Its Me! I'm Baaack!

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Because of the poor lighting I could not tell what Gally was holding. All that I could tell was that it reflected light; it must've been glass or metal.
Some of the others, who had advanced to the figure hoping he would help us escape, had backed away. Gally must be holding a weapon
Thomas and Chuck were talking quietly, Chuck looked over at Gally; Chuck looked terrified.
"Thomas" Chuck squeaked. Chuck wobbled back and forth. Back and forth. No one knew what was going on. Then I saw it. The blood stain on his shirt. Gally has hit him. It must've been a bullet.
A few of the gladers ran over to him trying to help. Among them was Newt, Teresa, Jeff and Clint. I decided that I'd just get in the way. Even if I was a med jack back in the glade.
They rushed over to him. Their worried faces told me he wasn't good.
Minho became furious. Minho hates Gally, and Minho, being the appointed leader, is defensive for the gladers. Minho stormed over to Gally; The smirk still carved deep into Gallys face.
"Whoops!" Gally said almost cheerfully. And that creeped me out. I walked up next to Minho. Minho turned to me slightly shocked.
"What are you doing babe!" Minho said to me in a hoarse whisper. "I don't want you getting hurt!"
"You aren't expendable ether Minho." I said back. I saw Gally roll his eyes and chuckled. Wow, what a psycho. I nudged Minho a bit. Just to get him to see Gallys reaction to our bickering.
I was close enough to see Gallys weapon. It was a pistol; I was even close enough to use the pistols reflective surface as a mirror. All I could think was 'please don't kill Minho or the babies' I tried not to cry.
"Gally, what are you doing? Why are you doing this?!" I say as calmly as I can although I am almost sure that Chuck is as good as dead. I hold in my tears hoping no one else dies.
Gally takes the gun out of his pocket. I close my eyes hoping death isn't too painful.
I hear a metallic clank on the ground. I slowly open my eyes, peeking at what happened. I see on the ground at me feet in the gun. I look up at Gally who has tears running down his face.
"I-I don't know what I did! That wasn't me!" He dropped to his knees and out his head in his hands.
"Oh stop faking." Minho said angrily, picking up the gun and pointing it at Gally. I was shocked.
I turned to Minho "Babe, if you do this you'll be no better than he is." I looked over at Gally apologetically. I knew Gally hated most of us, but he wouldn't kill someone. "I believe you Gally."
Gally simply nodded but that was enough. Although Minho still didn't trust him.
"I am going to shoot you, not to kill but to remind you that I am in charge and I have the gun." Minho said sternly and matter-of-factly. I was getting nervous please don't do something stupid Minho I pleaded.
"Minho, don't fire, please." I say to him more annoyed than objecting.
"And why not Jess?" Minho said in a tone that I had never heard him use before, but I use a lot.
"Because you are holding a baby I don't want him to get hurt." I reply. Minho weighs his options and lowers the gun to his side.
"Fine." Minho turns back to Gally and scowls. "Now how do we get outta here?"
Gally scrambled to his feet and walked backwards to the door. "T-t-t-this w-w-w-way," Gally stuttered.

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