Creepypasta 1

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I walked home from school and once I got home, I opened the door and saw that nobody was home. I remembered that they'll be playing new Loud House episodes. So, I grabbed a sandwich from the fridge that I made this morning, and sat directly in front of the TV. The jolly, happy theme song started to play, but I noticed something strange...

Lincoln, Lynn, and Luna had bloody eyes with their clothes all saggy and ripped up. I thought it was just a coloring mistake, so I kept on watching. Though, I was kinda freaked out. Some of the singing sounded distorted and bland. As the theme song ended, Lily didn't appear at the end when she walks off the black screen and says "Poo Poo!" I wondered where she was, because that was my favorite part of the theme song.

The title card showed up, the background was blood red and the music was all distorted. The title of the episode read "Baby Shower." I wondered if a new character was going to be added, but I was wrong...

The episode started as the dad was walking to the basement with some tools. Until, a hand pulls him into the darkness. It was Lynn. Lynn told the dad that she was pregnant. Lynn told the dad that she was raped. I was wondering why they would put this stuff on Nickelodeon. This is way too dark to be on the channel.

The dad promised to keep it between Lynn and himself. The next day, the other Loud kids noticed that Lynn and The Dad were acting quiet and strange. Lynn was very weak and sad. Nobody knew why except for Lynn and Dad. The Loud kids decided to get involved. Lola tried to spy on them, Lincoln hid his walkie-talkie where Lynn and Dad were to see if they'd say anything, but nothing came up. The Loud kids were trying their best to find out what's going on.

It switched to night time and Lynn was knocking on Lincoln's door while crying. "What's wrong Lynn?" Lincoln said while staring at her in confusion. "Lincoln, there's something I've been hiding from you.." Lynn said, "I was raped..." She said while crying. Lincoln gave her a hug and went back to sleep. Lincoln had very scary nightmares about his family.

The next morning, Lincoln invited Lynn into the basement. As soon as Lynn could say a word, Lincoln shoved her into the furnace and watched her burn to death. Luna walked in with her guitar amps and watched in horror as her little sister was being burned alive. Luna tried to help Lynn out but it was too late...Lincoln shoved Luna in the furnace and started to burn. The dad walked in and was screaming and crying.

The episode ended with a scene where Lincoln was hanging himself from the tree in the front yard. Then the scene faded to black and that episode was never seen again. I shut off the TV in horror. I was traumatized...I felt sick to my stomach, and very lightheaded.
I tried to sleep that night, but that episode kept me up all night. I tried to take sleeping pills, but that didn't work.

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