Chapter 12 - The Date pt. 1

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Joker stared at himself in the mirror. 'Today is the big day!' he told himself with a smile. He fixed the blue tie he was wearing just to make sure everything is perfect. He took one last look of himself and he concluded that he was ready to finally face the most important day of his entire life, well, technically the 3rd most important day of his life next to his future proposal and his future wedding. His first formal date with Spade. He took out his bouquet of flowers as he sneaked past the sleeping Hacchi. He finally made it to the right room he needed to be. He opened the door to reveal his road joker. He swung the key in his right hand while he held the flowers for Spade in the other. 'This is it Joker. You were born ready for this day. Today is when we decide the answer to this question we had for months. You can do this. You can do this.You can do this.You can do this......

Flashback to  2 months ago...

Spade called Joker last night, wanting to talk to him so badly that it couldn't wait till morning. Joker in his pajamas was walking his way to the balcony of his Sky Joker. When he made it up there, Spade dressed his usual way was sitting on the floor, sipping tea. "So Spade, what is SO important that you HAVE to tell me that CANNOT wait till morning. Its flipping 2am!" Joker exclaimed. "Geez someone misses their beauty sleep. I'm sorry. Did I wake you up your majesty?" Spade said with loads of sarcasm in his sentence. "Oh so Im the one who is a pretty princess? Look at you, you basically have a night mask on you! Hah! Take that!" Joker said hysterically. Spade sighed. "Alright, I will tell you already but hear me out okay? No butting in." Spade said. Joker nodded and sat in front of his childhood study buddy. "Look, Im really confused myself so no judging and-" Spade began. "Get on with it im starving already!" Joker said. "You say no to this no to that. Come on tell me what u came here for!" He said. Spade took a deep breath. "I like you Joker, I really do. Its just, so, confusing on how on earth did I get these feelings. Especially to you, I mean no offense at least but we are rivals! Hhow-" Spade said as he was starting to get a fever. Joker slid his both hands to hold Spades two shaking hands. "Hey its okay. Erm, uh, tell u what. I-i haav-e t-the same feelings too. So okay this is weird and confusing but lets try it out first before like committing to a full time relationship. Lets say for 2 months. Then if we can like figure out on how we both fell in love with each other despite being rivals then we could see if we can start officially dating." Joker said. Spade smiled but was completely changed with a worried look. "I-if it doesn't work out?" Spade asked. Joker smiled. "Then... its your call if you want the relationship trial to stop or become offical. If it doesn't, lets stay as close friends alright?" Joker said. Spade smiled jokingly. "What if I don't want us to be 'just friends', what will you do now Joker?" Spade said, knowing that Joker won't go down without a fight. "Then I will try to make it happen. I am a miracle maker after all!" Joker said. The two boys hugged each other and went to bed with a new beginning of their relationship and a new chapter their author will write. 

 Hope yall enjoy this background story! See yall soon!

- Author

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