chapter 5

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Shock would be a very small word to to describe Naina condition, she was staring at Arjun with mouth hang open not caring that the people around her are staring at her.

"Close your mouth Tara." Arjun said with a smrik.

"Yo-you what are you doing here." Naina asked trying to compose herself.

"Why Mumbai off course where I got transferred." He said with a wink.

"But your transfer was in Bangalore......wait you fooled me you stupid jerk." Naina shouted at the last and Arjun cringed

Naina shoot a quick apologize look around her looking at everyone glaring at her, she then turned towards Arjun and glared daggers at him.

"So this means you fooled internationally even after seeing my condition and today morning to you intensionally ignored me knowing very well how hurt I would be." Naina hissed in a low voce making Arjun pale.

Arjun gulped then give her a nervous smile." If I would have told you then you couldn't witness your surprise expression nah." Arjun said and ended with a teasing smile.

Naina rolled her eyes." Does mummy Papa know about this." She asked curiously

"Yes and what do you think why would someone like aunty would leave her precious daughter all alone in a unknown place." Arjun said

"I should have thought this." Naina mumbled.

"Okay now we will talk about later , it's a long journey, and now tell me what were you searching." He asked changing the topic.

"Changing the topic aren't we , ekbar ei public place theke beroi tarpor toke Ami dekhachi (" just let us get out of these public place then I will show you.")." Naina told him threateningly.

"Okay okay calm down tiger now tell me." Arjun said

"I m not able to find my earplugs." She told him shepishly.

Arjun took her handbag and took out the earplugs giving her a duh expression." Someone told me that they need it often Soo pack in the handbag not in the luggage." He said sarcastically while Naina smile embarrassed looking down.

"But tell me nah Aljun how are you here." She whined.

"You see when aunty and uncle were talking about your college my boss informed me about my sudden transfer to Delhi for five years and I immediately accepted it immediately my transfer was decided after three months and I thought till that time your results will be also out. Soo I told uncle and aunty and they were in cloud nine as you won't be alone." Arjun finished and Naina was looking at him with her jaw on touching the floor

"Soo this was the reason you were Soo desperately forcing me to sit for the entrance exam." Naina said as slowly everything made sense to her.

Arjun grinned." Correct and exactly after a week of your exam uncle visited here and found a two bhk apartment for us which is near to both your college and my office." He said

"And what if I wouldn't have listened to you and decided to join a college in Kolkata itself, then you would have live in Mumbai all alone for five years." Naina asked mischievously.

"That is not going to happen ever." Arjun said relaxing in his seat with Naina hand bag on his lap.

"And why is that." Naina asked raising a eyebrow teasingly.

Arjun turned towards her." Because wherever Naina will be Arjun will be there with her and wherever Arjun will be Naina would be there with him." Arjun said looking at her eyes and Naina smile at him loving.

"Now eat something here." Arjun said forwarding her a pack of cookies and Naina immediately made a annoyed face from childhood only Naina has a weird dislike towards cookies and she had got numerous scolding and lecture from her mother for it.

"Don't make that face eat something light soo you can eat dinner in night now come on." He said giving her the packet.

Naina throwed him a lock and started to munch in to the cookies with irritated face.

Naina only eat the half of the cookies and made Arjun eat the rest of them. Arjun handed her the water bottle and Naina gulped it down.

"Arjun I m feeling bored." Naina whined to Arjun , this was her first time traveling this much long journey in train.

Arjun turned towards her." Okay let's play luddo then." Arjun asked and Naina grinned widely with Twinkiling eyes.

They played ludo in mobile and it was already night time, Arjun feed the dinner roti sabji prepared by her mother and ate himself, Naina keep her head on his shoulder and fall asleep blabbering.

Next day Mumbai train station

"Waoh the place is Soo crowed." Naina cringed the station was more crowded then Kolkata's station.

"This is why I told you to not leave my hand understood." Arjun said holding her hand tightly in his as the porter carried their luggage towards exit of the railway station.

Naina was looking around the busy city like a lost puppy as Arjun pulled her from the sea of rushing people. There was a excitement in her as this was the first step towards her becoming independent and she was glad that Arjun was beside her to support her in the new phase of her life.

Arjun loaded their luggage inside the cab as Naina sat inside looking at the city the hot sun of July was burning above their head Making the cool AC atmosphere in th6cab feel like heaven to her.

Arjun sat beside her after paying the porter , he took out his mobile and told the address to the cab driver.

"Tara are you hungry." Arjun asked as she didn't had any breakfast in the morning saying she started to feel sick from staying in the train for Soo long.

"No I m just thirsty and tired ." Naina said she was having a hard time controlling herself from dozing off feeling the air-conditional.

Arjun took out the chilled bottle which he brought from station and passed to her, main gulped some water and returned it to him.

Naina felt someone shaking her she groggily opened her eyes and saw the cab has stopped

"We reached Tara wake up." Arjun told her softly.

Naina nodded and they got out of the cab she looked at the building in front of her this is my new house she thought.

"Let's go." Arjun said picking up their luggage.

"Pass me some to ." Naina said snatching three bags from him.

"No Tara give it back to me." Arjun said trying to take it back.

"Nop." Naina said simply.

" You won't be able to carry it." Arjun said worried knowing very her hands while start aching afterwards.

Naina narrowed her eyes." Did you just said that women are weak Mr.Arjun." Naina said fake angirly

"No I..."

"Then it's final I m carrying it and if you again try to take it back then I will say that you are doing sexism." Naina threatened.

"Calm down faminism leader now lets go." Arjun said surrendering and Naina giggled.

They walked inside and showed the watchman their documents and id , the watchman gave them the key and told them the floor number.

"Wow." Nain said as they entered the apartment, the living room was attached with kitchen, there was couch set along with a midium sized LED TV , the furniture and essentially things were already brought by her father when come to visit the apartment.

There was three doors Naina run towards the end first door and it was a room , a single bed , wardrobe and a study table.

"Uncle already told the landlord to clean the apartment as we are arriving today." Arjun said seeing her jumping like a kid.

"Whats that door." Naina said, she opened the door and sequeled happily seeing a small balcony.

She saw another door in the balcony." That's my room , the balcony is connected to both your and my room." Arjun said smiling looking at her happy face.

They walked back in her room and the tiredness kicked back in Naina seeing the bed, it was already past six in the evening.

"Arjun let's settle everything tomorrow na I m extremely tired and Soo are you ." Naina said.

Arjun nodded he himself was feeling tired from the long journey." Okay do one thing grab my mobile and order something while I set a fresh bedsheets in the bed." Arjun said

He handed her the mobile and she ordered two packets of chicken biryani for them while Arjun set the bedsheet.

The food arrived and both of them finished it hurriedly." Good night aljun." Naina whished him yawning.

" Good night and call me if you if you need anything or feel lonely okay." Arjun said and she nodded her.

They went to their room and fall asleep immediately after hitting the bed.


Where should I hide *thinking while tapping my finger on my chin*

*Screamed loudly looking at front* oh you guys are already here Soo...un how are you.

Okay okay don't throw fireballs , I have a good explanation ready and garnished beautifully for you guys.

As you all know my online classes are starting it's consuming most of my time along with homework and in all this the stories have gone in the farther end of my mind, and I m having a hard time pulling it back in it's place .

The love tale somehow have convinced to return back in its own place but thirst of my heart is still sitting with puffed face showing its back towards me and I m doing everything possible to convince it to return back.

As soon as I convince it you will get a update on that story.

Okay I have to go now


Love- Ira ♥️

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