Chapter 5: The Fight With The Saiyans Part 1

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3rd Pov

Gohan was resting after training with Ghost and Piccolo as he sensed three high power levels.

Gohan: Huh?! Three huge power levels are heading this way! I have to warn Mr. Piccolo and Mr. Ghost!

Gohan soon flies towards where Piccolo and Ghost are as they was in the air staring in the air.

Gohan: Mr. Piccolo! Mr. Ghost!

Piccolo: We know. They're here...which means they'll heading towards a big power level.

Ghost: It's either between me and Piccolo.

Soon Krillin soon arrives as he flies next to Gohan.

Krillin: Hey Ghost and uh...Piccolo! It's been a while.

Gohan: You're one of the people I met at Master Roshi's!

Krillin: Yeah, I'm Krillin. Man you've really grown up haven't you? You look really similiar to Goki looked when she was a kid! Outside of being a boy.

Piccolo: That's enough chit chat! They're here!

Ghost: Hm....

Soon Vegeta, Nappa, and Ayote arrives right in front of the fighters.

Ayote: Hm, there you are older brother.

Ghost: Tch.

Piccolo: So you three are the saiyans.

Nappa: No.

Vegeta: Don;t be rude Nappa.

Ayote: *groans* This again?

Krillin: You're here for the dragon balls.

Nappa: No.

Ayote: We are Nappa.

Vegeta: And I am the Prince of all Saiyans!

Ghost: Don't look like a prince to me.

Piccolo: Are you a prince?

Ayote: Nope.

Vegeta: Fuck off Ayote.

Piccolo: So what do we call you?

Nappa: I am Nappa and this is Vegeta and Ayote! Oh looks guys it's a Namekian!

Piccolo: Namekian?

Ghost: What?

Vegeta: Oh I get it! It's been said that Namekians possess extraordinary fighting skills as well as magical abilities. You must be the one who created the dragon balls we've heard about!

Ayote: Now hand us the dragon balls or else we're killing all of you!

Piccolo: Sorry to bust your bubbles, but I didn't create the dragon balls or anything else! My speciality is destruction. 

Vegeta: Very well....Let's see what the Namekian, Noppal, and their little friends are capable of.

Nappa: Heh heh heh....Look like you and me are thinking the same thing Vegeta. What about you Ayote?

Ayote: I just want to fight Noppal but you two go ahead what you two are thinking. *crossed her arms*

Nappa: I'm going to read their power levels! *activates his scouter*

Vegeta: Hmm...Nappa don't bother *takes off his scouter* They can hide their power levels the reading are useless. But I have a way to finding out their power levels...Nappa plant the saibamen.

Ayote: Those things really?

Nappa: Yay!

Nappa then planted the saibamens into the ground and they all grew out from the ground.

Saibamen: Gya!

Krillin: These guys look pretty tough! *sesnes something* Huh?

Soon Tien and Chiaotzu arrives.

Krillin: it's Tien and Chiaotzu!

And Yamcha finally arrives.

Ghost: Yamcha finally arrived.

Yamcha: Yeah! Sorry we're late! *looks at Gohan* Hey you must be Goki's kid!

Tien: Well, he definetely looks the part.

Chiaotzu: yeah! He's like a mini boy version of Goki!

Gohan: Um, nice to meet you. My name is Gohan!

Ghost: Enough already! Gohan let's take care of this bugs.

Piccolo: Hmph.

Gohan: R-right!

Yamhca: Save your strength for the saiyans! I will handle these little guys. I've done my fair share of training.

Ghost: Yamcha no, that's an bad idea.

Yamcha: Don't worry Ghost I got this.

Vegeta: Make them suffer Saibamen!

Yamcha charges at one of the Saibamen as they started fighting as Yamcha had the advantaged. The Saibamen tries to strike Yamcha but he quickly vanishes and fires a kamehameha as it hits the Saibamen making it crashed into the ground as it looks dead as Yamcha lands onto the ground.

Yamcha: Well, I guess this little monsters weren't as tough as you though they were! I'll finish the rest of them off by myself!

Soon the 'dead' saibamen jumps and latched itself into Yamcha as he struggles to break free but the saibamen soon blow himself up as the smoked clears as Yamcha was in a crater dead.

Krillin: Y-yamcha!

Piccolo: What the? H-he blew himself up?!

Ghost: *growls* Damnit!!

Ghost soon flies up in the air and fires his galactic blast at the saibamen killing all of them in one go as he lands right next to Gohan.

Gohan: Woah!

Krillin: h-he killed all of them

Vegeta: Well I see Noppal is strong but no where near our strength, Nappa.

Nappa: Yay! 

Nappa charges at the Z fighters as they all charges at Nappa.

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