The Beginning 4

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This is the last Beginning chapter and after this point...we will begin the Incident Arc and then we'll go into the Revenge Arc. Hope you guys enjoyed the short introduction.

Now back to the story:

Lola and Lana were busy working on their homework assignments while wondering when their next contests were going to be. Despite having some clear differences between them, they still cared for each other. 

"Lola, Why are we studying again?" Lana moaned. Lola had to resist the urge to roll her eyes when her twin started to complain again.

"We are studying so you can keep doing your mud wresting contests. Mom saw your report card and almost blew a fuse." Lola said.

"Then why didn't Lisa...." Lana started to say before Lola interrupted her once again.

"Lisa is busy working for an upcoming lecture for her class. You know that she got a job being a teaching assistant after they saw her last project." Lola said. Lisa showcased an old project that was able to change weather patterns which impressed the community college that they offered her a job. Though it got some complaints, but that didn't really matter due to how many tried to complain for the stupidest of reasons over the years.

"Fine. Think Mom and Dad will come see us." Lana said.

" depends on how busy they are. The same can be said for Lincoln too since he can't be everywhere at once." Lola said. Lana mostly looked down during this explanation, but agreed with it in the end. Their parents were busy with work and they had to make a new schedule to see which sibling goes to which event. However...they also had to deal with Ronnie Anne if she wanted to spend time for her soulmate. So the siblings continued to keep working while Lily listened in outside of the door.

Lily knew how much their brother did for them, but it seems like a huge majority of her siblings didn't. Leni was the exception since she only played along in order to not get on Lori's bad side. Even then, she would tell her that she appreciated Lincoln's help with her hobby.

"Hopefully the others will notice too before something terrible happens." Lily muttered to herself as she walked away while Ronnie Anne was on her laptop. Next to her was a camera and as she slowly picked it up...

She smirked and got ready to get revenge on the Loud sisters (minus Leni and Lily). Never knowing that it would be a death sentence for her.

Hope you enjoyed the short chapter...Bye 👋

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