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Harry woke up the next morning to sunlight streaming through the curtains and onto his face. He slowly rose up out of bed and tiptoed to the window for the floor was cold. Upon reaching the window he was about to close them and head back to bed when he looked outside and realized he had a balcony. Opening the door the warm air hit him and he smiled slightly. Glancing at the clock he found out he had woken up at six o'clock sharp like always. He felt as if he will forever be programmed to wake up this early. He stepped out onto the balcony and looked over the gardens. If he never left this place he would forever stay in the garden. From this height, he could see a clear pond filled with white pebbles, lily pads and many different kinds of fish swimming around in it.

Looking around on the balcony, he saw a small white wire table and two matching chairs. He walked back in and grabbed a book off the bookcase in his room. None of them had titles so he blindly grabbed one and made his way back outside to read. Sitting down he opened the book to its apparent title page. 'Magic and it's Core'. He opened to the first chapter about how a wizard is supposed to feel his core before trying to use it. How without a strong core, the wizard will not be able to perform a spell to their full potential. Quickly becoming engrossed in the book Harry sat there for the next two hours and read about how the wizard must connect with their core, how they can channel their strongest amount of power from it. He didn't stop reading until he heard a tap on the window. He looked up to see Severus standing in his doorway.

"I thought I told you breakfast was at eight?" he said as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"What time is it?" Harry asked.

"Eight-thirty," Severus replied.

"Guess I got so lost in the book I didn't realize what time it was," replied Harry shyly as he stood up from his chair to find his back acing.

"How long have you been reading?"

"Since six," said Harry as he walked past him and back into the room. Walking over to his dresser he found a pair of pants and a shirt laid out for him already. He walked to the bathroom and quickly changed, not evening bothering with his hair. He came back out to find Severus still standing at the door.

"Now I'm ready," he said as he again slipped past him and began his walk down to the dining hall. Severus followed him step by step until they got down to the main floor. Again Harry was captivated by the gardens and wondered when he would have a chance to go out and see them in person.

"You can go out there at any time, you do realize this correct?" he heard next to him. He turned to face Severus and found he didn't have his usual scowl on his face.

"I can?" he asked as he turned his head back out to the beautiful garden.

"Yes, but not now. You are already way late for breakfast," stated Severus as he walked in front of Harry and to the dining hall. Harry stole one last glance at the garden before rushing after the man who already was down the hall. He stopped next to him and pushed open the door. A few more faces were here now. Lucius was in his normal seat, Voldemort was on his throne, Severus' chair was empty, still waiting for him to be seated in it. The one next to his was empty as well, guess that was for him. Across from where he would be sitting was Bellatrix. Only, she was still in pajamas. She looked up at him through her curly hair that fell in front of her eyes.

"My Lord, what is the Potter boy doing here?" she asked though did not go for her wand. Harry assumed she didn't because Voldemort didn't. She would follow his every move and if he wasn't concerned of why he was their then she wouldn't either.

"Potter will be training under Severus and Lucius," He replied simply if that answered the question. Harry could see she was still confused but simply nodded and returned to her breakfast. Harry cautiously followed Severus around the table and took his seat next to the man.

"I've arranged for a port key to take you to Diagon Alley for eleven this morning. You will be ready by then," The Dark Lord said as he continued to eat his breakfast without even glancing at him. Well good morning to you too, he thought to himself.

"You will be placed under charms so no one recognizes you. I'm sure the headmaster already has a search party out considering I did not return to the castle or give him an update on your location or well being," Severus told him as he began his breakfast. Harry simply nodded at the information given to him and started on his own breakfast. There was little talk amongst them but Harry was grateful for the silence. He probably wouldn't have spoken much anyways.

After lunch Harry decided to explore the garden. Walking out into the garden where the sunlight was just beginning to shine, Harry followed along the stone path way. He saw plants of all different kinds. He saw simple flowers, like tulips, daisies, tiger lilies. Then there were the plants you knew did not grow in the muggle world. You had gillyweed in one corner, sopophorous beans growing as well. Eventually he came to the middle of the garden where there was a pond. It was a clear pond, with white and grey stones scattered on the bottom. The stone used to encase the ponds edge was made of a beautiful marble with designs carved in to it. He walked along the ponds edge when something moved from the bushes behind him. Turning around he saw nothing, until he looked closer and saw the end of a snake's tail poking out from under the lilys.

