Chapter 15

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Dipper P.O.V

When I wake up I see that Bill is no longer with me. I sit up and look around but the room seems to be empty. I sigh and get up, stretching out my aching joints.

There is some rustling coming from downstairs. I figure that it's Grunkle Stan or Grunkle Ford searching for some breakfast. I head downstairs to see and I am shocked by what I see.

In the kitchen stands Bill. He is shirtless and I can now see all the things his clothes were hiding. He is covered in different tattoos on his back and arms. The largest one on his back is the zodiac we used to defeat him with his usual triangular form in the center.

I feel my face heat up as I quickly look to the side. Bill has a glass that he pours a good amount of alcohol in. I go to leave the kitchen silently, but as I walk the floor creaks rather loudly, making me cringe.

Bill suddenly pulls me back and purrs. "Aww, don't leave so soon, Pine Tree.~"

I blush darker from the close contact. His skin is unnaturally smooth; almost like porcelain, only very warm. My body almost tells me that it feels nice, but I know that it's wrong.

I pull away from him after a moment and stand against the kitchen counter. I feel behind myself, looking for anything I can use to defend myself. He rolls his one eye that isn't covered at my panicked nature and simply just stands there, his arms crossed.

"Why are you always so jumpy, Pine tree?"

I finally manage to grab a knife off the counter. It seems a bit dull, but I suppose that is better than nothing. I hold it in a defensive manner. He doesn't move an inch.

I try not to shake while holding the knife even though Bill does scare me. Plus I'm not normally very good with weapons.

"You wouldn't hurt me, would you Pine Tree? After all, I'm the one who saved you from the vampire that would have sucked you dry," he says, trying to manipulate me while he moves closer.

"You're probably the one who sent it to attack me!" I snap back at him.

"You and I both know that I wouldn't do that. If I wanted you dead I would do it myself," he says, moving closer.

I move the knife as he gets even closer to me, accidentally cutting his face with it. I suppose the knife was actually more sharp than I thought. I didn't mean to actually cut him.

I know that I have made a mistake now. Bill quickly moves and pulls me into a kiss. Part of me wants to kiss back while the rest screams at me to push him off or stab him until he gets the hint.

'What is with Bill lately?! Is he trying to trick me or is he actually trying to get me to like him?!'

My hand shakes as I try to decide what to do. It feels like it's been minutes when in reality it's been only a few seconds.

I end up dropping the knife and kissing him back. Even when my brain furiously screams that this is wrong, the rest of my body tells me that this is right.

'Maybe this isn't as bad as I thought it would be.'

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