one more kiss

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Miranda blinks as the dawn breaks, bright rays of sun streaming in through all the windows. She yawns and stretches, snuggling herself closer into the warmth of the gorgeous boy beside her. Harry, whose arms are currently wrapped around her, is also stirring.

"Good morning, beautiful." He reaches for his glasses, then kisses her. Miranda is so caught up in it. In him. His black hair, sticking up at all angles. The subtle lines of his muscles and the deliciously scratchy, low way he said 'beautiful'. Not to mention she is still pretty groggy. That she fails to notice where they are. Where she is. The realization hits her smack in the face,  panic setting in.

"Shit—has Matt gotten back yet?" she asks, eyes darting warily around the room.

"Nope," Harry shakes his head, irritatingly. "It's still early,. Sometimes he stays on Snape's couch, and comes back in the morning."

"Thank god," Miranda breathes a sigh of relief. Her pulse stops racing. "What time does he usually come back?" Miranda pats the comforter, searching for her discarded clothes from the night before.

"It depends," says Harry, yawning.

"Wait—" Something else dawns on her. "Where's everyone else?"

Harry waves her off airily, self assured, "Ron is— well you know..." Miranda grimaces. "And I told Dean, Neville, and Seamus to bugger off an hour ago," he tells her offhandedly.

Miranda's mouth falls open in horror, "You did not!"

"I didn't want to wake you up," Harry shrugs unaffectedly. His manner is so casual that Miranda wants to throttle him and kiss him senseless all at once. "They were being very loud. And you are a very pretty sleeper."

Miranda chooses to ignore that heart melting comment, "Loud?"

"Well with all the cheering and whatnot—"

Miranda turns a fierce red. Beet red. Fire engine red. Howler red. She swats Harry across the chest, "Harry!"

Harry just beams at her, "You're so pretty."

"You're the worst," Miranda moves to get up from the bed, but Harry pulls her back into his chest. "Oof! Harry! What are you doing?" she exclaims,  his nose buried in her hair. She tries to break free, but his arms are string and secure around her waist, unrelenting.

"Stay, Mandy," he pouts shamelessly. His plea is muffled by her neck, mouth closed over the hollow of her throat.

"Harry," Miranda shakes her head in amusement, fighting a smile.  "Matt could be back any second," she reminds him, inhaling as his hands grip the tender skin of her inner thigh. Focus. "Oh—oh— do you really want him to find me here?"

"I'll take my chances," he says, still smothering her with kisses. His hair is ticking her chin. Miranda giggles, gasping for breath, "Hermione specifically instructed you not to give me any more hickeys."

"I think we already broke that rule, Mandy." Harry smirks, playfully biting at her. Miranda swats him teasingly, finally disentangling herself from his post coital clinginess. She traipses around the room, picking up her clothes. She slips Harry's jumper over her head, not particularly wanting to zip her crumples dress back up. She just can't find—

"Looking for these love?" Harry raises an eyebrow, voice dark and dirty. He dangles her lacy panties over his index finger.

Miranda blushes furiously, snatching her underwear from his hand, "Someone's awfully cheeky this morning."

"You love it," Harry drags his teeth across his lower lip, and Miranda vividly remembers him dragging his teeth along a different part of her last night. Even the memory of it makes her run hot.

"Do not," she huffs.

"Do too," he teases, a crooked mischievous smile gracing his cheeks. "Your face is the color of Ron's hair, Miranda. Admit it, you love it."

"I love you."

Harry  grins, "What a coincidence, I love you too." Miranda pecks Harry on the cheek, too much more and she might be tempted to stay. She stands up, well—tries to stand up. Her legs buckle underneath her the instant she rises. Harry throws her an even broader, shit eating grin, still perched among the pillows, "That good am I?"

"Shut up," Miranda mutters, face aflame. She pulls herself to standing. Legs trembling. Damn it. Why was this happening to her? She can feel Harry's gaze on her. She would not ask him for help. No. No. No.

"Just how are you planning on getting to the girls dorm, upstairs?" Harry folds his arms, pressing his lips together to keep from laughing.

"I'll be just fine, thank you very much." Miranda attempts to walk again. The operative word there being attempts. She winces.

