Chapter 3: The Battle Between Saiyans and One Namekian

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3rd Pov

Raditz soon throws Gohan in his space pod due to Gohan crying a lot.

Raditz: That damn brat. *his scouter activated* Hm? Someone is coming with the power level of

Soon Ghost lands on the ground staring at Raditz.

Raditz: If it isn't Noppal. Come to join me and your sister?

Ghost: I've come to kill you and bring Gohan back.

Raditz: As if you is low class warrior.

Ghost: *growls and charges at him*

As Ghost charges at Raditz and started throwing punches and kicks but raditz was blocking them and was soon kicked in the chin and was kicked back but Ghost caught himself.

Ghost: *pants a bit and wipe the blood from his cheek* .....

Raditz: You is no match for me.

Ghost soon flies up in the air and started to charge up an attack and Raditz's scouter started to act up.

Raditz: What?! 1,200?!

Ghost: Let's see if you can take this...Galactic Blast!!

Ghost fired a red blast from his right hand at Raditz, as he soon dodges the beam which made a huge explosion, as Ghost panted he saw Raditz with scratches on him.

Ghost: Damnit....

Raditz: You scared there for a second but now die! Double Sunday! 

Raditz soon fired the two blast as it hit Ghost he blocked the blast a bit but was soon engulfed in the beams which causing him to crashed into the ground and have the beams exploded.

Raditz: Hm weakling. *his scouter went off* Hm? A power level of 322 and 334! I knew it Kakora is coming and she brought the green man.

Soon Goki and Piccolo lands on the ground in front of Raditz.

Raditz: So you finally arrived Kakora. You had made the right choice unlike Noppal.

Goki: Where is Ghost?!

Raditz: Oh I took care of him already.

Goki: W-what...

Raditz: *smirks* He's no longer in the picture

Goki: *clenching her fist* I'm going to avenge him and get my son back! Where is he?!

Raditz: His screaming was giving me a headache, so I locked him up in my space pod. But forget about the runt. Don't tell me you think you stand a chance against me. You fool! You're not eve fit to call yourself a saiyan! Prepare to DIE!

Goki: Wait!!

Raditz: What? What do you mean by wait?

Goki: I need time to take off my heavy clothes off.

Goki and Piccolo took off their heavy clothing and soon charged at Raditz throwing punches and kicks but raditz blocked them with ease as the duo stepped back and tried to rushed but he kicked them.

Goki: H-how did he figure it out?!

Raditz: Did you believe I was gonna fall for such an amateur strategy? Plus your speed is pathetic I can see all of your movements. 

Soon Piccolo started firing ki blast at him but Raditz dodges them and fires a Saturday crash at Piccolo but a blur appeared right in front of him to take the blast as the dust to revealed Ghost who was badly damaged.

Ghost: *panting* 

Raditz: W-what?! *felt something*

Goki: *grabs his tail*I got your tail! Piccolo, Ghost attack him.

Ghost: Can't feel my hands....*falls to the ground*

Piccolo: Hmph whatever.

Piccolo soon started to charge up his attack.

Raditz: W-wait! Let me go! I'll leave the planet and I won't hurt you anymore please!

Ghost: D-don't listen to him Goki! he's trying to trick you!!

Raditz: P-please...Please believe me sister.....I'm begging you Kakora! Don't do this to family!

The word got to Kakora as she let go of his tail then Raditz elbowed her in the face and stepped on her chest.

Raditz: Ha! I can't believe you fell for it! You might actually be the dumbest girl I've ever met! Don't think I'm gonna show you mercy just because you're my little sister!

He soon started put pressure on her chest which caused Goki to yelled in pain.

Raditz: Yes...YES! That's what I like to hear! It'll all be over soon! Bwa ha ha ha ha! Don't get comfortable you two are next!

Ghost: S-shit....

Piccolo: Damnit....

Soon Raditz's scouter start to go off as it detected a huge power level and his space pod as Gohan burst through it and lands on the ground.

Gohan: Leave my mommy alone!!

He soon charges at Raditz hitting him in the chest cracking his armor causing him to stumble back and holds the crack area.