"I know you're there," he said as he took a seat at the water's edge. He saw the snake turn around and come back out onto the open walkway. Nagini looked at him.

"What brings you out into my hunting grounds?" she hissed at him.

"For hunting grounds it sure is nice out here," replied Harry as he looked around him. Nagini studied him for a bit before speaking again.

"You seem to be enjoying your time here already."

"You could say that," he said returning his attention back to her. "Though never in a million years would I expect such beauty to be at the manor of the Dark Lord."

"My master does enjoy the simple beauties in life," she said. Harry only smiled at her. They spent a good time talking in the garden, with Nagini glad to have someone else around who could understand her. Though all to soon Harry had to leave the garden and his new found friend. Walking back into the manor, he found Severus and Lucius arguing by the door. Something he already feels accustomed to seeing.

"Now Severus-"

"The answer is no," Severus said interrupting him.

"Well, you could u- Harry! Great, you can decide this for us. I suggested to Severus, since we would be out this morning, that he should get a new wardrobe," the blond said to him. Harry just looked back and forth between the two.

"I mean, you do seem to only wear those robes, Professor," he said cautiously. Severus only glared at him.

"See! It's two against one. You're getting one," Lucius exclaimed happily. The potions master only rolled his eyes in response and taking out his wand, cast a few charms on Harry to change his appearance. Feeling satisfied with his work, he took out the port key, a silver key, and held it out to the other two. Once each one of them was touching it, the key activated and they were whisked away with the feeling of going navel first.

Going by port key was one thing, landing on the other hand was something completely different for Harry. Upon landing at the entrance to the leaky cauldron, Harry stumbled forward and seeing as the ground would only get closer, he closed his eyes. Only, the ground never came. Instead came a smell. And it smelled of lavender? Opening his eyes he realized Severus had caught him. The man smelled really good. Like really good. Realizing what he just said to himself Harry quickly straightened himself out.

"First we are heading to get you school supplies, then we will head to find you new clothes and finally we will get you new glasses," Severus said as they began walking through the many shops.

"Why do I need new glasses?" Harry questioned him as he fell in step next to him.

"Potter I saw you reading, you held that book so close to your face anyone can tell you need new glasses."

"But I'm fi-"

"Potter did you ever see an eye doctor?" Lucius asked as he caught up with them. Harry shook his head. "So you never got a prescription. Over time your eyes will change so you need a prescription," Lucius said.

"Fine, where would we go for them?"

"For that we will be shopping in actual London," Severus said as they stopped at their first shop. The two older men did most of the shopping for Harry. Instead of all the bargain hunting he would normally do with the Weasleys, he actually got things that were borderline expensive. When he asked, Lucius simply replied he only buys the best. Sighing Harry put up with the rest of shopping until it came to getting a new wardrobe. Lucius did most of the shopping shoving Harry in and out of a changing room, placing the order and picking the colours. Finally coming back out of the changing room, he found Severus holding a few bags himself. Apparently Lucius still made him get a wardrobe.

Once all the magical shopping was done they headed off to London to get Harry new glasses. Lucius let Severus handle all the muggle talk, though Harry did have to nudge the man a lot to get him to stop staring at everything. Upon reaching the optometrist's office Harry felt very uncomfortable. With all the new frames around him he became self conscious about picking out a pair like he knew he would have to. But then again, Lucius would probably pick out a pair that would match with all his new clothing. Sighing silently to himself he took a seat after Severus came back from the counter.

The appointment didn't take that long, with Harry just having to read a bunch of charts, he finally got a new prescription. When he looked through the new lenses he would have in a few days, he was amazed that the world could look this clear. He could actually read things from far away without having to squint. Finally Harry went out to the gallery, feeling a little disappointed with having to put back on his old glasses. Already he saw Lucius looking up and down the shelves for a pair of frames that would best fit his 'new' appearance.

"Severus I can't decide between these," he held up a pair of simple black frames, or so he thought. When he got closer he saw flecks of gold woven into the side. Harry slipped them on and found they neatly framed his face, he couldn't see the rims of his glasses and they were subtle. "Or these," Lucius took those off him and replaced them with a different pair. These were now a wire pair, thinner looking than the last. These would be more for a social event, ones that would be for more high class events than the other ones. "What do you think?" he asked to Harry and Severus. Harry just shrugged knowing his opinion on this wouldn't matter. To be honest, Harry couldn't even remember half the clothes Lucius had just bought him. Glancing at the potions master he just carried the same blank expression on his face.

