Chapter 2

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One Month Later

Lexi bobbed her head along to 'Seven Nation Army,' by The White Stripes, filtering through her Bose headphones. As she skimmed the list of names on her computer screen, she adjusted her thick-rimmed glasses. A tap on her shoulder startled her back and she let out a little yelp.

"Oh, sorry, Lex! Didn't mean to scare you!" her mother said after Lexi quickly pulled down her headphones and turned around.

"No worries, Mom. I think I almost solved this one. The uncle is living in Mississippi, it seems. Based on the records, it's looking like he's the only one left in her family after the rest were brutally murdered last year."

"Oh, amazing! That's exciting!" Scarlett leaned back on Lexi's desk facing her, and Lexi wondered which part her mom found exciting. "You're solving this one so quick. I just gave it to you this morning!"

Lexi shrugged and smiled. "Well, we don't really have any other cases on the docket, so I was able to spend today working through it."

"Okay great. Well, anyways, speaking of, I just came over to tell you there's nothing else that came in today, so you can just call it quits early if you like." She adjusted a Harry Potter figurine on Lexi's cluttered desk, before heading back over to her much more organized desk.

Lexi glanced at her dad who had glasses down to the tip of his nose and was busy typing away at his own desk at the other end of the room. She was about to place her headphones back on, when her mom called back out to her. "Oh, honey, did you want to be the one to tell the client the news once you're done?"

Lexi shook her head and her messy bun jerked in the process. "Not really."

"Okay, sweetie, no worries. Just let me know whenever you've confirmed the details and I can give them a call."

The typing from her dad's computer was all that could be heard before Lexi put her headphones back on and turned the volume up. She knew that she needed to speak with clients directly someday, but after what happened last month, she resolved to just keep doing what she did best – working behind the scenes. Sure, she would cling to every word her parents or Cole would say after a field mission. And sure, she would get a burning feeling in her chest whenever Cole went into detail about how he escalated a case to a point where the police got involved. Yet, sitting there in her sweats and black t-shirt, in her family's garage, she was comfortable with how she was making a difference in the world.

She thought about what would she even say to the client. Something like, 'Oh hey, girl, what's up? Your uncle may have killed the only family you know. Thanks for the business. Bye.' Lexi laughed out a breath through her nostrils and shook her head. She knew the best thing would be was to stick with a language she was most familiar with - coding.

Lexi closed out of her work files and opened up her web browser. Before she began typing, she subtly gazed over toward her brother's desk behind hers. She knew he was in the other room playing video games, but one could never be too careful.

As if each lettered square on her keypad was as delicate as a thin wafer cookie, she pressed out Tom Miller into the search bar. The name stared back at her, begging to be searched. It taunted her, like the memory of that night. The worst part of the cruel reminder was the images of his face and the kisses they had shared. As much as she tried to forget about the softness of his lips and his hands roaming her body, she had resolved that it was just something she would forever have to live with. Replaying it over and over again in her mind, forcing pleasure aches to fill her, was simply collateral damage from a failed mission.

Don't do it, Lex. You've gotten this far without looking him up. Don't do it now. Nothing good will come out of this.

A ping alerted her to a text and as soon as she saw the name, she let out a sigh of relief. It was as if Mindy knew what she was thinking and was right next to her to snap her out of it. Lexi quickly deleted the name lurking in the search bar before unlocking her phone.

Mindy: Hey girl, can I come over? I finished work.

Lexi: Yes, but no more checking out my brother. It got weird last time.

Mindy: Girl, I would never! I hate him! And yay! I'm outside.

Lexi laughed and rolled her eyes. How could she have expected anything else from her best friend? Before Lexi even got up from her seat, Mindy was bounding into the room with Cole behind her.

"I found this weirdo waiting outside. Does she belong to anyone?" Cole pointed his head towards the five foot two dark haired firecracker beside him.

"How's my favorite family doing today? Sorry I'm late, there was so much traffic to get here!"

At that, Lexi's dad eyes shot up over his glasses. "Mind, what route did you take? Don't tell me you took Brea Boulevard."

Scarlett stood up and gave Mindy a hug while letting her daughter's friend respond. "No, Mr. Scott, I would never. I took South Sycamore all the way to the Ninety-Five."

