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Fall begins to turn into winter, everything is dead and barren. Everyone is dead and buried. Scraggly trees stripped of their leaves, cold wind a bitter howl against the frosted windowpanes of Snape's house. The chill seeps deep pithing Miranda's bones, only increasing the numbness of her current state.

They have Snatcher duties almost every other day. She can barely keep up. She's tired all the time. But she doesn't mind. It gives her less time to think. And she can't stop. If she stops her mind drifts. To green eyes and messy hair and whispered 'I love yous'.

Voldemort's ranks are growing, increasing at a faster rate than when he came into power all those years ago. Miranda and Mateo have seen classmates, teachers, store owners alike all assisting the Dark Lord, out of fear or dedication they do not know. Voldemort's name is Taboo now, making it so much easier for the Death Eaters to locate anyone who dares defy their ranks.

Miranda and Mateo haven't heard from Snape in weeks. Haven't heard from anyone in weeks. They have no information and it's driving them insane.

Miranda sits on the chair opposite Matt, slowly healing his cuts and bruises while she elevates her swollen ankle. They had been grossly outnumbered this time, and if not for their abilities, probably wouldn't have made it out alive.

She is used to the pain by now. It is an almost welcome distraction from everything else.

"There are so many of them now Matt," she says with a large exhale, wincing slightly as she adjusts her leg. "If it continues like this we won't be able to fight back." Her chest tightens at the thought of Harry, Hermione, and Ron somewhere out there. Alone. Vulnerable. She's heard the murmurs. Seen the wanted posters plastered through every town.

"I know," Mateo mutters, running a hand over his newly healed face. "But Severus hasn't given us any new instruction, we'll just have to do our best." Personally, Miranda doesn't want to hear anything Severus has to say. She still doesn't trust him. Not to mention he's been Dumbledore's little puppet for sixteen years, and she has lost all faith in the professor since his death.

Miranda pulls her now chin length hair into a small stub of a ponytail. "I'm starved," she declares. "Do we have any food that's not canned?"

"No," he shakes his head. "Provisions are low. Grady can't get food anymore it's too risky for him to leave the house."

Miranda groans, slumping down in her seat. Everything aches, her arms, back, legs, feet, head. The plus side is that she now has a very cool scar on her left shoulder just below her collarbone. A reminder of a pretty intense battle between her and Theodore Nott, her dreaded cousin, in which she left him stunned on the forest floor. That was a good day. A fond memory, believe it or not. At a time like this, she'd take what she could get.

Mateo sighs and grabs an old newspaper off the floor, reading for what must be the hundredth time the story about the alleged break in at the Ministry. Miranda wonders silently if they found a Horcrux.

"Do you think they're making progress?" asks Miranda, somewhat cautiously. She can't allow herself to dwell on it too much. She just has to trust.

Mateo pauses a moment, eyes tired. "I hope so," he says, softly.

"We haven't seen them in any other news though," she replies, unable to let it go. Miranda gnaws on the corner of her inner cheek.

"They're probably hiding somewhere," Mateo offers. "Though," he amends quietly, "not at Grimmauld Place. Severus said they'd gone in his last letter."

Miranda scoffs, remembering that letter with perfect clarity. It had been brief. Unsatisfying. And it hadn't even explained why Snape had been at Grimmauld Place to begin with. "That was weeks ago. They could be anywhere. They could be—"

"I'm going to the kitchen," her brother interrupts swiftly. He can't hear it anymore than she can say it. "Want anything."

"Coffee," she answers, staring listless out at the stark landscape, the dwindling fire in the hearth, glowing embers beginning to falter.

Mateo hoists himself from his seat with a grunt, "One tea coming right up." His sister promptly flips him off. "I saw that," he calls, putting the kettle on the stove while Grady gets the tea bags.

Miranda practices spellwork quietly under her breath as the tea kettle whistles away, sleet coming down hard outside the window. Her and Matt almost don't hear the knock on the door. They immediately snap to attention, eyeing the door warily, they draw their wands and creep towards it, ieditealy switching to silent communication. Miranda's nerves are shot. She doesn't trust anything. Anyone. Not anymore. She can't afford to.

Who is it?

I don't know.

Is it Severus?

He wouldn't knock.

Do we let them in?

I don't know.

