UltraFather And UltraMother

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Five months later the Ultra Team began to make a last stand against the Martian Empire. Divide and conquer.

Ultraman Belial: Alright guys today is the day that we will defeat the Martian Empire and show them that no one messes with our home and gets away with it

Ultra Team: Right!

The final battle against the Martian Empire had just begun the Ultra Team used new techniques to take down the martian fleet and the martian fleet and armies began to drop like flies, the martian emperor had enough and planned to confront the Ultra Team face to face, mecha to mecha.

Martian Emperor: Enough you defeated my armies, my fleet and my generals, this time you're going to confront me the Martian Emperor

Ultraman Dyna: Bring it on

Martian Emperor: (Roaring with rage)

Ultraman Dyna: Let's take him down

Ultra Team: Right!

The Ultra Team began to fight the evil Martian Emperor and they saw him transforming into a giant Godzilla like monster.

Ultraman Dyna: He's become a giant monster, time to transform into the ultimate Ultra mecha

Ultra Team: Right!

The Ultra Team transformed into the ultimate Ultra Mecha.

Martian Emperor: It'll take mor then becoming into a giant mecha to stop me

Ultimate Ultra Mecha: We'll see about that

The Martian Emperor and Ultimate Ultra Mecha began to battle through out Royal Woods, Detroit, Chicago and then into space, inside the Mecha Lincoln and Emiko had a plan.

Emiko: Alright everybody Lincoln and I have a plan, we'll make him that they defeated us and then we'll attack by surprise

Lori: That's literally great idea Emiko

The Ultra Mecha attacked but the Martian Emperor fought back and defeated the Ultimate Ultra Mecha but he didn't is that he was attacked in the chest and he blew up he said.

Martian Emperor: You might've defeated me Ultra Team but my empire will rise again you've won the battle but you'll lose the war

The remaining members of the Martian Empire fled after their emperor was defeated. The Ultra Team went back to earth to celebrate their victory until their ultra morphers gaved them another alert. "Demon alert , demon alert, Lynn Loud and her demon goons are attacking at a construction site.

Chozen: Lynn's attacking!

Clyde: And we were about to celebrate our victory

Ronnie Anne: Well here we go again

The group of friends ran to the construction site, meanwhile in there the construction site. workers ran for their lives and Lynn was laughing with pride.

Dark Ultragirl Camearra: Hahaha I love the smell of humans screaming in the morning

Lily: Not so fast Lynn

Dark Ultragirl Camearra: Well, well, well it isn't the traitors

Luna: You're the traitor Lynn

Luan: You made us believe that Lincoln was bad luck

Lori: You literally thought that Lincoln would grow weak but he grew stronger than you

Dark Ultragirl Camearra: But I'm more powerful, demons attack

Lincoln: Let's go

Ultra Team: Right! (Transforming)

The Ultra Team charged into battle but what they didn't noticed is that they're heading into a trap, they were ambushed and defeated but suddenly two more Ultraman and Ultragirl came out of no where and saved the Ultra Team.

UltraFather: You didn't think that you would win that easily did ya?

UltraMother: We're not going down without a fight

Dark Ultragirl Camearra: We'll see about that, get them my pretties hahaha

UltraFather and UltraMother fought back and defeated Lynn's demon goons. They removed their helmets and the team were surprised.

Lincoln: Mom, Dad!

Joshua: Surprised to see us son?

Lincoln: Yea but how did you become superheroes?

Rita: We found two ultra morphers and fought against Lynn Sr's demons and we came to help

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