2 Months Later- The Attack

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(Jess is 4 months in now! Gally has not tried to attack yet! But he will. This gets kinda weird!)
I woke up and looked around nervously. Gally could be hiding anywhere in the shadows! Ready to kill me and my baby.
I felt something in my stomach. "Minho!" I shake him awake.
Minho rolled over groggily. "What? Is Gally here?" He asks sleepily.
"No. Good news!" I smile, eyes wide. "I just felt the baby kick!" He jumped up as if he was hit by lightning.
"Really!!" He was smiling ear to ear. I moved Minhos hand up to my stomach.
"Feel it?" I asked smiling.
Minhos eyes went wide. "Oh my gosh. I do." He smiled. "I'm so excited."
*-*-*Next Night
Its some crazy hour in the morning. I can hear someone walking. I can tell by the heavy footsteps that its Gally. Oh god! He's here! He's here to kill me and my baby!
Gally 'quietly' walked into me and Minhos room. I see a glimmer. Gallys got a knife. He walks over to me and smiles.
"I'm not here to kill you. Just scare you!" Gally stabs the knife into my boob. I scream. Minho wakes up.
"Minho, G-G-Gally stabbed me." I looked at my chest to see a pinkish liquid flowing from it. "A-A-And its pink."
Minho groggily sits up. "Whaa?" He asks.
"Minho! Gally attacked me! In the boob! Its pink!" I exclaimed.
"We need to get you checked out." Minho said standing up sleepily.
"I know. Just I don't want them to see this part of me." I said pointing to my chest.
"Oh, well Newt used to be a medJack. Dam good too. Wanna go to him?" I nod.
We both get up and quietly walk to Newts room.
"Newt? You awake?" Minho whispered opening the door to Newts room.
"I am now. What's up Minho? What are you waking me up at 1:00 AM."
"Gally attacked Jess in a weird spot. I suggested we have come to you." Minho said casually.
"Oh. Things nice of you. Is it urgent?" Newt said rolling put of his bed and standing up. He walked over to me. "What kind of 'weird spot'?" He asked. His eyes traveling over me.
"Well. Gally stabbed me in the boob. And its pink." I respond. Even in the dark I could tell Newt was shocked. "Ya, I know." I say breaking the silence.
"We'd better get you to the infirmary. Now!" Newt exclaimed after his daze.

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