Where Am I?

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I woke up, not knowing where I was. I couldn't see anything. I couldn't even remember my own name!
I didn't know how I had gotten there, or where 'there' was!
It was terrifying! I couldn't remember anything, well...as I thought harder and harder, I could remember some things but no faces, no names, no places, so basically, nothing about who I am, well, was.
This is great! I don't know who I am, where I am, where this contraption is taking me! What this contraption even is! I thought to myself.
I then walked around for a brief second before smack! I walk right into a wall.
Smooth! I thought to myself. I just hope that no one else is in here watching me!
I felt around the wall looking for a corner, I tripped over something....or someone?
Oh gosh! Did I just trip over a body?! Where am I? Who put me here? Why am I here? Questions flooded my head, I tried my best to push them away.
I had begun to walk along the wall, I stepped on a few more things and finally made it to a corner. That's when I realized that where ever I was, it was quite small.
I sat down in the corner and listened to the squeaks, squeals and cranks of the machinery outside wherever I was, bringing me to..wherever it was bringing me. The repetitive sounds eventually calmed me.
I was almost lulled to sleep when an abrupt stop launched me out of the corner. I landed with an 'umph' on the bottom of the metal contraption.
I had begun to get up when a sudden burst of sunlight swarms into the metal contraption. I was temporarily blinded. I squinted for a few seconds.
When my eyes adjusted to the light, the first thing I did was look around, luckily I didn't see a body. Only supplies.
I begin to look for the sudden source of light, it wasn't that hard to find.
All I had to do was look up.

Edit 1: 7/29

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