Harry views her smugly, eyebrows raised. "I could carry you if you want," he offers pointedly.

"I said I could do it," Miranda refuses, taking a step with much difficulty. She grits her teeth.  Then her knees buckle again, sending her straight to the ground. Harry stands above her, waiting patiently.

Miranda sighs in defeat, raising her arms to Harry, who breaks into a gigantic smile. Carefully, he scoops her up, Miranda's arms around his neck. "Stubborn girl," Harry drops a kiss to the crown of her head as he takes her up the stairs with ease, very very pleased with himself.

"You are enjoying this far too much," Miranda scowls at Harry, who places her down gently at the entrance to Ginny's room. They hear a door open below them.

"You should go," Miranda kisses Harry goodbye, turning. "That's probably my brother, or Ron." She glares, "Or one of the boys you kicked out."

"You're right I should go." Harry does not leave. Not in the slightest. In fact, he is practically rooted to his spot in the hallway.

"Harry!" Miranda shoves him toward the staircase. With much difficulty, mind you.

"One more kiss," he implores, tilting her chin upwards.

"Mmmm," she ponders, leaning in. Their lips are but a breath away from each other. But just before Harry's mouth meets hers, she swerves way at the last second. "Nope," she smiles mischievously at him, tiptoeing into the room, praying Hermione and Ginny are asleep. Miranda silently puts her shoes down and she just might get away with—

"And where have you been all night?" Miranda freezes, slowly turning around to meet the faces of Hermione and Ginny who both have their arms crossed, looking at her suggestively.

Before she can answer, the door bangs open, and Harry strides through, a hard, blazing expression on his face.  And without thinking, without caring that Ginny and Hermione are right there watching, Harry kisses her. Really kisses her. Firm and deep and slow and hot. A shower of sparks explodes in Miranda's abdomen.

"What?" Harry breathes, smirking when he finally breaks the kiss. Miranda is breathless and her heart is beating like crazy in her chest, fighting against her ribcage. "You really thought you were getting away with that? His eyes are locked with hers, "You owed me a kiss."

Miranda is shocked. Stunned. Speechless. Rightfully so. She's just been bloody kissed into oblivion. Harry looses his hands from her waist, nodding, "Hermione. Ginny." And with that, he spins on his heel and exits.

Miranda's mouth is hanging open slightly, and her fingers drift upwards, fingers touching her lips in reverence.

Both of Hermione's hands have flown up to her mouth, and Miranda has never seen Ginny's hazel eyes so wide.

"Um—well about that— well,  you see—I—" Miranda stammers, still flustered from her encounter with Harry.

Ginny silences her swiftly. The first one to recover. "Save it sister, I think we all know what happened." She waggles her eyebrows.

"I don't—" Miranda protests.

"Let's go over the facts shall we?" Ginny cuts Miranda off, very matter of fact. She paces along the room, "You and Harry go off alone last night. The rest of us all otherwise occupied, hence no interruptions. Hermione would you like to continue?" She indicates the brunette and Miranda briefly wonders if they'd rehearsed this.

Hermione's mouth tilts up, "You return in the morning, hair mussed, your face still slightly smudged with last night's makeup, carrying the clothes you wore last night, dressed in only Harry's jumper—"

"That doesn't—" She's making a valiant effort.. The odds aren't in her favor. Not in any way, shape, or form. It's all stacking up against her, and that kiss certainly didn't help matters. Though she'd do it again in a heartbeat.

Her two friends don't even take a breath, steamrolling right ahead.

"Finally, the most damning evidence of all... the very prominent love bites and hickeys littering your body. Also, you're limping." Miranda instinctively tugs Harry's jumper up over her neck, trying to cover more of her skin.

"All of this leads us to the conclusion that," Ginny pauses for dramatic effect, enjoying this immensely, "you, Miranda Euphemia—"

Miranda blanches. This. This is the most upsetting event of the morning. "How did you—I'M GOING TO KILL MATEO."

Ginny clears her throat, "Ahem, as I was saying, you, Miranda Euphemia— Miranda glares at her— McGonagall, and Harry James Potter...SHAGGED!"

Miranda buries her face in her hands as she groans, "Ginny!"