What if it's Ron or Harry, or Hermione? Or an Order member? What if it's someone who needs our help?

What if it's a Death Eater?

Point taken.

So what do we do?

"Hello?" A woman's voice speaks from the outside. It is a little hoarse, like she has been yelling a lot recently. "I know you're in there," the voice continues in an impatient tone. "Your thoughts are very loud." Miranda's eyes widen, her grip tightening on her wand.

What did she just say?

"That's right I can hear your thoughts too." There is more impatient rapping on the door, and Miranda hears a hint of smugness in her voice. A certain cocky air, couple with the clicking of a boot heel. "Now can you please let me in? I'm soaking." Miranda and Mateo share a meaningful glance

I say we risk it. Miranda has a minor aneurysm.

Are you serious Matt?! This lady could be dangerous.

"I'm not," the mysterious voice hums. Mateo gestures a hand at the door pointedly. Miranda is unyielding, frowning at him harshly.

It could be a Death Eater in disguise.

Who knows about our power?

I don't know, Matt, maybe Snape—

He wouldn't do that.

"He might," says the voice., offhandedly. 'He's a real tosser. Y'know it's getting really cold out here."

Slowly, and against Miranda's wishes, Mateo turns the knob of the door,. As soon as it opens, Miranda grabs the cloaked woman by the arm and shoves her up against the wall, pointing a wand to her throat.

"Who are you?" she growls, grip firm and rough. Matt is also pointing his wand at the woman, slightly proud and simultaneously afraid of his sister.

"You really are the spitting image of your mum and dad both, aren't you?" The woman laughs, eyes on Mateo. She has honey coloured hair, and she looks so very very familiar. Her eyes are ice blue, electric and alive.

"Who. Are. You." Miranda repeats, gaze steely, jaw set determinedly.

"Now you," the woman replies sadly, smiling, "you look more like me." She tilts her head, lips pressed together in a knowing twist, "Junie always said you were stubborn. Apparently you got my fire." Both Miranda and Mateo flinch at the mention of their mother's name.

"I'm not going to ask again," Miranda hisses dangerously. She has reached her boiling point. "Who are you?"

The woman clucks her tongue, laughing again, "Got my temper too, looks like. Not sure if that's a blessing or a curse." She still doesn't answer her question. "You've grown up a lot Mira, but I don't expect you to remember me." There is a bittersweet note to her speech. "You on the other hand, she nods at Mateo. "Don't you remember me Matty?" Mateo gasps suddenly, a sharp, wick intake of breath. He blanches, face pale.

"What?" Miranda's anger breaks for a minute, overtaken by concern,. "What is it Matt?"

Mateo lowers his wand with a trembling hand, "I know who she is."

Miranda's eyes dart between he brother and the mystery woman, refusing to let down her guard. "Well?" she demands. "Who is she?"

A wide grin spreads across the woman's face. She is practically giddy with pride. "I knew you'd figure it out."

"Matt!" Miranda blows her brother in the gut. "Who is she?"

"Evelyn Athena Nott," the woman introduces herself, holding her hand out to Miranda. "Otherwise known as—"

"Our aunt,." Mateo breathes, as he moves to embrace her.

"Wait!" Miranda holds him back, still pointing her wand threateningly at Evelyn's face. "How do we know you're telling the truth?"

"Miranda!" Mateos cries out indignantly.

"No, she's quite right, Mateo," Evelyn smiles, winking at Miranda, who only raises an unrelenting eyebrow. "I could very well be trying to kill you."

"But you're not," Mateo glares at his sister.

"We don't know that, Mateo!" Miranda scolds, flicking the back of his head. Her brother the idiot. "Prove it," she says to Evelyn, folding her arms.

"As I said," Evelyn starts, "my name is Evelyn Athena Nott. Daughter of Isabel Castillo and William Nott, sister to Juniper Nott, your mother, and twin to Ethan Aric Nott." Miranda and Mateo exchange a look of surprise. Evelyn steamrolls right ahead, without taking a breath, "The Order of the Phoenix is a group formed by Dumbledore in the seventies against Voldemort. Remus Lupin and Sirius Black are apart of it and their nicknames for each other are Padfoot and Moony. The two of you can communicate by thought, and—"

Mateo interjects, "Are you satisfied now, Miranda?"

