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I call back "Yes Minho, its the whole group. We made it." I see him walk around the corner and nearly sprint at me. He hugged me tight.
"Please don't ever let us get separated like that again." Minho said holding me close to him. "I was worried sick!"
"So was I Minho. Thomas almost got us lost. I had to show them the way." I almost, almost chuckled at the last part.
"Really! This is his section to run. That's really unlike him. Oh, its probably cause he was getting distracted by his girlfriend." Minho said with a chuckle and an eye roll. "I suppose we might've been like that."
"Ya...might've." I replied with a giggle.
"What do yo-" Minho tensed. "Did you hear that."
"What?" I respond nervously. Then I heard it. The whirrs and clicks of a greiver. I turned to Thomas to see if he's was messing with us again. But when I looked over at him he was ghostly pale, he looked terrified. It was not him. But if it wasn't him it would've had to be a greiver.
Then I saw it. Silvery and shining. Its skin oozing and dripping wit some unknown liquid. It was gross.
I was so nervous. I was still holding my twins.
Minho was about to run after the slimy shiny creature. I grabbed his arm.
"Minho don't." I as on the verge of tears.
"What? Why not?" He looks me in the eyes with true confusion.
"Minho, you're a dad now. You have to think of them, and me. I can't raise three kids on my own." I lost it. I started to cry. "Please." But by the time I looked up the other boys had already shut down the thing.
"Okay guys." Minho called out to the whole group. Being the appointed leader of the group. "Let's just keep going."
Me and Minho lead the way. Him holding James. Me holding MJ.
We walked for what seemed like an hour.
Then finally. We got to the cliff, and therefore, the greiver hole.
"Where is it Minho?" I asked referring to the geriver hole.
"Um.. I don't know. I just know that its there. Throw a rock and if it dissipates then you know it went into the greiver hole." Minho shrugged. "Let's not go first though."
I turned to the group "Who wants to go first?"
Thomas walked to the front of the group "I'll be the brave one to do it." Thomas looked at Minho with a smug look. "Are you sure you don't wanna go first?"
Minho nodded and returned the smug look."I'm sure."
Thomas looked Minho in the eye for several seconds then jumped and was gone. He made it.

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