"You aren't denying it," Hermione notes pointedly, her and Ginny extraordinarily proud of themselves.

"So are we right?" Ginny presses excitedly, bouncing up and down on the balls of her feet. "Did you?" Ginny and Hermione sit down on the bed, dragging her down in between them.

There is a beat. Then she relents, "Yeah." Miranda nods, "I—we did— yes." Her cheeks flood pink for what must be the hundredth time.

Both girls immediately shriek, hugging her with such force it brings all three of them down onto the bed.

"You guys!" Miranda exclaims, laughing and embarrassed beyond belief. "It's not that big of a deal."

"I beg to differ," Ginny lays her head in Miranda's lap while Hermione rolls onto her stomach, propping her chin up on her hands. "You are no longer a virgin anymore darling," says Ginny. "Your cherry has been popped, your v card has been swiped, your—"

"Ew, Gin!" Miranda plus a face. "Do you have to be so graphic?" Ginny merely taps her on the nose, and Miranda scrunches it in reponse.

"Graphic is my middle name," Ginny replies, tossing her hair. "And I wouldn't have to use my imagination if you'd just tell us everything."

"I don't want you to use your imagination at all!" Miranda cries out indignantly,  poking Ginny's freckled cheek.

"C'mon Miranda you have to tell us something," Hermione prods,. "Don't you love us?"

"Pretty please," Ginny gives Miranda the same doe eyed look as Hermione, batting her eyelashes.

Miranda scowls, "I hate both of you." But she has already given in

"Excellent!" Ginny claps her hands together. "Story time!"

"All I'm going to tell you is that he was very respectful," Miranda lifts her chin primly. Her mind drifts back to the previous night and she does her best to clear it. "And it was really—great—fun..."

"Could you be any more vague?" Hermione rolls her eyes.

"Respectful," Ginny sticks her tongue out, making an irritated noise in the back of her throat. "Bo-oring. we want the juicy stuff."

"Sorry Gin," Miranda nudges her.  "Not happening."

"You're no fun," Ginny whines, pursing her lips as if deep in thought. "Whatever," she adds coyly, "I can guess from the amount of purple marks on you that respectful isn't the only word to describe it." Her gaze flicks purposefully at the love bites dotting Miranda's neck and disappearing under the collar of Harry's jumper.

"There aren't that many," says Miranda reproachfully, face hot.

"Oh my— is that a bite?!" Ginny screeches, leaping upright from her position in Miranda's lap, where she had been peering closely at a section of Miranda's leg. Miranda yelps, clapping a hand over her thigh, but she is too slow. And Ginny is too fast.


Ginny and Hermione inspect it with much scrutiny. "Those are teeth marks," she declares, jaw agape.

"No— I—"

"Do you see teeth marks, Hermione?" Ginny asks, interrupting.

Hermione nods in full agreement, "Looks like teeth to me,"

"Shut up," Miranda mumbles, crimson. "Both of you menaces."

They pay no mind to her. "Harry bit you?!" Hermione  squawks, slightly scandalized and shell shocked to her core.

Miranda can't look either one of them in the eye. She stares down at her hands, twisting them together. She manages a guilty, quiet, "Maybe?"

"And you liked it?" Hermione's tone is incredulous, her mouth turning up at the edges in a knowing sort of way.

Miranda squirms, biting her lower lip.  She is flushed at the recollection, opening her mouth to respond. But Ginny beats her to it, "Of course she bloody liked it." She gestures at Miranda emphatically, "Look at her!"

Ginny was, in fact, correct, but Miranda does not feel the need to confirm this. It would be too much to bear. "You guys cannot tell anyone about this," she instructs adamantly.  "I don't want Matt to find out."

"Why are you looking at me?" Ginny throws her hands up defensively.

"I don't know what the two of you talk about," Miranda tells her. "Just don't tell him, ever." She shudders at the thought.

"Obviously." Ginny remarks, "As long as you don't tell Ron about Matt and I—"

"Nope, nope, nope," Miranda plugs her ears in disgust, shaking her head vehemently. "I don't want to know."

"Are you sure? Because—mmph!" Miranda slaps her palm over Ginny's mouth, preventing her from saying anymore.

