Chapter 21

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"We should go say hi!" Wes said as they filed into the long line to get their tickets scanned. Lexi expected nothing less for a Marvel movie opening night, but what she didn't even think to expect was seeing Tom there.

"No, that's alright. He looks busy. Better not disturb him," she said, tucking herself behind Wes in line. She peeked over at Tom who was further along in the queue and getting his tickets scanned. He still hadn't seen her, and Lexi had every intention of keeping it that way.

Yet, before she could duck back behind Wes, Tom glanced over and did a double take. Lexi quickly looked away and Wes wrapped an arm around her, pulling her up beside him. "What are you doing back there?"

Lexi was now in full clear view of Tom who stood there, his gaze shifting from the ticket checker back to Lexi. His expression was unreadable, and it sent her pulse racing. He moved to the side to allow others to get their tickets scanned and mentioned something to his brother. Oh, God. Is he waiting for us? His brother looked back at Lexi, likely being alerted to her presence, and smiled.

The brothers stood behind the roped-off area, each holding a large bucket of popcorn and not making any effort to move toward the assigned theater entrance. Tom's back was to Lexi and he was saying something to his brother, who couldn't seem to wipe the large smile off his face. "Hannah?" Wes asked, pulling Lexi out of her thoughts.


"Did you hear what I asked?"

"Oh, sorry no. Do you mind repeating it?"

"I was asking, are you excited to watch the movie?"

"Oh, um, no. I mean, yeah. Yeah, I'm excited."

Wes gave her a warm smile, let go of her side, and reached into his pocket to grab his phone to scan the tickets. By now they were just a couple of feet away from Tom and Greg. The closer they got, the more Lexi's heart hammered against her rib cage, desperately wanting to jump out. Greg nodded to his brother, and Tom quickly turned around with a wide smile. "Hey! Wes, Hannah. Good to see you guys!" he said in a voice that was too cheery for comfort.

"Hey, Professor Miller. Good to see you too! What movie are you heading in to watch?" Wes clasped onto Lexi's hand and Tom stole a glance at the action. His nostrils flared a fraction before he smiled up at Wes. Up close, Lexi could clearly see some grown-out stubble on his cheeks, making him look even more attractive than she thought possible. Her heart was continuing its riot against her chest, and she took in a deep breath to try to slow it down.

"The new Avengers. What about you?"

"Oh, same!"

"Why don't we sit together?" Tom asked without a moment of hesitation.

"There are assigned seats!" Lexi said a little too loudly and curled her lips to stop herself from saying anything else.

"We'll just trade with some people. It'll be fine. Anyways, should we head in?" Tom paused for a moment before realization seemed to dawn on him. "Oh! This is my brother, Greg, by the way. Greg, these are two of my students, Wes, and Hannah."

"It is a pleasure to meet you," Greg said before giving Lexi a knowing smile. He shook Wes' hand and turned to shake Lexi's. "Tom is a great teacher, no? Very involved with his students'...success?"

"Uhh yeah, Mr. M is great," Wes said a little awkwardly.

"Alright, let's go. We don't want to miss the trailers," Tom said after tugging his brother's arm.

"That was kind of weird," Wes whispered to Lexi as they filed behind Tom and Greg. "We don't have to sit with them if you don't want to."

Lexi smiled up at him and nodded. "Thanks, yeah, let's not. It's kind of weird to sit through a movie with a professor."

"Completely agree," Wes said before pacing up next to Tom. "Hey, Mr. M." Tom turned to face Wes on his side as the group continued to follow the crowd to the assigned theater. They paused just outside the entrance. Wes dropped his voice down to a whisper and spoke as if he was having some bro time. But Lexi could still clearly hear what he was saying from just a couple of feet away. "So, I don't mean any offense, but I'm on a date and I think it's best if we just keep to our assigned seats. I mean, what if I want know?" Wes let out a chuckle and Lexi's eyes grew wide.

Tom lifted a brow. "Sorry, I know what?"

"Aw c'mon Mr. M, you're a guy. You know what I mean. The dark room, the babe sitting next to you, one thing leads to another..."

A vein strained itself against Tom's neck and he turned to his brother who seemed to be stifling back a laugh. "Sure, dude. You do you," Greg responded for his brother after the moment of silence went on a bit too long for comfort.

Tom forced a smile and nodded. "All good," he said gruffly.

"Cool, man. Thanks for understanding. We can totally kick back some other time," Wes said, seemingly oblivious to the range of emotions around him.

