The Ultimate Battle

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Previously the Ultra Team entered through different portals to the underworld from the cities they were in, when they arrived to the underworld they saw that they need to defeat another army of demons to the demon palace and regroup with the others but some were ambushed by the demons like if they were expecting them to arrive, but they stood their ground and began to take their last stand against the demon king.

Army by army, the Ultra Team eliminated them all one by one, the hunters became the haunted. Ultraman Dyna and Ultragirl Gaia were the first two to make it to the palace and the others arriving right on time.

Ultragirl Gaia: Look Lincoln the others

UltraFather: The family's all here

UltraMother: That's right honey, now let's finish this once and for all

Ultra Team: Right!

The Ultra Team raided the entire demon palace and saw that the entire palace was empty seeing that the servants left in order to save themselves and to prevent getting killed by them. Lynn Sr saw them getting closer and closer until he heard Lane's voice.

Lane: Lynn Sr

Lynn Sr: Lane, you traitor should've never entered here alone

Lane: Who said I came alone *Opens a portal to the spirit realm*

Lynn Sr: I'm sorry son *shuts the portal* we're closed, tell me why are you betraying your father?

Lane: You and your daughter, forced to do your bitten, that's where I draw the line

Lynn Sr: So you rather leave your rightful place as the demon king and join the good guys

Lane: Defend yourself

Lane charged into battle against Lynn Sr and he saw that his ultimate opponent as a warrior wasn't the Tiger Warrior at all its his own father, the Ultra Team came just in the nick of time and saw that Lynn Sr had a knife pointing to Lane's throat saying.

Lynn Sr: You bigger disappointment than Lynn Jr and Lincoln, the deal is over, you'll as I murder your friends and I'll see Jena just to kill her as well

Demon Prince: Not as long as I still breathe

The Demon Prince went ultra mode and fought against the evil demon king, the Ultra Team covered for him while he would opening another portal to the spirit realm where he is getting allies for the final battle.

Lynn Sr: You'll never win Joshua and why are you still with that disappointment of my son Lincoln?

UltraFather: Because he's a brave warrior, a good person and not a coward like you a sorry excuse of a father and husband

Lynn Sr: You want him then you can have him

UltraFather: On the contrary I've always been his father

Lynn Sr defeated easily the Ultra Team not caring if they're his daughters and wife.

Lynn Sr: You're all pathetic not even with your strength can defeat me

Demon Prince: No but it is strong enough to distract you *opens the portal* now everybody

The Ultra Team got up and used their animal spirits to throw Lynn Sr to a wall, they also saw the warriors that Lane had defeated from the past 15 years and the warriors forgaved him and saw that the real enemy is Lynn Sr. Lynn Sr got up and laughed all evilly transforming into a giant demon horned king. The Ultra Team and the warriors combined their powers and creating the Ultimate Ultra Mecha, the ultimate battle has begun, Lynn Sr used his power and strength to attack but our heroes are smart and use his attacks against him but now raged Lynn Sr uses his lighting power trying to destroy our heroes mecha meanwhile inside the mecha everybody saw each other as they knew that is the ultimate battle either to win or die trying. The ultimate ultra mecha combined the spirit animals of our heroes destroying Lynn Sr powers and him with final breathe Lynn Sr said.

Lynn Sr: You have defeated me but my empire will return and take your souls with it

Lincoln: Not this time

Lincoln used the sealing symbol to banish him once and for knowing that symbol need a lot of energy he used all his energy banishing Lynn Sr permanently. Victory is now there's.

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