Miranda hesitates, and Mateo reminds her, "How would she know Remus and Sirius's nicknames? Or about our powers? Or that—?"

Miranda purses her lips and reluctantly lowers her wand, huffing, "Alright, I get it Matt." Miranda strongly dislikes being proved incorrect. "She is who she says she is. But why don't I know her? Why is she here? Why—?"

But Miranda's unanswered questions must wait because in that moment the Snatcher siren wails. A blaring wake-up call. No rest for the weary.

"Shit," Miranda curses under her breath.

Mateo is already grabbing their cloaks. "We have to go," he says.

Well what are we supposed to do with her?

I dunno. Take her with us?

I'd really prefer it if you didn't talk about me like I'm not here.

Gah, I forgot she could hear us.

Why can she hear us?

We don't have time for that right now, Matt!

I'm coming.

She says she's coming.

I heard her too, Matt.

Oh, right.

Miranda quickly alters their faces, asking Evelyn, "Will anyone recognize you?"

"No," she replies. "Perks of being dead."

Miranda manages a snort. "Good." She grabs Mateo's elbow and links arms with her newfound aunt, "Let's go."

Evelyn rubs her hands together gleefully as they apparate away, "I haven't been in action in so lo-o-oong." They land with an oof on top of one another, spotting the group of snatchers in the open glade corralling their prisoners aggressively. Miranda' stomach turns at the sight. No matter how many times she sees it, it never gets any better. The acrid stench of smoke hits her, making her eyes after and her throat sting. The green ghoulish Dark Mark leering down at her and the screams. So many screams. Miranda will never stop hearing the screams.

"So, what exactly are—?" Evelyn whispers as the three of them duck behind a tree. Miranda holds a finger to her lips, tapping the side of her head.

When we're on a mission we only talk in here.

Right. Thanks, I'm a little out of practice.

We have to release as many of those people as we can, and incapacitate as many captors as we can. Miranda and I usually start off with implanting commands from our hiding spots then actually attacking while reading their minds so we know what spells are coming.

A worrying thought strikes Miranda then.

Do you—know how to implant?

It's definitely been a while, but I can handle it.

Alright, here we go. Matt get in position. Evelyn stay there.

Mateo and Miranda clasp hands, closing their eyes and implanting as much as they can muster without being detected. The familiar dizziness sweeps through Miranda, and she digs her fingernails into the dirt to ground herself. A few Snatchers begin to wander away and release their captives, causing their ringleader, Fenrir Greyback to snarl angrily. Out of the corner of her eye, Miranda notices Evelyn's entire expression contort at her spying of the grizzled man. A vein throbbing in her forehead that Miranda recognizes as on of her own

You ready, Miranda? Miranda nods. Evelyn?

This is gonna be fun.

The three charge out into the open, firing spells left and right.

"Diffindo!" Miranda slices through the ropes around the remaining people, ushering them all to safety behind a huge oak tree. "Stupefy!" she shrieks, missing Greyback by inches, the mangy man sneering as he apparates away. Fortunately for them, with Evelyn's help, they subdue their enemy quickly, all of the Snatchers either lying on the floor unconscious or having disapparated in fear.

They hurry to where the previous hostages stand, reassuring them that all is fine and offering them food and water from their bags. Then Miranda recognizes a friendly face.

"Dean?" she ventures, disbelieving. "Is that you?"

"Miranda? Miranda McGonagall?" Dean's mouth drops open. "You were the one that saved us?"

"Well, I have to give my brother a little credit," Miranda chuckles lightly. "How did you get here? I thought you were on the run."

Dean's face darkens, "I was, but once Ted died—" His voice breaks, just a bit, and he clears his throat. "Dirk and I got outnumbered."

Miranda's heart sinks in her chest, "Ted? Like Ted Tonks? He's—"

"Gone," Dean murmurs, rubbing his forehead wearily. In the months that have gone by since she saw him last, a newfound weight has settled over Dean's shoulders. His boyish exuberance has faded slightly, replaced with the kind of wisdom that only comes from grief. "Why are you here anyways? Shouldn't you be with Harry and them?"

Her throat constricts, and she swallows tightly, "Um—no—Matt and I aren't—we're not apart of that."