"Oh weird! You would think South Sycamore would be good." He shook his head and turned back to his computer. "I'll look up the police reports to see if there was an accident."

"Alright while Jason's looking up that information we so desperately need, I'm going to make us some dinner. You girls want to help?"

Both Mindy and Lexi nodded and proceeded to follow Scarlett to the small kitchen. The bright lighting reflected against the gray marbled counter tops and sienna stained wooden cabinetry. The space had an island in the middle and connected right to the dining area. Cole ended up following and helped with setting the table while the girls cooked the spaghetti.

As she was stirring the red sauce, Mindy steered the conversation back to the subject Lexi knew was coming. "So, any job openings for me in the family biz?"

"Mindy why are you so obsessed with us? Can't you get your own life?"

"Cole! Don't talk to her like that!" Lexi scowled at her brother who was counting out the silverware.

"Cole, have you seen my detective skills in action? I think you're just jealous I might do your job better than you can!" Mindy shot back and Lexi laughed.

A snort came out of Cole's mouth. "Oh come on. The one tip you sent to TMZ does not count!"

"It so does! Also, let's not forget the time I said Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello were going to get back together before Coachella. You all heard me!" She smiled and nodded towards Lexi and Scarlett before placing a hand on her hip and turning back to Cole. "And don't even get me started on Glen and Sydney."

"Riveting stuff, Mind. You're saving the world one gossip blog at a time."

"Alright stop it, you two." Scarlett drained the pasta and began to dish up plates before turning to Mindy. "I'm sorry, Mind. I know how much this world interests you. We just can't afford to bring anyone else on."

"Mom can't we find some way?" Lexi turned to Scarlett with the Parmesan.

"Some way for what?" Jason entered the kitchen and dipped a pinky in the spaghetti sauce.

"To hire Mindy. Please, Dad? Can we hire her?"

Jason sighed and glanced at his wife before turning to face Lexi. "Everyone get your plates and sit down. There's something your mother and I need to tell you."

"Jason, I thought we'd wait until after dinner," Scarlett said after dropping her spoon in the pot she was holding.

"What is it?" Cole and Lexi said at the same time.

Jason took in a deep breath. "Your mom and I..." He paused as he looked between the wide-eyes before him. "Your mom and I have started looking for other jobs."

"What do you mean other jobs?" Cole asked as he stood up.

"Well the truth is, we're having a hard time keeping this business afloat. There's only so much we can do to get our name out there, and unfortunately we haven't had much traction besides the small cases we get online."

The room stayed silent for a moment and Lexi, Mindy, and Cole look between each other with mouths slightly hung open. Scarlett grabbed some plates and set them down on the dining table. "Kids, nothing has changed yet. Your father and I only just started looking. Please don't let this ruin our evening."

"Well, I just, uh-I don't understand what this means for Cole and I? Do we start looking for jobs too?" Lexi stood frozen in her spot as her parents placed her plate on the dining table.

"Everyone, come sit down. Let's pray and then eat," Scarlett motioned to the table as steam was rising from the dishes. It took a moment, but Lexi, Cole, and Mindy made their way to their seats at the round wooden table and Scarlett said a quick prayer.

"Lex, we don't know yet. Your mom and I just need some time to figure it out. We wanted to just be upfront with you all on what's been going on. No need to panic and we should just enjoy our dinner."

The room was silent as everyone picked at the plates in front of them. Mindy cleared her throat, breaking the deafening silence. "Is this because of Lexi's hot tub fiasco?"

The group laughed and Lexi smiled and rolled her eyes. "Et tu, Mind?"

"Sorry Lex. I just was curious." Mindy covered her mouth and giggled.

"Nothing will ever top Lexi's hot tub fiasco. Especially when-" Cole started but then stopped as soon as a ring at the door bell was heard. "Someone's at the door."

"Oh, someone's at the door? I'm blown away by your detective skills," Mindy said before shoving a forkful of spaghetti into her mouth.

Cole shook his head and squinted at Mindy. "I hate you." She simply responded with pulling her hand up to her mouth and blowing an air kiss across the table.

"I'll get it," Jason said as he got up from his seat.

Lexi's eyed her dad leaving the dining room. A knot instantly formed itself in the pit of her stomach as soon as the sounds of the front door opening and a man's voice landed on her ears.


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