"I'm very happy for the two of you, but please spare my poor ears." It was bad enough with Matt's unfiltered thoughts in her mind ever day. She didn't need a real life retelling.

"But it's so fun to make you squirm," Ginny goads, pinching Miranda's face. "All jokes aside though," she sobers up a bit, "Mateo and I are doing really well, and not just the snogging part." A sappy smile lights up Ginny's face, and Hermione and Miranda share a look.

"You really like him. Don't you Gin?" Hermione mulls quietly, nudging the red headed girl.

"I really do," Ginny sighs.

"Well he really likes you too," Miranda tell her honestly. She would know. Better than anyone really. "Maybe even loves you." Ginny beams. That's not true. It's not maybe. Miranda knows for sure that her brother loves Ginny. But she's not sure Mateo has figured it out himself yet. All in due time.

Ginny grows more serious, hesitant. She's out of her comfort zone. "Miranda—what does being in love with someone feel like?"

Miranda waits, thinking for a moment, hoping inspiration will strike. "I don't— I don't quite know how to explain it actually."

"Well how'd you know with Harry?"

Miranda's features soften, seeing her friend's earnest face. "I just knew," she shrugs, lost in thought. "It was like one day I woke up and I just realized— I love him." Her voice takes on a wistful, dreamy quality, Hermione and Ginny listening intently, silent. "It's like—you would do anything for them, and you worry about them constantly, and you know they'll always be there for you." Miranda breaks off, laughing lightly, "I don't know if what I just said makes any sort of sense, but one of the only things that I'm completely sure of in life is that—I love Harry." She blushes when she notices both girls staring at her. "It sounds silly I know."

"No it doesn't," Hermione murmurs, hushed. "I can tell how much you love him by the way you talk about him."

"Really?" Hermione nods.

"And I've always known Harry loves you. More than anything, really." She places a hand on her arm. "I think he'll love you forever."

"Oh— I don't know," Miranda mutters, suddenly self conscious. She tucks her hair behind her ear shyly, skeptical. "I don't think—"

"She's right," Ginny acknowledges. Hermione always is. "After his little display this morning there's no question about it."

"That— that was just a kiss," Miranda protests. "It doesn't—"

"First of all," Hermione jumps in decisively, "it wasn't just a kiss, and you know it. It was the kiss." She continues, with air of explaining something to a very naive child. Miranda has hear her use this tone with Ron before. "Second of all, I've known Harry since we were eleven. He hates the spotlight. Always has." She squeezes Miranda's hand, "He's spent his entire life trying not to draw attention to himself. And he just burst in here and kissed you like nobody was watching. That's how much you mean to him."

"Oh,"  says Miranda, very quietly. That had been a lot of information to process. Heavy information. It was wonderful and terrifying all at once. Forever was a long time. Miranda wasn't sure they had forever.

"Oh," Hermione repeats.

"I think—I—might love Matt, " Ginny ventures after a few beats of silence, tucking her knees into her chest and hiding behind her hair.

"You should tell him," Hermione whispers. "We can always use more love, especially right now." A tear forms in the corner of her eye.

Miranda smacks her head, suddenly feeling ver stupid. "Oh my god Hermione, we're such idiots. Talking about our stupid boyfriends and you-" She pulls Hermione into a tight hug. How could they have been so tactless? SO inconsiderate. She felt awful. Here Hermione is, giving them wonderful, beautiful advice in her very specific Hermione way, and they didn't even think.

"Fucking hell, I'm so sorry," Ginny apologizes. "We're complete arseholes." She hugs Hermione on the other side, crawling up next to her.

"No—I'm being silly," Hermione brushes them off, eyes sparkling with tears. "You guys can talk about whatever you—"

"We're  assholes!" Miranda interrupts, insistent.

"No you're—"

"Say it Hermione, we're arseholes," Ginny encourages.

"I don't—"

"Do it!" Miranda orders, firm.


"Hermione I swear to Merlin if you—" Ginny threatens.

"You guys are...arseholes," says Hermione weakly.

"Didn't quite catch that." Miranda cocks her head, challenging.

"YOU GUYS ARE ARSEHOLES!" Hermione shouts, laughing.

"That's more like it Granger." Ginny cheers. "Make you feel better?"

