The Incident 3

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After the secret meeting between Leni and Lincoln, the duo kept a close eye on Ronnie Anne. It wasn't easy especially since they kept the entire thing from the rest of their siblings. Though, they could see that it was drawing suspicion from them as the days seemed to drone on.

"She was on her phone again." Lincoln muttered when he met Leni in the park. It was chilly despite the sun literally shining upon them. They could also feel a gentle breeze which made the leaves sway all around them. 

"Which means that whatever she's planning is taking place on her phone or maybe her computer at home." Leni mused as she watched some children play in the distance. It reminded her of the days where their family were super close. They were still close, but the family slowly turned toxic as the years flew by. 

"If what you're saying is..." Lincoln says with a concerned voice. 

"Whatever she's planning will cause utter chaos and most definitely cause the others to become berserk. To be honest, won't end well for anyone." Leni said. Lincoln stared at his older sister for a moment before placing his head in his hands. 

"This situation is getting out of control before the chaos has even started. What should we do, Leni? If we don't stop Ronnie Anne then the others will..." Lincoln said before some tears started to fall on his face.

"I..I don't know. I wish that I had an answer, but I can't think of anything." Leni said as she slowly wrapped her right arm around her brother's shoulder. 

"If only I never opened my mouth and told my friends about what happens in our house then maybe this whole situation could've been avoided." Lincoln mused.

"Lincoln, this isn't your fault. You had no way of knowing how Ronnie Anne would react nor how determined she would be to try and do something about it." Leni said.

"But..." Lincoln began before Leni stopped him.

"Before you start to blame yourself again, this was bound to happen sooner or later. After all, we had some...questionable moments during the last couple of years. Especially that one incident that could've ended badly if someone snitched to another person." Leni said.

"I guess that's true, but I'm still worried for Ronnie Anne." Lincoln said. 

"That's understandable. Our sisters do tend to get a bit...out of control when things don't go there way or if someone tries to mess with them." Leni said. Lincoln opened his mouth to talk to his older sister more, but his phone interrupted him. Raising an eyebrow, Lincoln looked at the screen.

"Lori wants us back." Lincoln said before the pair slowly started the walk home. At the same time, Ronnie Anne edited the footage in order to make sure that nothing got left out. It had to be perfect. It would be enough to make the loud sisters minus Leni and Lily go through hardship. The footage will also cause some tension between her brother and Lori who still had the gall to act like she was a saint. 

It was sickening to walk around her own house while listening to Lori tell her brother tall tales about how treated her siblings. It was tempting to storm into the room and spit out how things actually were, but she held herself back. Her brother was deeply in love with Lori which meant that he wouldn't believe anything that she would say. He would even think that she was jealous of their relationship and will probably scold her for doing such a thing. While Lori would probably blame this on some made up issue between Lincoln and herself. 

Shaking her head, she quickly kept at it until the footage was perfect, at least in her eyes, and quickly downloaded it onto a USB drive. Just in time for the upcoming Royal Woods celebration hosted by the major for all of Royal Woods. Everyone would be there especially those sisters who had no idea that their lives would crumble into dust. 

Hopefully this will lead to some better changes between them and Lincoln. Never knowing that the girls would get some series payback on her tenfold.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter...Bye 👋

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