Chapter 1

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Dipper P.O.V

"Come on, Mabel! We've been going to Gravity Falls every summer since we were kids! Now you're going to toss that tradition aside for some boy?" I say, crossing my arms out of frustration.

This argument has been going on since school got out. Mabel doesn't want to go to Gravity Falls for the first time in years, and it's all because of her new boyfriend. It's ridiculous. Her relationships never last longer than a week and she's willing to give up the entire summer for someone who's going to break her heart.

"He's not just "some boy," Dipper! He's my boyfriend and I'd rather spend the summer with him than go hang around the Mystery Shack! It's boring now," she argues, the last part being nothing more than a mumble.

I huff softly and sit down on the couch. I may want to go, but I don't want to go alone. Even if Mabel gets on my nerves a lot of the time, she's nice to have around for a laugh. Plus being alone with Grunkle Stan will be a bit strange.

Mabel sits down next to me and glances from time to time. This trip is causing problems. Correction, Mabel's new boyfriend is the one causing problems.

"I'm sorry, Dipper. I just don't want to go this year," she apologizes.

I sigh. "That's all right... Awkward sibling hug?" I ask, seeing as it's always been a way for us to make up after arguments.

She nods. "Awkward sibling hug."

We hug each other awkwardly for a moment. "Pat, pat," we say in unison while patting each other's backs.

It always makes us laugh. It's strange, but it's the way we bond. It always has been and it probably always will be.

"You'll have way more fun without me anyway. You can go demon hunting and go on crazy adventures without me holding you back. Go nuts."

I laugh softly. "Me? Go nuts? You clearly don't know me at all. You're the one who goes nuts. I'm just the cleaning crew who always has the plan."

Mabel shrugs and gets up. "I'm going to my boyfriend's house. Don't forget to pack. You're leaving early tomorrow morning," she reminds me.

"Yeah, I know. Are you sure you won't tag along? Someone has to wear brightly colored sweaters to make the place a little less gray after all."

"Sorry Dipper. It looks like you're going to be the one wearing sweaters this time."

I sigh and head upstairs to my room. I flop onto my bed and stare at the ceiling for a moment. Something about this trip makes me anxious. This summer just feels different.

After a few moments, I sit up and grab my suitcase. I throw in some clothes and a few books to read when I'm bored. Chances are I won't be that bored this summer because it's Gravity Falls, but perhaps I'll get a break from finding weird monsters. Anything is possible after all. Gravity Falls is just oozing with mystery.

'This is going to be one interesting summer.'

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