"Little bit, yeah." Hermione leans her head on Miranda's shoulder, "Do you guys think—that— that Ron will know—"

"Get his head out of his ass and realize that the most gorgeous, most brilliant girl of all time is right in front of his fucking face?" Miranda finishes for her. Hermione deserves the best. Because Hermione is the best.

"Yeah," Hermione lets out a small chuckle, flashing her a watery smile. "Pretty much. I've just— I've been falling in love with him my whole life, but what if he doesn't..."

"Of course he does!" Ginny proclaims hotly. "My brother's just such a fucking dunce that he hasn't figured it out yet." She takes Hermione's hand, keeping it light, "He's not the brightest darling, haven't you noticed?"

"Ron is very smart," retorts Hermione gently. Her lips curve up. "You just have to see it." She blinks very rapidly after saying this, sniffing.

"Aw, sweetie," Miranda soothes, stroking her hair, her and Ginny each comforting Hermione.

"Oh— enough of this," Hermione dusts her hands briskly, wiping her eyes. She clucks her tongue, "Wallowing is not allowed today."

"Oi, we've got class in ten minutes! Hurry up you slowpokes!" There is a distinct rapping noise, and Mateo and Harry appear in the doorway. The girls try their very hardest not to laugh. If only the boys knew what they had just been discussing.

"What?" Mateo eyes them all suspiciously

"What?" they fire back, innocent as can be. At least, they hope they are playing it off innocently.

"Were you guys talking about us or something?" Harry grins self assuredly, as does Mateo.

Miranda chucks the nearest pillow at his head, "Not everything is about you!" All three girls begin hurling pillows at the boys. "Leave! We have to change!

The boys dodge the pillows, "Ow! Ouch! Bloody-! Okay, okay, we're going!" Hermione, Ginny, and Miranda collapse into a fit of giggles, delirious.

Miranda walks back to the common room, nose buried in her studies, relieved the school day is over. She scratches at the black turtleneck she's wearing under her robes. Miranda had borrowed it from Ginny this time and it was extremely itchy. She suspects it is a Molly Weasley original.

Miranda blows the short pieces of hair that fell out of her ponytail up with a poof of air, who the fuck cares about the Troll Wars anyways? Her legs and hips still ache slightly as she continues to read the assigned chapter in Hogwarts: A History.

A hand snatches her textbook away.

"Harry!" Miranda scolds, holding back a smile.  "I was reading that!"

"Not anymore you're not." He holds it above her head teasingly, his perpetually messy black hair falling in front of his eyes.

Miranda jumps, trying in vain to reach it, but she is too short, or Harry is too tall. She crosses her arms, "This is so not fair." She strains, on the very tips of her toes. "Harry!" She stomps her foot. "Give it back!"

Harry winks at her, tapping a finger to his chin as though he is thinking very hard about something, "I'm going to need something in return."

"Really? What's that?" Miranda feigns confusion, eyes sparking. Harry just kisses her, still holding her book captive. "Okay Potter," she taps her foot impatiently. "You got what you wanted. Give me my book back now." Harry merely tucks the book into his bag. "Harry! You said you would give it back!"

"I will Mandy, I never said when," he bent to give Miranda a kiss, and unwittingly, she sank into him, reaching her arms around his neck.

Miranda frowns, a bit lightheaded from Harry's touch. He runs a thumb over her cheekbone and she shivers. "Well what am I supposed to do about homework 'til then?"

"I have a few ideas..." Harry  whispers into her ear, his hands roving dangerously across her waist and feathering up her ribs. His mouth trails down her throat and over her shoulder and then back up to her lips. 

"Harry—" she melts into him with a sigh of contentment, into the familiarity, the exhilaration. But—they are almost immediately interrupted.

"Oi!" Ron calls from behind them. "Oi! Mates wait up!"

Harry groans gutturally and Miranda throws her head back into Harry's chest in exasperation, taking several breaths to return herself to a cool state,  "He has such horrible timing."

"What's up mate?" Harry releases Miranda reluctantly as Ron comes in between them, swinging an arm around each of their necks.

"Yeah, where's Lav Lav," Miranda raises her eyebrows scathingly, she loves Ron, but she is very firmly on Team Hermione.