Dean furrows his brow in confusion, "But weren't you and Potter—" Then he catches sight of the look on Miranda's face, "Oh."

"Yeah," she nods, biting her lip.

"I'm sorry," apologizes Dean, looking sincere. Miranda feels the urge to cry. "I never thought—" he runs hand through his hair, "—I mean the two of you were always so together. You seemed so—"

"That's alright," says Miranda quickly, before Dean can say anything else about her relationship with Harry. She forces a weak smile, "I'm just glad you're okay. D'you— have a place to go?"

"Yeah," Dean lifts a shoulder. "Seamus says he can hide me in the Room of Requirement back at Hogwarts. I'm planning on heading back there after holiday with everyone else, so long as I can sneak back on the train."

Miranda cocks her head, confused, "Holiday?"

"It's Christmas today— I think. I'm not entirely sure." Dean waves goodbye and trudges along the hillside, leaving Miranda in shock.

How had it been so long already? She'd completely forgotten about Christmas. Her mom used to love Christmas. She would stay up all night baking cookies so that the whole house smelled like sugar the next morning, and tiny Miranda would run down in her pajamas on Christmas morning, bright and happy. Everything was bright and happy back then.

I miss her too

Miranda feels a hand on her shoulder and whips her head around to find Evelyn standing behind her. A momentary warmth floods her.

Matt joins them, "Ready to go?"

In an instant they are back at Snape's leaning house, snow falling thickly on the ground. Once they're inside, she rounds on Evelyn brisk and no nonsense. "Alright, Grady's going to put on some coffee—" she side eyes Matt "—and you are going to sit there and tell us who you are, why you're here, and why you've never reached out before. I don't care if we're up all night. You will tell us everything. Leave nothing out. Is that clear?"

"She's bossy." Evelyn smirks at Mateo.

"Trust me, I'm aware," Mateo snickers, earning him a smack.

"Coffee person, eh?" Evelyn questions, looking around.

"No changing the subject!" Miranda commands heatedly, in no mood for this. She has spent her entire life being lied to. "I want answers. Now."

"I'd listen to her if I were you. She's pretty scary when she's mad." Mateo mutters, and Miranda scowls at him.

"Alright but I'm warning you, it's a long story."

"We've got time." Miranda folds her hands in her lap neatly, waiting.

Evelyn settles herself into her chair and begins, "My name is Evelyn Athena Nott, but you already know that. Your mother is—was my older sister, but you already know that too. We all went to Hogwarts together, me, your mum, and— Ethan..." Something passes over the woman's face then, loss, hurt, betrayal. Her voice catches on the name, and for the first time since she had knocked on the door, Miranda sees Evelyn's strength falter.

"Ethan?" asks Miranda, brows drawn together.

Evelyn inhales. It is difficult for her to utter. Physically, mentally, emotionally. "Ethan Aric Nott," she finally tells them. "He— he was my twin brother. He used to be—" She stops, unable to go on. Miranda and Mateo give her all the time she needs to collect herself. "He died," Evelyn murmurs, very very softly. "In the first war."

"I— I'm so sorry." Miranda is at a loss. She can't even imagine. Losing your twin brother? Mateo was her one constant in this screwed up shitshow. The one person she knew without a shadow of doubt would always be there for her.

"You won't be in a moment," says Evelyn bitterly, shutting her eyes. Almost as if she is letting the memories flow through her. "Junie was in Slytherin of course. Ethan too. All Notts are." She scoffs, "The proper ones are at least. But I was sorted into Gryffindor, which was a big shock, big disgrace, big scandal for our so-called perfect pureblood family. And I secured my place as the family black sheep. Hard not to when Ethan was their precious heir and Junie was the perfect daughter." There is a sour note to this confession, and underlying, unresolved resentment. Hurt.

The story sounds familiar. Everything about this woman is familiar. A flood of realization rushes through Miranda all at once. Memories of things once hidden. Secrets and closed doors and random outbursts.

"I don't regret it for a second," says Evelyn firmly. "Gryffindor was where I belonged. That's where I met my real family. The only place I ever felt at home. Remus, James, Lils, Mary, Marls, Black." She shakes her head, "Oh, Sirius. We always understood each other. For better or for worse."

"What happened?" whispers Miranda.