"Fine. I'll just get both," and with that Lucius took the frames to the counter to request them. Harry was starting to feel a little bad with them- okay maybe just Lucius- spending all this money on him. Once the frames where purchased and they were given a date for when Harry's glasses would be do, they headed back into the magical world.

"We taking our lunch out or are we proceeding back to the manor?" Severus asked once they reached the Leaky Cauldron.

"Eat out," Lucius said right away. He then nudged Harry and whispered, "if Severus ever offers to eat out take it, he never does that."

"Alright so where will we eat?" he asked as they continued to walk down the alley.

"Paris!" Lucius exclaimed happily.

"No we are not," Severus growled out as he stopped and stared at the blond.

"Yes we are. You never eat out, this is a special occasion!" he said as he grabbed both their hands and apparated them. Harry stumbled as when he hit the ground and this time was caught by Lucius. After the world stopped spinning for Harry he followed after the chipper blond and a sour looking potions master through Paris. They came to stop at a small little café near a garden. Harry sat down at one of the small white wire tables in a seat next to the garden. Lucius sat to the right of him and Severus sat on his left. The weather was nicer than it was in London. And quieter too. He could hear people, but not as loudly has he had in London. Looking over the menu he found he couldn't understand it. It was in French. Glancing at the two men in front of him he saw them studying the menu as if they understood it. When a waiter came up to them the two of them ordered. In French. When the waiter looked at him Severus spoke up for him and he must have ordered for him.

"Uh, what did you order for me?" Harry asked as he fiddled with his silverware.

"For a drink I ordered you a water as for lunch, you'll just have to see," he smirked as the waiter brought back the drinks. Lucius had gotten some type of wine, and Severus received a tea. They quietly sipped on their drinks until there food arrived.

Lucius had gotten what appeared to be a pasta dish, Severus had gotten himself, surprisingly a dessert looking dish and he ordered the same thing for Harry. Harry followed closely to Severus with what utensils to use. The two men were talking amongst themselves but Harry was too caught up in the flavour of his meal to pay attention. He could never get food like this back in London. Even the restaurants claiming to be a French restaurant could never compare to food actually from France. Lunch ended much too short for them and soon they returned to the manor.

Entering the manor Lucius called for a house elf to put Harry's things away. He then told Harry to rest up and at one they would start training. Taking Lucius's advice he headed out to the garden, hopefully to talk to his new scaly friend.

Luckily he found her without much trouble for she was sun bathing out on a rock.

"Enjoy your day out?" She hissed at him. He smiled to her and took a seat on the grass next to the rock.

"I did. Who know food in Paris could taste so wonderful," he said.

"Indeed," she replied "what brings you out here?"

"They told me to rest up before we start training,"

"I'll give you advice, do as they say and do not question them. They are my lords right and left for good reason," she hissed. Harry nodded and laid back on the grass and looked up to the sky. It was different then it was in Paris. It appeared darker, gloomier. You could sense in the air something was coming over the horizon but it was not just a changing in weather.

He must have fallen asleep for he woke up to a feeling of something rocking him. Slowly opening his eyes he saw it was the dour potions master kicking him in the thigh with his boot.

"Have you no sense of time?" He questioned clearly annoyed.

"What time is it?" Harry asked as he sat up.

"A quarter after one," Severus replied as he held out his hands and helped him stand.

"I'm sorry sir," he said as he looked down at the ground. Severus merely just put a hand on his back and lead him away and up to the dueling room. When they entered the room they found Lucius changing the room to fit there needs. Practice dummies were set up along the far wall. Upon the floor where marks. There where three of them.

"What will we be doing?" He asked as he came to stand on the middle of the room.

"I want to see how you duel already before we teach you anything new," the blond said as he directed Harry to the first spot.

"Wait, how am I to duel without my wa- what ever happened to my wand?" He said slightly panicking. Severus reached into his robes and handed it to him. He felt his magic serge through him and into his wand and felt his magic hum in contentment. The two men stepped back from him and stood behind him.

"Alright. Let's see what you can do," Lucius said.

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