Chapter 42: Finding Amber

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After being interrogated for several hours and telling the same story over and over, they finally left the room. I sat in a small funky room with dim yellow lights, two chairs, and a table. The floor was stained with a dark substance that I hoped wasn't blood. It could have been anything. I tried my best to stay cool, but I'm sure the interrogator who asked me the questions saw my lips trembling and took note of all the studdering I did. 

I placed my hands on the table to rest my head. I had the worse migraine ever. Overthinking comes in waves, but when you have anxiety, you may just have to times that by some numbers. My head was over the roof.

"Olivia?" My father walked in.

I almost ran to him, but the interrogator and an officer were behind him. "What's going on dad? Why am I here?"

Dad put his hand on my shoulder. "They found three girls dead three miles from the school and-" he paused for a moment and rubbed a stub of hair on his chin. "One of the girl's last words was, 'Olivia Carson did this to us' and-"

"And that's you," the same officer that arrested me said.

My father looked at him. "But no one found evidence of that."

The officer placed his hands on his hops. "When we find evidence, and I'm sure we will, she's going to have a lot a time on her hand. She can make this easy right now, or very hard later."

I didn't pay attention to what he was saying. I was more relieved that Rose didn't tell them anything, and that it actually had been Megan. I shivered for a second. I imagined her last dying breaths, struggling to tell the policemen that it was me when it wasn't. I imagined her voice, grim and low then the glow in her eyes slowly fading. I wanted to cry.

"Come on," my father took me by my hand as if I was a little kid. I held his hand too, making sure he'd get me out of there. I felt the cop and interrogated behind us, watching us as we left the station. "This is insane," he mumbled as we got in the car.

I sat in the back seat, shaking like crazy. If he thought this was insane, just he waited until I told him about Amber. "Dad?" I said. He didn't reply. Even though I could have ignored him, there was no telling what Sunny could do to Rose. "Dad, Amber is at Rose's house."

He gripped the wheel tighter. "What? Why is she there?" He groaned. 

I didn't even know what or how to tell him, so I decided to lie. "Shayla dropped off Amber and I there, but the cop didn't believe me when I said she was in there."

He chuckled while shaking his head. "I swear, after dealing with your mom's craziness, I never imagined dealing with my own daughter being accused of murder. Three murderers."

"Do you really think I could ever be capable of that?" I tried not to yell but did raise my voice.

"No, but craziness seems to chase after you and your mother," he said. "Why do you think I left?"

Right after he said that he pinched the skin on his head. He ended up making a U-turn somewhere and we made our way back to Rose.


When we got to Rose's house, dad stopped the car. "Stay here," he turned to face me. "I'll see if she's in there." I watched as he slammed the door then jogged over to Rose's front door. 

I crossed my fingers, hoping Rose was okay. I was so relieved when I saw Rose answer the door. Dad started waving his hands around while talking to Rose. Finally, she looked inside then opened the door wider. Amber ran past her and dad then got into the front seat of the car. Rose closed the door then dad returned to the car.

"Are you okay, Amber?" He asked her.

"I'm fine," she replied.


Dad dropped us off back home. He told us that he would be home later. As soon as he was out of sight, I grabbed Amber. "What were you doing there?" 

She snatched herself away from me while glaring at me. "Making sure Rose and I was on good terms, Olivia. She could have got Amber arrested! Amber's prints were all over the place, not yours!"

"Rose didn't tell, though! Megan did."

"Really?" Amber's frown disappeared. 

"Wait, what did you do to Rose? Why were you there?" I grabbed her arm again.

Amber didn't budge this time, she looked me in the eyes. "Well, she was telling me that she didn't tell. I didn't believe her. I made sure her fingerprints were all over the place and not Ambers."

"How...did you do that?" I swallowed.

"Amber's not the only body I can take over," she said then ran inside before I could say anything.

I stood there frozen in my tracks. Was it true? Couldn't be. I didn't believe it. I didn't want to believe it. I looked around, Shayla and dad were gone. I couldn't stop anything if I wanted to. I couldn't tell the truth even if I wanted to...

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