"Sirius had a brother too, you know?" Evelyn murmurs, her face vacant. Miranda says nothing. Nothing at all. "Regulus." The name is a ghost, hoarse and haunting. A single tear slips down Evelyn's cheek. She remains motionless. "He saved me." Her blue irises have glossed over completely.

Miranda doesn't know what to do, what to say. She's sort of afraid to even breathe.

"They were friends," she says after another lengthy silence. Miranda waits for some elaboration but none follows. Only this. "Ethan was weak. I love him. Loved him. Of course I did. He was my brother. But he was afraid. Always afraid. Fear is easy to exploit. It can make people do horrible things."

A lightbulb goes off in Miranda's mind. "He was— he was a Death Eater?" she ventures cautiously.

"Reggie was never afraid." Evelyn doesn't answer, but Miranda knows. She knows from the look in her eyes. "He was the strongest person I knew. He was so brave. Always so brave. Right up until the end."

Dead. Miranda thinks to herself. She'd assumed so. Sirius had never mentioned him. Not once. Did Harry know? He must've been a Death Eater too. But— the way Evelyn spoke about him, it didn't seem like an enemy.

"Regulus Arcturus Black was brave," the woman murmurs intently. "And don't let anyone tell you differently."

R.A.B. Miranda lets out a small gasp, "Evelyn—"

"My mission for the Order back then... it— it wasn't what I expected. We tried— and— and after he— I had to disappear," Evelyn sniffs, nodding her head very slowly. "For a while. It was too dangerous. I had to be— gone." Her hands tremble slightly on the arms of the chair. Out of anger or pain or anxiety, Miranda does not know. Maybe it was a combination of all three. She wouldn't be surprised. "Dumbledore said— he said it was the only way. So—" She takes another deep breath. "— in the eyes of nearly everyone in world who really matters, Evelyn Athena Nott is...dead."

"You faked your own death?" Mateo burst out , almost in disbelief.

"Easier than you think," laughs Evelun drily. "And I didn't do it because I wanted to. Only two people— well, now I guess three people know. Would be four, but..."

"Snape and Dumbledore," says Miranda in understanding.

Evelyn grimaces, "Believe me, I'd rather not have Snivellus knowing anything about me." She turns to Mateo, "It did allow me to see you sometimes, though."

"Why are you here?" breathes Miranda. "What made you decide to— why now?"

"It was time," she replies softly. "Past time. And then when Junie— I just couldn't." She reaches out and takes her niece's hand. "She was the real deal, your mum. She always did the right thing. Always knew what to do."

"Were you close?"

"She was so much older than Ethan and I, but— she never made me feel unwanted. I always knew my sister loved me." Evelyn squeezes Miranda's hand tightly, choked up "And you two— you're the last bit of her in this world. I had to come back. For the people I left behind. For her. For you. For—" She breaks off, biting her lip. "There's another reason I'm here too." She bends down and procures a velvety bag, "Sniv— Snape gave me a task. Normally, I don't take orders from everyone especially not that greaseball. But this is too important. Carefully, Evelyn slides an ornate and gilded sword out of the bag. The rubies glint in the dim light.

"Is that—?" Miranda's eyes widen.

The first smile Miranda has seen from Evelyn in several minutes brightens her features, "Indeed." She clucks her tongue, "We have to take it to where Lil and Prongs' son and some people named Ron and Hermione are staying. Leave it for them to find. Apparently they need it."

Mateo gapes at it, "It's goblin made so it's still imbued with basilisk venom, which means it can-"

"Destroy Horcruxes," Miranda finishes for him, heartbeat quickening at the thought of seeing Harry again.

"We'll go tomorrow at first light," Evelyn instructs. "Snape emphasized how important it was that we not be seen, and told me I should remind you of this, Miranda." She frowns, "What's that all about?"

Miranda stares pointedly down at the floor. Stupid Snape. She wanted to strangle that slimy, smug man. Mateo coughs.

"Am I missing something here?" Evelyn is puzzled.

Mateo pats his sister on the shoulder, "They—er—were together...before." He doesn't elaborate, shifting awkwardly from foot to foot.

Evelyn cocks her head, "They?"

"Harry and I," Miranda clears her throat, a tad too aggressively.

"They named him Harry after all," Evelyn beams. "Lils got her way, thank merlin. James and Black wanted to name him after some ridiculous—" She trails off, a little sad, a little happy. "So the two of you...?"

