chapter 19

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"Mom dad how can you agree Soo easily I have my semester after holidays." Naina asked in disbelief to her parents.

"I know what I m saying Naina, from the time you gone there , you are only studying and studying, you didn't even return to Kolkata for Durga puja, you need a change of atmosphere, and I trust Shruti to take care of you ." Her mother firm voice come through the phone.

After hanging up the phone she looked at Shruti who just entered her room, Shruti raised a eyebrow asking her what her parents decision," they agreed." Naina said sighing,

Shruti's face broke into a grin." Yesssss!." She fist pumped she immediately tackled Naina in a hug ,after breaking the she was about to say something but her smile got replaced with a frown noticing Naina's red swollen eyes ,

"Nain did you cry yesterday." She asked worried, yesterday when she returned home in evening Naina was in her room she didn't come out for dinner to saying she was having a bad headache.

Naina looked at her startled she didn't thought Shruti will notice it , how could she tell her that yesterday she got something she desired most and yet she lost it , if getting his love had mean losing him then I would have happily spend life without letting him get a hint of my feelings, Naina thought , but somewhere in her heart there was a hope that someday, somewhere they will meet again and Naina promised herself that no matter what she won't lose him again, she would do everything in her power to safe him, she would become his shield.

"No just some allergy reaction." Naina lied shaking her head, she didn't wanted to worry Shruti , Shruti didn't deserve to be a part of her tragedy filled life.

Shruti eyes softened easily catching her lies but she thought to give her some space, she nodded with a smile," ok pack your clothes we will leave tomorrow morning." She told her and left the room, hoping this trip would cheer her up a little.

After she left Naina turned her gaze towards his photo hanging on the wall, " wish we could have longer time, wish life would have given us a little more time, wish we could have lived the dreams we saw , wish live could give us another chance." She whispered looking at his photo with a smile as drop of tears fall from her eyes, she wiped it away but the smile on her lips didn't fainted.


"God I feel like a bulldozer has run over my body." Shruti moaned stretching her limbs as they waited outside the Puri station for her grandfather, it was night time her grandmother stictly told them to stay there until their grandfather reaches them.

Naina looked around the city , it was one of the most sacred place of Hindu , the city was crowded because of travelers but still it has a peacefulness , though the weather was nice but keeping in mind it's in coastal area sometimes some chilly breezes flow giving Naina's goosebumps,

"Ajaaaa!!! ( Grandpaaa)." Shruti shouted running towards a old man and hugging him.

The old laughed and patted her head lovingly Shruti broke the huge and they both talked something and laughed, Naina smiled a genuine smile after a long time looking at them, Shruti's eyes fall on her and she walked towards her with her grandfather,

"Aja ( grandpa) she is Naina the one I told you about ," Shruti said excitedly holding Naina hands ,

Naina joined her hand," Namaste ( a form of Indian greeting)  sir." Naina greeted.

"Call me Ajaa Like Shruti dear , you are her friend that's means you are like a grandchild to me also." Her grandfather said with a sweet smile.

"Come your grandma Aima ( grandmother) is waiting for you guys impatiently, " her grandfather ushered them towards a waiting cab.

They drove through the sleeping city of the deity Vishnu the The Preserver of the world, Naina looked at the city it was beautiful with many small temple here and there , soon the car stopped in front of a one story house , it has a touch of those homey vibes , they got out of the cab and after paying the driver , they entered inside the house . They rang the door bell and waited in the Threshold.

Naina was a little nervous though Shruti's grandfather was very sweet , she still felt a bit awkward she never was a people person, which makes her interaction with people awkward, her savior in...

No Naina don't go there She thought, she didn't wanted to spoil Shruti's mood , the girl was making to much efforts for her and she cannot let her down.

The door opened a old lady stepped out, looking at them a smile spread on her old wrinkled face ," oh you all come, Aaso Aaso ( come come)." Her grandmother welcomed them with a warm smile.

