all the attacks of the cannibals.

The three continued to run as the cannibals continued to chase them. They don't know where they are exactly going but they do know that they need to run. They need to escape those filthy things and survive. But they can't go on like this forever. They need to hide or they need to lose them so that they can clearly think about where are they heading next.

While they're running, Domon made an idea and decided to share it to them.

"We have no choice, this is the only way. No matter if this is risky or not!" Domon thought and nodded to himself.

"All right, guys. Listen to me. We need to make some diversion to lose them. So that we can hide and rest for a bit!" Domon suggested.

"Yeah. But who's going to be the diversion?" Dylan questioned.

"No one." Domon added.

"WHAT?!" Mark and Dylan exclaimed.

"We just need to find a noisy object and throw it at the place that is far from us so that it'll distract them." Domon explained.

"Right." Mark agreed. They searched everywhere for metal while running.

Successfully, Dylan found a steel bar along the way. He grabbed it and threw it on their far left. All those cannibals shifted their attention to the noise and started running to its direction. Mark, Dylan, and Domon quickly ran to the opposite direction and hid at he mini-shack at the corner of the road. They entered it quickly and closed the door, barricading it with some objects. The three sat at the floor and panted like crazy!

"So...where are we going now?" Domon asked while panting.

" about we go to Endou?" Dylan suggested while panting.

"That's...actually a good idea." Mark agreed while panting.

So they are all settled, they just need to rest for a bit.

-After 2 Hours-

They finally rested. Although it's just a short time, at least, they regained their energy back. They decided to move out.

They quickly ran towards to Japan's side since it's the most nearer side. They camouflaged among the surrounding so that those cannibals won't notice them. They continued to be like that for some time. And finally! They have reached the Inazuma Japan's dorm!

They quickly knocked on the door, hoping that someone would show up. Fortunately, there is! Endou showed up!

"Mark! Dylan! Domon!" Endou exclaimed. He immediately let them in so that no other cannibals would be attracted. He quickly shut the door close and let the three rest.

"What are you doing here? How are the others? Are they safe?" Endou shot them with these questions. Dylan just shook his head and Endou understood what that meant.

"I'm sorry." Endou said as he frowned.

"Don't worry, we'll let you stay here. You're safe for now." Kidou said making the three nod.

"Where's Ichinose?" Aki asked worriedly to Domon. Domon just shook his head as he looked down. Aki fell on her knees and cried. Endou soothed her and so as the other managers.

It's finally dark, they all need to take a rest. So some need to scoot over so the three can rest to some of the rooms. And that's it, the end for the team, Unicorn. There's no one left, only Mark, Dylan and Domon. Of course, they can't just move on. But they need to Keep Moving Forward. No matter what.


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