Miranda exhales. She can already feel her eyes brimming with tears. She twists her hands together in her lap "We— it— it doesn't matter really." Her lip trembles, and she avoids eye contact, "It— it's over now. It's over."

Evelyn's eyes soften exponentially, "You love him."

Miranda opens her mouth, but is unable to form a word. She doesn't know what she was hoping to say. Deny it? Argue? Agree? It doesn't matter. She closes it again, blinking more rapidly with each second that passes. Staring there like a stare in complete and utter anguish.

"I understand. More than you know." Evelyn pulls her in for a hug. Miranda is surprised at the sudden affection but wraps her arms around her aunt and lets her comfort her.

"Does it ever go away?"

"Never." Her aunt looks wistfully out the window, and Miranda wonders who she is thinking about.

The twins and their aunt rise at the break of dawn, carefully blocking up the house and sealing it with the proper protective charms. Mateo slings the velvet bag over his shoulder, "Fuck, why is this thing so heavy."

"Where are we going?" asks Miranda.

Evelyn is walking very fast for a woman as small as she is. "Somewhere where we can't be seen Disapparating," she responds brusquely. "I think one of the Snatchers yesterday, Bertram Ladronius, nearly recognized me. We were at school together, thick bloke mind you, so I don't think he'll puzzle it out, but better safe than sorry. We don't want anyone to know I'm here."

"Not even the Order?" Miranda tilts her head in confusion.

"Especially not the Order," Evelyn replies, stopping at the top of a hill. She looks around, "This should do." And with that, the three of them disappear into thin air, reappearing in a deeply wooded thicket covered with a heavy blanket of white snow. Miranda can barely make out two voices across a wide expanse of frozen lake. And she is so drawn to the familiarity that she has to remind herself why they are here. Her focus has never been so off

Harry and Hermione.

I know. Matt—


I don't—I don't think I can—

It's fine. We'll do it.

We need someone to stand watch anyways.

Thank you.

Be safe, we'll be back soon. don't let—

Anyone see me. I know, Matt.

Mateo and Evelyn disappear into the forest, and Miranda rubs her hands together, nose red as she shivers in the frigid wind. She pulls her cloak tighter when she hears a snap behind her.

Immediately on edge, Miranda draws her wand, searching the area around her cautiously. She hears another rustle in some nearby bushes. Pointing her wand in the direction the noise had come from she cries, "Who's there?" She swivels around, in defense mode, "I'm armed. Don't get any closer, or I'll curse your—"

"Miranda!" A familiar crop of red hair peeks out behind the leaves.

Miranda nearly screams, "Holy shit, Ron!" She breathes in an audible sigh of relief, lowering her wand as he comes toward her.

"Bloody hell," Ron exclaims, pulling her in for a hug. "I thought you were another Snatcher."Miranda steps back and takes a look at him. Ron has bags under his eyes. His red hair is long and unwashed, and his unshaven face is dotted with stubble.

"Wait a minute, why are you out here and not with Harry and Hermione?" She queries, wrinkling her forehead.

"You mean I found them? They're here?!" Ron's face brightens.

"What do you mean found them?"

Ron shuffles sheepishly, "Ah, yea well you see—erm about that—I sort of- left them for a while...? I've been trying to find my way back for ages." He rocks back and forth on the balls of his feet, guilt written all over his face.

"Left!" Miranda exclaims incredulously. "Why in the world would you do that? You guys are supposed to stick together. "You're lucky you're not lying dead in a ditch somewhere for god sakes Weasley why—?"

"I know, I know. Trust me, I regretted it as soon as I did it, but you have to understand-"

"Understand? Understand what? That you abandoned your friends?"

Ron scrambles to explain himself, "We— we weren't making any progress, and it was agonizing. That Horcrux, it— does weird things to your mind, makes you think things that aren't true." Ron shudders at the memory. "I just— couldn't take it anymore. Especially when—" he pauses.

"Especially when what?" Miranda taps her foot impatiently, waiting for him to continue. Ron stays silent, obviously ashamed. Miranda does not care. She couldn't believe he'd left them. What if something had happened? She worried about them enough without— "What Ron? Ron!"

