Chapter 7 - The Call for a Ninja

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Me : So here we are

Hyakkimaru : umm okay so whats going on?

Shadow : yah isnt it supposed to be ME on the next chapter?

Me : Slightly. But Hyakkimaru is going to be an important character soon.

Hyakkimaru : Really? Thanks?

Shadow : I guess

Me : So glad you all get along! Now on with the show!


Hyakkimaru was headed into town to buy some gifts for his travel to meet up with Hacchi. Apparently, he decided to picture the view he saw on top of the hill he was on. 'Wow Hacchi you got to see this. ' He told himself. He continued his journey across the valley and into the city. ' Hacchi should be here by now. Where is he? ' He said to himself. A few minutes later he saw his young friend running towards him. "Sorry for the wait Hyakkimaru-san!" Haicchi says. "Ah no worries Hacchi! Oh um, where is Joker?" He asked. "Well, he went into town today and said he would be back by 10pm. I dont know what he would be doing in town but I agreed to let him go there despite the busy schedule." Hacchi said. Huh thats funny.' As I know, Joker never leaves Hacchi alone. Or was it the other way around? ' Hyakkimaru puzzled over the situation at hand as he wonders what happened to the mysterious Joker. Hacchi noticed this silence and decided to speak up. "Is anything wrong Hyakkimaru-san? You can always talk to me." Hacchi said. He smiled at the reaction of his friend. "Its alright Hacchi. Lets enjoy this visit of mine now shall we?" He said. They walked to the park and decided to have a small picnic. They laughed at all the good times they had with each other until Hacchi got a call. "Oh. I have to take this Hyakkimaru-san." Hacchi said with a smile. His companion nodded. "Go ahead Hacchi." Hacchi stood up and walked away a bit to give his call some privacy. He returned shortly after a few seconds. "That was quick. "Hyakkimaru said. Hacchi giggled. "Silver Heart needed help with his back and I told him I was busy. Thank goodness I was. You know how hard it is to deak with his back." Hacchi said playfully. Hyakkimaru grinned. "I mean, at least this Silver Heart of yours can identify whos who. I get mistaken by a samurai armor." He said making both of them laugh so hard they both rolled over on the green grass beneath their feet. After a long day of laughing with each other, Hyakkimaru waved goodbye at Hacchi. As the pro ninja ran away into the shining night, a motorbike appears. "Hey I need your help." The familiar stranger said. "Um sure. But do I know you or are you Joker?" He asked. "I am the shadow that paints over the light. I am Shadow Joker!" He said. "I need your expertise in a field of stealth." Shadow said. Hyakkimaru smiled. "Sure, why not." He said. As they zoomed on Shadows bike into the shining night.


Me : wallaaa~

Shadow : okay? What now?

Hyakkimaru : ummm... so thats what you were talking about..

Me : Finally done with another Chapter!!

Shadow : so Im gonna need you to help me spy on Joker and Spade.

Hyakkimaru : Um Why?

Joker : Umm what about us?

Spade : I heard my name

Me : Hi u cutiesss but i didnt invite u

Joker : uhuh?

Hyakkimaru : Well, do I do it now or-

Shadow : probably next chapter would be great....

Me : Alright see you all soon!!!!!

- Author

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