Reinforcements From The Family

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Two months the Loud sister, the Qi siblings and their friends came back to visit Royal Woods and to surprise Lincoln and Emiko for their anniversary until they noticed that there was an alien attack on the town and the previous Ultramen from the past told them that the aliens are members of an evil martian empire and that Lincoln and Emiko had taking Ultraman's place as the guardians of the earth and they need they're help.

Confused they asked "how" and they showed them their Ultra morphers and how to activate the ultra powers and that they've taking their place as the new ultra team.

Martian Chancellor: Time to say goodbye Ultraman Dyna and Ultragirl Zero

Ultraman Tiga: Not so fast criminal

Martian Chancellor: More Ultramen and Ultragirls?!

Martian General: It doesn't matter Chancellor they're toast

Ultragirl Ginga: They're too powerful

Ultraman Belial: We must get Lincoln and Emiko out of here, teleporter activate

The Ultra team took Ultraman Dyna and Ultragirl Zero to an old abandoned warehouse where they'll be safe for a while until they can form a plan.

Ultraman Belial: Are you two ok?

Lincoln: Yeah we're ok

Emiko: Couldn't be better but who are you?

Chozen: It's me Chozen I've become Ultraman Belial now

Leo: I've become Ultraman Leo at your service Linkster

Clyde: Ultraman Tiga

Ronnie Anne: Ultragirl Gaia

Donna: I'm now Ultragirl Neos

Jake: I'm now Ultraman Agul

Lori: Ultragirl Justice at your service little bro

Leni: I'm now Ultragirl Sega

Luna: I'm Ultra Seven

Luan: Ultragirl Ginga

Lucy: Ultragirl 80

Lana: Ultragirl Mebius

Lola: Ultragirl Ace

Lisa: Ultragirl Cosmos

Lily: Ultragirl Taro

Chozen: The Ultramen from the past told us to take their place as the new Ultramen and Ultragirls to help you two to save the world and humanity's freedom

Lincoln: Thank you guys, together we'll fight for freedom and justice

Leo: And Together we'll save our town and our families

Clyde: Let's save the world

Outside of the warehouse, the martian chancellor and the martian general found out where the new ultra team is hiding they tried to destroy the warehouse but they were blasted where they were.

Lincoln: Ready guys let's go

Ultra team: Right!

Ultraman Dyna: Ultraman Dyna, Lincoln

Ultragirl Zero: Ultragirl Zero, Emiko

Ultraman Tiga: Ultraman Tiga, Clyde

Ultragirl Gaia: Ultragirl Gaia, Ronnie Anne

Ultraman Leo: Ultraman Leo, Leo

Ultragirl Neos: Ultragirl Neos, Donna

Ultraman Agul: Ultraman Agul, Jake

Ultragirl Justice: Ultragirl Justice, Lori

Ultraman Belial: Ultraman Belial, Chozen

Ultragirl Sega: Ultragirl Sega, Leni

Ultra Seven: Ultra Seven, Luna

Ultragirl Ginga: Ultragirl Ginga, Luan

Ultragirl 80: Ultragirl 80, Lucy

Ultragirl Mebius: Ultragirl Mebius, Lana

Ultragirl Ace: Ultragirl Ace, Lola

Ultragirl Cosmos: Ultragirl Cosmos, Lisa

Ultragirl Taro: Ultragirl Taro, Lily

Martian General: Get them

Ultraman Dyna: Alright my friends, we're here to save the world, let's take them down

The martian general and his armies charged into battle against the ultra team but the ultra team was much good in combat and made the general's armies drop like flies and when they went into mega mode they defeated the general, victory now belongs the new ultra team.

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