"You must be Naina right , Shruti talked about you Soo much, I m Soo glad our Shruti found a sweet girl in that alone city." Her grandmother said while they walked inside, the interior of the house was simple but it gave a homey vibes.

Naina smiled," it's vise versa ma'am." Naina said politely.

"Call me Ai or Aima like Shruti child." Her grandmother said sweetly to Naina and Naina nodded with a smile. " You all must be hungry common tomorrow you all can go visit the Jaganath Temple and the beach ," her grandmother told them .

"Ai ( grandma)  we already had in train I think it would be best if we go to sleep." Shruti suggested she wanted nothing then to sleep like a death person after a long one day journey in train.

Her grandmother looked dissatisfied with the mention of them eating waste foods of station but didn't said anything, she turned towards Naina and patted her head with her wrinkled hands ," go have some rest dear, if you need anything don't hesitate to ask." She told her warmly and Naina nodded feeling warm at her words.

"Common I show you my room." Shruti said dragging her towards her room. They entered a room it was simple with a wardrobe a double bed and desk and chair , Naina dumped her only duffle bag in the corner of the room  , she went towards the window of the room and gazed at the outside, it was towards the backyard of the house, the backyard was small but filled with many vegetables and flowers .

"Naina go freshen up." Shruti said who just got out of the washroom, Naina turned towards her and nodded,

When Naina come out of the washroom she saw Shruti fast asleep in her bed, she shook her head at her with a small smile and walked towards her duffle bag, she took out her diary and pen and walked towards the window and let her heart guide her fingers in the paper,

His smile was truly masterpiece which he forever carved in her , she looked at the moon and wished she had him besides her , I Wish you were here she thought.


" And this is the famous Jaganath Temple of Puri." Shruti said once they stood inside the temple , looking at lord Jaganath balaram and goddess subhadra .

After having a early morning breakfast, Shruti dragged her to show her the Jaganath Temple,the temple was beautiful and huge , it has many small temples inside also there are four gates which are guarded by horse , tigers, elephant, and lion respectively, the whole temple was crowded with devotee from around the world,

"You know it's said that it's the final resting place of Lord Vishnu and it's very sacred , your all wish gets full filled." Shruti told her excitedly as they in a corner with joined hands.

Wish Naina thought bitterly , she looked at the deities with sadness in her eyes, after that incident her relation with God's were no longer same , it turned more distance. What should I wish my only wish was snatched from me Naina thought.

After praying they exited the temple , "let's go to the beach." Shruti said, Naina nodded,  as they were descending down from the stairs of the temple, Naina's gaze fall on something greenish laying on the stairs corner, she frowned she picked it up to see a mesmerizing peacock feather.

The peacock feather was different it has blueish Aura around it , The moment Naina touched it a sereneness breathed into Naina wrapping it peaceful wings around her , Naina stared at the feather in aww , it was laying in such a crowded place where it was supposed to be crumbled and tainted but it looked like it was laying there waiting for someone to pick it up ,

"Naina!." Shruti's shout woke Naina from her trance she looked towards Shruti to saw her standing in distance looking at her confused, she looked towards the feather back she wanted to throw it away but it was almost like it has hypnotic power ,pulling Naina towards it , shaking her head she walked towards Shruti with feather still in her hand.

"What happened why were you standing there ." Shruti asked confused.

"Nothing just saw this laying on the stair." Naina told her shrugging showing the feather.

Shruti's eyes widened in aww," wow such a beautiful peacock feather, I never saw a beautiful feather like this beautiful you are Soo lucky Naina." Shruti said as they continued to walk out of the temple.

Naina face turned hard at the word 'lucky' but she quickly hide it , she shrugged again," if you want you can keep it , anyway I don't know what will do with it." Naina told her ignoring the pull she felt towards the feather.

Shruti's eyes gleamed like a child," really thank you , keep it with you for now, I will take it once we return  home because knowing me I will lost it." Shruti said with a sheepish smile.