"The night that I—you know...Harry and Hermione had just discovered something. I don't really remember what, but I was wearing the locket at the time and you know how they act, and— well the locket just made my fears a thousand times worse."

"What fears?" Miranda is thoroughly bewildered. She feels a bit as thought Ron is speaking in an entirely different language.

"You know," he gestures aimlessly. "Harry and Hermione..." Ron glances at Miranda expectantly, throwing her a meaningful look.

"Harry and Hermione... what?" Miranda is even more confused, if possible. She wonders briefly if her communication skills have been compromised over the past few lonely months.

"You know," Ron repeats, eyes boring a hole through her.

"What about the look on my face suggests to you that I have any idea what you're talking about?" Miranda puts her hands on her hips, raising an pointed, irritated eyebrow.

"Haven't you ever worried about Harry and Hermione...being—together?" Ron's face is so disgusted that Miranda laughs out loud before she can stop herself . She bursts into snickers, shoulders heaving with amusement.

"What?" He says indignantly, face red, "What's so funny?" Miranda just keeps on laughing. She can't help herself. It' the hardest she's laughed in a long time. It feels nice. Normal.

"Ronald Bilius Weasley, you're telling me you left because you were jealous of Harry and Hermione?" she giggles, practically delirious.

"Well— yeah!" Ron frowns deeply, "Why're you laughing? I thought you'd get it."

Miranda wipes tears from her eyes, gasping for breath. Her ribs hurt. "You being jealous of Harry and Hermione is like Harry being jealous of you and me." She clutches her stomach, renewed hilarity sweeping through her.

Ron nearly gags, "Ugh, gross. You're like my sister." H epokes his tongue out, mildly green. Miranda gives him a look. Ron's eyes grow as big as saucers, "Oh!" And then he too collapses into laughter. Once they both collect themselves, cheeks bright and warm, Ron asks, "Why are you here, Miranda?"

Miranda lifts a shoulder, subdued, "I can't—"

Ron smiles slightly, the corner of his mouth raising ever so gradually, "Tell me. Right?"

"Just—make sure Harry finds the sword," she adds. "That's all I'm gonna say."

"He misses you," Ron murmurs softly, serious as Miranda has ever seen him. He looks tired. And for the first time Miranda realizes how much this past year has drained him, drained them all.

"I miss him too," she matches his tone, and his watery smile.

Ron drapes an arm over her shoulders, "I miss you, McGonagall. We all do. We didn't even get to say goodbye. You were just— gone."

The tears rush too quickly to the top of her throat. They always do theses days. "I wish it didn't have to be this way," Miranda heaves a large sigh.

'Then come back," Ron implores, pleading. "We need you. Hermione was distraught for weeks after you'd disappeared." Guilt pools in the pit of Miranda's stomach, and she can barely look at Ron's earnest expression. "Harry was a mess. Still is."

Miranda's eyes sting, and she bites down hard on her inner cheek, "Ron, you know I can't." She musters up some half hearted display of strength, "Besides, I'm sure you guys are doing fine without me. This was the way it was supposed to be. You're the Golden Trio, not the Golden Quartet. I was never supposed to be a part of all this." She cracks a half smile, hoping for a laugh.

Ron takes her by the shoulders, staring directly into her eyes, "We haven't been the Golden Trio since the minute you sat down next to us in the Great Hall fourth year."

Tears blur her vision, and she hears Evelyn and Mateo in the distance. She'd run out of time. "You have to go Ron," she urges. "Do me favor and—"

"I won't tell Harry I saw you, promise," Ron waves goodbye, and Mateo and Evelyn join her as he disappears into the thicket

Miranda swallows down her tears, sniffing, "How'd it go?"

"Alright," he tells her, reassuringly. "I put it in the lake. He should find it. And— Miranda?"


"They looked fine."

They apparate back to Snape's house, Miranda's hair sprinkled with fresh snow, all are eager to get inside out of the bitter cold. As they near the front door, they begin to make out a shadowy shape in the swirling snow. A figure sitting on the front stoop. All three grab their wands, "Lumos." Sitting, bundled up in big fur cloak, is none other than Sirius Black.

Evelyn goes white as a sheet as the man's jaw drops. Reaching a trembling hand up their aunt's face, Sirius whispers hoarsely, "Elle?"

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