Ron ducks his head in embarrassment, "Oh shove off McGonagall, she's with Parvati and them in the library."

"She let you out of her sight?" asks Harry, doubtful. His face is filled with evident amusement.

Ron glances away sheepishly, "I—didn't exactly tell her I was leaving..."

"Ron!" Miranda exclaims, flicking the side of his head. "That's horrible! And I don't even like the girl!" Ron really had to make a decision about all this.

"I know," Ron mumbles, I know." He scratches his head, "I just needed to get away from her for two seconds. I mean—bloody hell, she's always there, and she always want to snog. My lips are bloody chapped, look!" Ron shoves his face in Harry's, who pushes him away.

Harry grimaces, "I got it, didn't need the visual, Ron."

"Wait—do you even like Lavender?" Miranda wrinkles her forehead, watching Ron very carefully. He shouldn't just lead a girl on. That was awful.

"Yeah—" Ron stutters unconvincingly. "Yeah—I mean—she just—gets on my nerves sometimes—" He breaks off, so as not to dig himself in a deeper hole. Thankfully, he is saved as Mateo and Ginny join them, whispering intimately and holding hands. His relief, evidently, does not last long.

Ron wags a stern finger at them, "I can take my permission away at any time. Do the two of you hear me?" He glares, gagging "I really don't want to see any of—" He indicates the pair of them disgustedly, "—that."

"Really?" Ginny fires back snarkily. "Well I don't particularly want to see you and Lavender thrashing all over the bloody castle like a couple of eels, but life's not fair!" She kisses Mateo passionately right in front of Ron for good measure. Mateo runs a hand through his hair, trying to hide his laughter.

Ron shuts up after that, greenish, and Miranda pats him on the shoulder consolingly. "Sorry, Weasley," she retches. "If it makes you feel any better I didn't enjoy that monstrosity either."

"Hey guys what—" Hermione appears by Miranda, but stops short when she sees Ron, her face shutting down. Her features take on an icy stance.

"Er—hi, Hermione," Ron gives a small wave, and Miranda winces, her, Ginny, Harry, and Mateo all waiting with bated breath. The tension in the air is so thick you could cut it with a knife.

Hermione looks straight ahead, sucking in her cheeks, replying without an ounce of emotion, "Hello Ronald, I didn't see you there." She continues walking without saying another word.

"Right," Ron murmurs dejectedly. "Well, I guess I better go before Lavender realizes I'm missing." He forces a small laugh, and they all give him tight smiles in return.

"See you, Weasley," Miranda sighs. Anyone who has eyes can see that Hermione and Ron are meant to be, but apparently both of the people in question are blind as Professor Binns.

"You're walking funny," Mateo tilts his head at Miranda, brow furrowing.

  Miranda feels heat blooming through her, Hermione and Ginny cough, lips twitching. "I— uh—don't know what you're talking about," Miranda inhales, gulping. A very broad grin forms on Harry's face.

"Did you hurt yourself or something?" Mateo presses again. "Seriously, you're walking weird."

Harry snorts and Miranda steps down on his foot, "Ow! Bloody hell!"

"I honestly have no clue Matt," Miranda huffs. "I'm walking fine." This is the single worst moment of her life. She hates her friends. She hates them all. She hates how observant her brother is.

Mateo backs off, bewildered at her reaction. "Well alright then—are you still wearing that turtleneck, aren't you hot?" Hermione and Ginny are really struggling now, clapping hands over their mouths lest a sound escape from their lips.

"No!" Miranda shouts fiercely.

"You've just been wearing them a lot lately—"

"IT'S A FASHION STATEMENT Matt!" Miranda yells. This proves too much for Ginny, Hermione, and Harry, who explode into laughter. Miranda throws her hands up in defeat. "I'm going to kill all of you," she fumes, shooting each of them a deadly glare.

hi lovelies!!

it's been a while.


i'm proud to let you know that the lucky one has officially reached 10K


i can't even believe it

i still remember when it reached 250 reads

revising this has been something i've been wanting to do for a while and i hope you guys are loving it as much as i do

thank you for EVERYTHING

and as always, don't forget to comment and vote :)))




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