As they were walking towards the beach, Naina noticed the weather was changing slowly , the once clear sunny sky was now slowly was getting surrounded with thick clouds of gloominess, strange it was all okay till few minutes back She thought, there was a sudden uneasiness inside of her again, the same feeling she felt when she and Arjun left Mumbai for the last time.

"Naina!!." Shruti's shout brought her back to reality, she looked towards her to see looking at her with her hand on hip.

"I m calling for Soo long and here you are daydreaming." Shruti told her irritated.

Naina smiled sheepishly," sorry." She said with sheepish voice making Shruti huff ,

"Look at the beach it's Soo beautiful nah." Shruti gushed looking at the crowded beach , but Naina couldn't see any beauty or peacefulness the only thing she saw was the darkness slowly engulfing the sky and the deathly dance of the waves.

" Shruti don't you think we the weather is not perfect to visit the beach ." Naina asked gulping , a sudden fear was creeping into her vain.

Shruti looked at the gloomy sky and frowned." Strange there wasn't any news regarding any rain till this morning." She wondered aloud but then she shrugged and dragged Naina close to the shore ," don't worry it might some  dark clouds it will pass soon, if there was a chance of rain we would have been notified, also see so many people are here." Shruti shrugging carelessly pointing at the people who to didn't noticed the change of weather.

Just then Shruti's Mobile rang with her grandfather number, she picked it up," yes Ai we are in the beach don't worry , we didn't got lost yet." Shruti joked playfully.

" Shruti get back here immediately, leave the beach now , Its showing in the news that a sudden depression has formed on the bay of Bengal and it's effects are already showing in the odisha coastal areas." Her grandmother told her worried in a loud voice,.

Shruti's playfully expression turned serious," but Ai how suddenly, there was nothing till this morning." Shruti asked in a loud voice as heavy winds were starting to rise, she clutched a Scared plus confused Naina's hand and started to walk through the sea of people.

" I don't know...the IMD are also confused and shocked seeing this,... you just please return home with Naina," her grandmother said in almost crying voice.

Shruti was about to reply when some local guards started shouting to empty the beach informing about the upcoming storm , the minutes people heard about the storm a panic settled on everyone's heart and a rush of panicked crowds started running creating a more struggle and crowding, the the beach which was few minutes back calm and composed was now uncontrollable with panic stricken crowd , the guards and local officers were shouting, people were trying running here there to safe there lives.

Naina and Shruti didn't know what to do they tried to walk through the panicked crowd but each time they were shoved aside , Naina eyes fall on a crying lady pleading something to a life guard, she freed her hands from Shruti and rushing towards the lady,

"Naina what the hell are you doing..." Shruti shouted angrily at her , she chased after her trying her best to not lose her in the sea of rushing people, Shruti wanted to give her a piece of her mind to Naina the girl was crazy ,here she was trying her best to get them out of here and Naina was going to some stranger aid.

As Shruti neared the Stranger the voice were still unclear because of the heavy wind ," please safe my daughter, she is only seven years old , please save her." The woman was crying.

"Ma'am our life guards are coming, please have patience." The local officer said.

"But my daughter will die by that time, she doesn't know swimming then do I, she couldn't hold on any longer."  The woman shouted.

Shruti shook her head, she couldn't understand how parents can be Soo careless, how can they let a child go near the water let alone leave her hand during this condition, she didn't feel a ounce of pity towards the woman, she turned around to give her stupid friend a piece of her mind but was horrified finding her nowhere, she looked everywhere the beach was now almost empty as the winds and waves were now shaking the shore,.

"Who is that." A officer shouted pointing towards a distance figure in the deathly sea,

Shruti's eyes widened in horror, she felt her all blood turning cold, she could very well guess the girl by her distance appearances." Nainaaaa," she shouted in horror but her voice was lost somewhere in the howling winds.

She tried to go near the sea but the officers held her back along with the lady ," no Ma'am you cannot go there , we already have two lives in danger , it will a great help to us if you to cooperate with us and leave this place immediately, our life guard will rescue them and safely send them to their respective homes.." The officer said trying to drag her out from there.

