Cast and Character Aesthetics

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Published On :- 30/04/2021

Hey Stars!!!!


Here is the cast list for this novel. Yes I know that I am late, too late. 😅 Sowy. So sowy. ☺

So here I present to the the Princesses of Nature. Daughters of Kaunteyas. And the Queens of...... (Thoda socho socho.... ) *winks*

|| Rajkumari Saesha ||

Daughter of King and Queen of Angā i
e. Angraj Karn and his beloved Angrani Urvi. She is 17 years old. Born from the holy fire she is called “Firey Sunshine.” She is an ace chakram and LABRYS fighter. She can manipulate elements fire and air. She was kidnapped when she was just a few months old baby. Nobody knows that she is alive.

|| Rajkumari Suthanu ||

Daughter of emperor and empress of Aryavarta i.e. Samrat Yudhishthir and his beloved  Samragyi Draupadi. She is 17 years old. Born from water she is also called “Water Lily.  She can manipulate element Water. Calmness of her father and strength of her mother. She can fight with swords and flails.

|| Rajkumari Adrija ||

Daughter of Yuvraaj Bheem and his beloved third wife Kashi kumari Yuvrani Valandhara. She is 16 years old. Born from thunder she is also called “Thunder Rose.” An ace chakram fighter. She can manipulate elements namely Thunder, Water and Air. Valour of her father and Patience of her mother.

|| Rajkumari Bansi ||

Daughter of most handsome man in entire aryavarta and bramhand sundari i.e. Rajkumar Nakul and his priye Draupadi. She is 15 years old. Born from the womb of mother Earth she is also known asVāsundharaSuta.” Her main weapons are chakram and TESSEN. She can manipulate elements Earth and Air.

|| Rajkumari Sanchali ||

Daughter of the most intelligent man of aryavarta and his Sayyam, his Panchali. She is 12 years old. Born from air she is also known as PāvanamSuta.” She has aced in using swords, knives and khanjar. She can manipulate elements Air and Fire.

|| Rajkumari Kairavi ||

Daughter of Sabyasachi and his beloved wife Rajkumari Subhadra. She is 12 years old. Her existence is unknown to the world. For entire family it is believed that the baby was a still born and a boy. The rumors said that the baby boy never opened his eyes. Only few people know the truth. She is born from Ice and because of her extremely fair complexion she is called “Icy Moonlight.” She is also called Amazon. She can use all the weapons, but her main weapons are TESSEN and bow and arrow. She can manipulate all six elements namely Fire, Air, Water, Thunder, Earth and Ice.

|| Rajkumari Uttara Devi ||

|| Rajkumari Vaidehi ||

|| Rajkumari Siyara ||

|| Glossary ||

1. LABRYS - A double sided axe.

2. TESSEN - A Japanese War fan usually used by Samurai class. They are folding fans with outer spokes made of heavy plates of iron which were designed to look normal, harmless folding fans.

3. CHAKRAM - A throwing weapon, circular in shape with the outer edge sharpened. Originated from the Indian Subcontinent.

4. FLAIL - A weapon consisting of a striking head attached to a handle by a flexible rope, strap or chain.

5. KHANJAR - A traditional dagger originated from Oman. A national symbol of the sultanate, it is featured on Oman's National Emblem.

6. AMAZON - This is a rarely used word to denote warrior princesses. Amazon is one of the nation of women warriors of Scythia. (a Greek mythological kingdom.)

Author's Note :

So how is the cast??

Did you all like it or not? Do tell me your views on it.

The introduction that I have given of these girls is based on my fictional novel. I haven't given them much long introduction as that is something you will find in the novel itself as it proceeds further. These are just some very important points to remember.

Also I know that this is just the girls and you must be wondering where are the others. Wait.. Wait.. You will meet them soon. They will join the story as per the demand or need.

And I remember I haven't said anything about the last three girls but you'll have to wait for a few chapters for them to be introduced to you along with their counterparts.

Untill then, I would love to see you all guessing who they are. Also do tell me who do you think is going to be the male cast allotted to these nine warrior princesses. I would love to read your opinions. *mischievous grins*

Last but not the least the character aesthetics are made by me. What do you think about it??


Signing off for now 🙋🙋🙋


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