He soon charges a another Saturday crash and throws it at Gohan Goki gotten up and holds him.

Raditz: H-how..? Wh-where did you get all this power..?!

Goki: Piccolo! Now's your chance!

Ghost: G-goki no. *struggles to get up but fails*

Piccolo: Special Beam Cannon!

Piccolo soon fires his attack at Goki and Raditz as it both it them and went through the both of them.

Raditz: D-damnit!!!

Goki: Heh...heh.....

They both fall on the ground minutes away from dying as Piccolo and Ghost who manage to get up walks towards them.

Raditz: I-impossible..I-I-I can't be this.....I...can't...

Ghost: Shut the hell up...

Piccolo: *panting* Well, you just were....

Raditz: Heh...heh heh heh....I can't believe...that Kakora would just throw away...her own life...

Piccolo: You idiot. Trust me Goki won't be dead for long.

Raditz: W-what?!

Ghost: You don't know? On this planet is the home of the Dragon Balls. They grant wishes. Anything you want cane be wished...even bring someone from the dead. Me and her other friend will bring her back while you rot in hell.

Raditz: comrades including your twin Noppal will be happy to hear that...Everything you just said..w-was transmitted to them...on the other side of the universe...O-once they've learned that I've died..they will come here..

Goki: How long until they...Wh-when..will they...when will they

Raditz: A Year...Just one year from now..Heh heh heh.

Piccolo: Damnit...One year before even stronger warriors arrive..

Raditz: Y-you three have no hope of beating them..E-enjoy what little time you..have...left...Heh heh heh....*dies*

Ghost: Damnit....

Piccolo: .....

Ghost and Piccolo hears a loud noises and looked up in the air and saw a space craft heading towards them as it lands it reveals Bulma, Krillin, and Roshi as they went and check on them as Ghost and Piccolo explain to them that more saiyans are coming.

Roshi: I....I see..

Piccolo: That pretty much it..

Ghost: Hm.....

Krillin: C'mon Goki! Hang in there! It's not like you to give up so easily!

Goki: K-krillin...You know...Dying' a lot worse than I though it would be.

Krillin: Y-yeah...but don't you worry. We're gonna bring you back really soon!

Goki: H-heh...*looks at Ghost* H-hey Ghost....

Ghost: *goes to her* Yeah?

Goki: L-look a-a-after G-gohan for me p-please...

Ghost: *eyes started to tears up but cleans them* I-I will.

Goki: *smiles* T-thank you...*closes her eyes and dies too*

Ghost: *clenching his fist tightly* .....

Goki's body soon disappeared.

Krillin: What the?!

Roshi: She's gone!

Piccolo: Interesting..I bet Kami has something to do with this..

Roshi: W-well, I guess we can put our minds at ease if Kami's involved.

Piccolo: You guys need to get the Dragon Balls. Kami doesn;t possess the power to bring someone back from the dead. Goki's kid will be coming with me.

Ghost: No he's not Goki put him under my care.

Piccolo: Hm he needs to learn how to fight if he want t survive.

Ghost: *growls* Fine we'll train him but he's sticking with me.

Piccolo: Whatever.

Ghost soon picks Gohan up and flies as Piccolo follows.

Meanwhile In On A Planet Far Away From Earth.

Twoi figures was sitting down.

???: Raditz...The bastard went and got himself killed..

 ???#2: He was always an embarrassment...Still I must admit..I'm very interested in these 'Dragon Balls'..So they're capable of granting any wish? Alright let's go.

???: We're gonna bring Raditz back from the dead?

???#2: Don't make me laugh. We have no more use for that deadweight Nappa. Let's go get our wish.

Nappa: Roger that Vegeta.

Vegeta: Ayote!! We're leaving!

Soon a female saiyan walks up to them.

(In Saiyan Armor)

Ayote: Hm where are we going again?

Vegeta: To Earth where your twin is.

Ayote: Hm that weakling? Fine let's go so I can kill him, I'm bored anyways

The three saiyan gets into their pods and started to make their way to Earth.

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