Lexi crossed her arms and held them tight around her. There was no way in hell she would be felt up by Wes. Ever. And let alone during one of the most important movies of the year. "Ready to go?" Wes said, turning to Lexi.

"Mhmm," was all Lexi managed to reply with. She continued to hug herself tightly and followed behind Wes' footsteps, not even daring to look up and see the expression on Tom's face.

They entered the large theater and followed the dim path lights to their seats. Wes had chosen seats in the back and towards the rightmost side of the theater. As soon as Lexi sat down, she nearly groaned upon finding the seat railing obstructing the lower portion of the screen. It was becoming clearer by the second that Wes had no intention of watching this movie.

"Nice and cozy seats, huh?" Wes said in a whisper, causing Lexi to flinch.

She curled her toes and immediately stood up. "Um, I just need to use the restroom. I'll be back." Without waiting for his response, Lexi bounded down the stairs, moving against the incoming traffic and passing by Tom and Greg in the process. She bolted out of the theater and walked down a long hallway, not paying much attention to where she was going. All she knew was she wanted to get away from the crowds that felt borderline suffocating.

"Hannah, wait!" Tom's deep voice hit her ears and she jerked her head back to glance at him. He was by himself, briskly following her down the long corridor of theater entrances.

Without responding she picked up her pace. Her gaze moved quickly between theater entrances, assessing which one would be the best to take cover in. Maybe if she pretended she was someone else, he would believe that? Ugh, Lex. Just run and hide!

Lexi broke into a sprint and dashed into Theater 12, yet instantly regretted the decision when she took in the dark, soundless, unused space. Tom had most likely seen her go in there and a part of her knew there was no escaping. Maybe I can hide behind a chair? She scanned the small theater that had luxury-style seats, decked out with cushions and buttons for reclining. The space was likely a private party viewing room. Despite Lexi's state, she was grateful she didn't accidentally interrupt a five-year-old's birthday party with her frantic entrance.

When the sounds of the entrance door opening landed on her ears, her heartbeat rang up to her eardrums. Tom appeared at the top of the stairs and bounded down to Lexi. Before she could even get a word out, his hands grabbed onto the sides of her face and his lips met hers with a force so strong, it took her breath away.

Yet, before he could deepen the kiss, the realization of what was happening struck her. She instantly pushed him off and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. "What are you doing?"

Tom rubbed the back of his neck, agitation clear across his features. It took everything in Lexi not to pull him back to her and get another taste of his firm lips laced with buttered popcorn. "What am I doing? What are you doing, Hannah?" he asked, slightly breathless.

"I'm on a date. What does it look like I'm doing? You can't just go around kissing people!"

"The hell you are," Tom took a step forward, prompting Lexi to take another step back. He clenched his jaw and stayed in his spot. "I told you what I wanted and you did the exact opposite. I don't play games, Hannah."

"You made it very clear how you felt about me. I get it, you don't want me if I won't put out!" Lexi bordered a shriek and crossed her arms. She hoped the lump forming in her throat wouldn't manifest itself in the form of tears.

"What the fuck are you talking about? I never said that!" Tom frowned.

"You didn't say anything! You just sat there! That's some pretty obvious non-verbal communication." Don't cry, Lex. Don't cry.

"Okay, can you blame a guy for mourning not being able to fuck you sooner? I needed a minute to process." Tom huffed and Lexi's eyes grew wide. They both stared at each other for a moment, Lexi trying to process Tom's words and Tom's expression softening by the second.

He took a tentative step forward and this time, Lexi made no move back. His eye contact was so deep that Lexi's legs trembled slightly. "I mean," he started in a whisper, "I'm not saying I'm ready for us to get hitched tomorrow. But I like you, Hannah. I like you so much and I'm willing to wait and see where this thing between us goes." He ran a hand through his hair while taking in a lungful of air. Lexi's stomach fluttered as he shook his head. "What I'm saying is, I'm on the same page as you now. I'm more than happy to wait until we're both one hundred percent sure this is a til death do us part kind of thing. I'm going to be on my best behavior, however difficult that might be." His gaze raked down her body sending a jolt of heat through her core. "I give you my word that I'll be a gentleman and won't push us to have sex before marriage."

The flurry of activity in Lexi's stomach could likely power up the whole movie theater. At that moment, she wanted the exact opposite of what Tom was promising. She wanted the most ungentlemanlike things to be done to her. Without missing a beat, she grabbed onto his t-shirt and slammed her lips against his.


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