"What do you mean I should leave, my Friend is over there in the hand of death , and you are telling me to leave, she is my responsibility.." Shruti shouted stubbornly , she couldn't leave Naina, what would she tell her parents,.

The officer called to lady officer ," we are extremely sorry for doing this ma'am but your lives are our responsibility and for that we have to take this step." The officer said apologically.

"What do you mean....NOOO...NOOO... LEAVE ME!!! MY FRIEND IS THERE!!! LEAVE ME!!!!." Shruti shouted when the lady officers forcefully dragged her from there.


When Naina heard the mother crying about daughter she couldn't control herself, she run in the direction of the death to save that child , she knows what she was doing was pure stupidity she knows that she was willing throwing herself in the hand of death but she couldn't leave from there knowing that she could have saved a innocent life , she had the chance but she chose to let her die. Naina couldn't do it , her conscious would kill her with guilt, she knows what it feels to lose someone.

Naina gasped when another deathly wave pushed her , her arms where aching with amount of power the waves were throwing at her , the wind was not helping either, Naina feared that she didn't already lost the child in the deathly dance of waves, then she a limp body thrashing trying to save herself from drowning. She struggles to swim towards her the waves were like electric shock Everytime leaving her paralyzed, she pulled the child closer ," climb on my back." She shouted coughing immediately when a gallop of salty water entered her mouth, she wished the girl heard her voice.

Luckily she did, as she weakly climbing on her shoulder, Naina clenched her eyes shut the added weight was making it impossible for her to keep fighting the waves , as the Time was running the whole sea was consumed in the darkness of the storm , the waves were more stronger now nearly drowning them, you are strong Nain just a little bit more Naina chanted in her mind continuesly.

Then she saw a boat coming towards them, she sighed in relief and quickly handed the girl to the Group of man , as she was about to give her hand to the guard a power wave crushed on them drowning Naina with it.

"Sir the condition is getting worst we have to leave now." One of the lifeguard said.

The leader of them looked towards the water where Naina got drowned then turned towards the others ," move , leave now." He commanded.

"But sir the other girl." One of the guard said hesitated.

"We cannot risk the lives 10 because of one , however there is no guarantee that she is still alive." The leader said and thus they left leaving her in the arms of death.


Naina didn't wanted to die , she wanted to become successful, she wanted to make her parents and Arjun proud , she knows if she died today then Arjun will be disappointed, her parents won't be able to handle her death , and she didn't wanted to die , she wanted to live , she wanted to fullfil his dream of seeing her successful.

With all these thoughts Naina tried to swim upwards but waves didn't let her , and then she saw it the face of death. A huge tornado was formed deep of the sea pulling everything within it,

Naina tired to swim away from it but the harder she tired the more dificult it become, her arms were aching to give up , her lungs were on fire because of the lack of oxygen, Naina tired her best to fight the battle of death but she could slowly feel herself getting pulled into the tornado, her lungs giving up , and then she stopped fighting , she parted her lips and immediately water entered her , she could feel her vision getting black at that moment all her memories from her childhood flashed infront of her eyes, at that moment she only wished to two things.

Please God take care of my mom and dad and Shruti too , and if there is anything like next birth then make my maa papa as my parents again and Arjun as my Arjun Naina thought, and as felt herself slowing falling into arms of death , she closed her eyes

I love you Mom Dad and Arjun these were the last words as she gave up her conscious.

As Naina Roy's mortal body slowly got engulfed in the tornado, Same peacock feather floored around the tornado creating a bluish light around it , and then the tornado disappeared, along with Naina Roy, and in that moment Naina Roy fully got entangled with the saga of the cursed tale , A tale which was nothing like a love tale ,it was the cursed tale waiting for that old soul to recreate it again.


The End

As this is the end of our love tale I would love it very much if you share your experience throughout the story and your feedback.

Yes yes the sequel is there but but after completing my other story THIRST OF MY HEART.






Love ❤️- Ira

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