The New House Guests

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Addy's POV:

"Come on Addy please." My little sister, Aurelia or Aura for short, begs. "Aura, ask Anna. I took you horseback riding yesterday. It's her turn." I say, closing my book. "She said she wouldn't though. She's too busy doing her hair to impress the new people coming today." She says.

"I'm sorry Aura, maybe you can go riding with one of the new guests tomorrow." I say. "Fine." She huffs, stoping off to what I presume to be her room. I chuckle at her attitude and go back to reading my book. After a few minutes I hear Miss Macready's voice in the hallway.

That must mean she's back with the guests. I set my book down, fully intending to go back to reading it later, and enter the hallway outside the library. "Above all, there shall be no disturbing of the Professor." Miss Macready finishes. "Telling them the rules of the house?" I ask.

They all turn to me. "Miss Winters, meet the Pevensie children." She says. The littlest runs up to me. She looks to be about Aura's age, 11. "Hello, I'm Lucy." She says. "I kneel down to her level. "Well hello Lucy, I'm Adelaide, but you can call me Addy." I smile. I study the rest of them.

The oldest boy looks to be about Anna and my's age, 15, the oldest girl looks to be a year younger, 14, and the youngest boy looks to be two years younger, so 13. "I'm Peter, this is Susan and Edmund." The oldest boy says, pointing to his siblings.

"Well it's nice to meet you. I can show them to their rooms if you want Miss Macready." I tell the housekeeper. "Thank you Adelaide." She says, then walks off. "Follow me." I say. I lead them down various hallways.

"Do you live here alone with the Professor and Miss Macready?" Susan asks. "No, I have two sisters who you will soon meet." I say. We finally come to their section of the house. "Girls on the left, boys on the right. I'm the third door on the left if you have any questions." I say.

"Thank you." Peter says. I nod and head back to the library. When dinner time rolls around I head to the dining room. "Addy, did you meet the guests yet?" Anna asks. "Yeah, I showed them their rooms." I say. "Really? What were they like?" She asks.

Before I can answer Aura runs into the room. "The new people are coming." She says. I laugh. The Pevensies make their appearance. "Peter, Susan, Edmund, Lucy, these are my sisters, Mary Anna and Aurelia." I say, pointing at my sisters as the others take their seats.

"Hi, please, call me Anna." Anna says. "Call me Aura." Aura says, taking a seat next to Lucy and Edmund. I see her blush when he looks at her. I smile knowingly at her. I'm sitting between Susan and Peter and Anna is sitting across from us.

Miss Macready comes in with the food and sets it down in front of us before retreating to the kitchen. "So, are you all here to escape the war as well?" Susan asks. "Uh, no. Our parents died when we were little and the Professor is our Uncle so he took us in." I say.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Lucy says. "No it's fine. We barely remember them. Aura doesn't remember them at all, she was 9 months and we were 4." Anna says. The rest of the dinner Lucy tells us that they are from Finchley and all about their mum and dad.

When dinner is over we all say goodnight and head back to our rooms. "Aura, time to get in bed." I say, walking into her room. She is sitting on her bed. "Aura, it's time to go to sleep." I say. "Addy, please ready to me." I say. "Ok, what do you want me to read?" I ask.

"Tell me of Narina." She says. Narnia. That name sounds so familiar, maybe that's why I had dreams over it. I don't know. I first told Aura to get her to sleep, but since then I've told her different stories of this make believe world. "Which one?" I ask. "The beginning." I sigh.

"Fine, but when I'm done, do you promise you'll go to sleep?" I ask. "Yes. Yes. Yes." She chants. I giggle at her enthusiasm. "Fine, so you want me to start with Jadis and Drina?" I ask. She nods vigorously. "Ok."

Once upon a time there lived two girls, sisters in fact, Jadis, the oldest, and Drina the youngest. They loved each other more than anything. One day, while playing out in the meadow behind their cottage, Drina made a wonderful discovery. She discovered she had the power to make flowers grow around her. Jadis, while impressed by her sister's powers, grew jealous that she had none. Or so she though. Two years later in that same meadow. Drina was making flowers grow and Jadis when to pick one and ended up freezing it. Since then their powers flourished. They grew more and more powerful. Drina, whom the village loved due to her power, was named Queen of Narnia under Aslan, the Great Lion. Jadis's hate grew for her sister. All she wanted was to be Queen and rule, but the villagers though Jadis's gift a curse so they outcasted her. Taking things into her own hands, Jadis went to work, devising a plan to overthrow her sister. She planned for 5 years. During this time Drina married a nobleman by the name of Galen. Then they had three children together. Marie, Lily Anna, and Flora. Each girl had their own powers. Marie had control over fire and weather, Lily Anna had control over water and healing, and Flora had control over the earth and the air. Once Jadis found out about the children she knew that she would have to kill them in order to get the throne. But first, she had to get her sister out of the way. One night, in the middle of the night, Jadis snuck into the palace and slit her sister and her husband's throats but the children were nowhere to be seen. This is because Aslan learned of Jadis's plot to kill them and got the children away just in time. He gave them to a trusted friend and there they are to this day.

When I finish Aura looks really sleepy. "Addy is Narnia real?" She asks. "If you believe it is, then it is." I say. She smile and closes her eyes. I smile and kiss her forehead, heading back into my room. I take off my robe and climb into my bed.

As soon as my head hits the pillow, I'm out like a light.

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