Chapter 74: Her mind her heart

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"There's no way out, Olivia," my mother formed into her normal being. "Look at what you've done. All of this and for what? No one was going to love you as I did out on Earth."

The flames and chains surrounded the remaining suicide children-trapping them more than before. I couldn't feel the flames. I couldn't feel anything. My mind pretty much told me that I was indeed dead. "That's not the point, mom," I said, my heart heavy. The only emotion I felt was heartbreak, as I felt I lost my mother 100 percent. She wasn't my mom anymore. She was Morfran. "You can't make others feel the same pain just because things didn't work out for you."

She walked close to me. I inched back with every step until we were almost circling each other as we talked. "Now you want to give me the inspiration speech? I saw you, down on Earth, in your room. You wanted to be gone. To take that pain away. That part wasn't me, it was all you."

"It's true," I threw up my hands frantically. "I didn't know what I had. I felt empty, pointless, pathetic. I know how you felt, mom. When dad left you. When I myself abandoned you. I can't apologize. It's too late, I know. I'm sorry. Sometimes things take a downward turn. I wish I didn't have to result to pain for it. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry you had to. But I see now how much it affect others. How it destroys...everything."

"Are you apologizing because I'm a threat?" I stopped moving as she walked closer to me. More in my face. "Are you scared?"

"No," I stuttered. "I mean-I'm already dead, mom."


"I'm sorry," I told her.

My mother slowly shaped back into Morfan. I stepped back as she spread her wings and screeched. "You will spend your eternity in here like the rest of them!"

"I'm so sorry, mom," I told her once more as I took one last step back. "Sorry I have to do this to you."

She let out a loud laugh followed by a screech as she launched at me. I felt a strong grip against my hand. It was Sunny pulling me out pass the opened entrance that appeared all of a sudden before closing. I was welcomed back by the palace, followed by guards and a small gathering of children and adults of all ages. Robert, looking defeated and weak slowly walked up to me. "Take my hand," he grabbed mine. Right after, he grabbed Sunny's hand, and she grabbed a guard's hand, and he grabbed someone else's hand. Soon everyone was hand in hand.

"You aren't dead just yet," Robert said. "Think of the field. We're going back there."

I immediately did what I was told, closing my eyes as I felt my body drift down. Down. Down...

The field was still on fire, only this time no one was trying to put it out. It took me a minute to notice, but hundreds of children were behind me. The Lovely Suicide children. "It worked!" Robert and Sunny yelled out.

Our excitement didn't last for long. My mother soon spread up from the ground, quickly wiping her wings around at the children. "Come on," Robert looked at me. "We're going to destroy her."

The Lovely suicide Children all began to turn into crows, cawing and pecking at her. I looked at my arms and legs. Majority of my body was burned badly with skin peeling off my hands, arms, legs, and neck. I started feeling pain bit by bit. I took Sunny to the side by the road as my mom was distracted. "I won't have enough energy to fight. I'm sure a bunch of crows won't stop her," I looked back.

I noticed the crow children were pecking at her eyes, mouth, underneath her wing, and feet. "What are they doing?" I asked. I saw my mother actually grunting, almost stumbling, and telling to stop or she'd doom them to eternal punishment.

"She's not as powerful on Earth as she is in our world, Olivia," she said. "The same crows that brought her to us are taking her back. We'll just need you to take the final part back since you have it."


"Her heart. Her mind," she picked up a stick and handed it to me before turning into a crow and attacking y mother. I watched, horrified at what I was seeing. Fur was falling off of my mother's body. Whenever she would hit a crow, they would slice in half, returning as a disfigured child. The scene was horrendous on both sides. So gross I always wanted to shut my mind. Still feeling pain, I bent down, clutching my arm and falling skin. I felt as if I could pass out at any moment. It didn't make sense, but I could still feel part of me in The Lovely Suicide Children's world.

"You think you could defeat me?" My mother yelled out after a wing of her fell off, followed by another. Half of the crows were wiped out, children laying split down the middle all around her. She soon crashed down to the ground, no longer flying.

I inched myself closer to the scene. On the ground, I saw Emmitt. I saw Robert too. I assumed Sunny was still fighting. The crows seemed to cover my mother at this point to a point I could barely see her. An eyeball flew over me. I didn't know if it was a crow's eye or my mothers'. I could see the crows were overpowering her, but I still wondered if I could take back the final pieces. Her mind. Her heart.

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