underwater savior complex

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february 24th, 1995


It had been a particularly icy Christmas break, in more ways than one. Hermione and Ron were still not speaking to each other, and Miranda and Harry had retained a level of awkwardness since the Ball that they had not yet dispelled. Even Draco had been acting weird since that night.

    Miranda lays her cheek on her cool desk, not noticing the rest of the class file out. Lately, she's been getting headaches quite frequently. Professor McGonagall touches her shoulder gently, "Are you feeling alright dear?"

    "I'm fine,  Auntie," Miranda reassures her, "just another headache."

    Her aunt peers at her, lips pursed, "Perhaps, I should owl your mother..."

    "No!" Miranda cuts her off. "Don't do that, please. She'll just worry. Or worse— pull me out of school."

    Her aunt's face still looks concerned. "Really, I'm fine. I'll go see Madam Pomfrey later today, swear," Miranda promises earnestly.

    "Well...okay," skeptically her aunt turns to go. "Oh, that reminds me Miranda— will you and Miss Granger come by my office in about an hour?"

    "Of course, may I ask why?" she inquires curiously.

    "Just come," Professor McGonagall returns to her normal brusque manner.

    Miranda, grateful to be released, hurries down to her and Draco's spot. She told him she would meet him there, but it had to be quick because she was meeting Harry, Ron, and Hermione in the library before Harry's second task the next day.

    "Hey, D!" Miranda waves to get Draco's attention. As she nears, she notices Draco more down than usual. "What's wrong?"

    "Nothing," Draco tenses, shifting away from her.

    "I can tell something's up, D." Miranda puts a hand on his back, "And I'm not leaving until you tell me."

    "Don't you have to meet Potter?" he snipes scathingly.

    Miranda sucks in her cheeks, irritated at his childish behavior, "That's not fair, Draco."

    Draco presses his mouth into a thin, flat line, "Whatever."

    "Why are you being this way?"

    "Do you even care? I'm sure you'd rather be with Potter anyway. Just go," he sneers.

    Miranda recoils, hurt, "Fine." She picks up her bag and huffs away.

    Now Draco feels bad, she's still his best friend, and it's not her fault that over Christmas his dad punched him for being a weak, little pansy. "Miranda, wait! I didn't—" he calls out to her retreating figure, but she doesn't turn around. "Fuck," he growls, kicking the base of tree angrily.

    Miranda stalks up to the library, still bristling from her fight with Draco.

    "Whoa McGonagall, who died?" Ron jokes when he sees her expression.

    "Not in the mood, Ronald."

    Hermione smiles at this, "What happened, Miranda?"

    Miranda clenches her jaw, still smarting at the memory. Her supposed best friend was being such an asshole these days. "Draco and I had a fight, and— you know what? Never mind, let's just help Harry."

    "You and Malfoy fought?" Harry lights up, and then coughs, "That's—that's too bad." He is unable to hide his obvious glee.

    Hermione promptly hits him over the head with a book.

    "Ouch!" Harry winces reproachfully. "What is it with you girls and hitting me?"

    "That reminds me, Hermione," Miranda taps her, "Auntie- I mean Professor McGonagall wants to see us in her office in like twenty minutes."

    "Whatever for?" Hermione's brow knits together. "Oh god, I knew it. She found out I took one of the library books home last year." Hermione begins pacing frantically. "I swear it was an accident! I didn't even realise until I unpacked."

    "How long do you think you'll have to go to Azkaban for?" Ron mocks. Hermione eyes him stonily.

    Ron whispers to Harry and Miranda, "She actually looked at me that time. I think that's progress."

    "As much as I enjoy the banter, I have to hold my breath underwater for an hour tomorrow, and I have no idea how." Harry buries his face in a book, then hisses in pain, his hand flying to his scar.

    "Are you okay?" Miranda rushes to his side, and immediately blushes.

    He brushes her off, also red in the face, "Fine— fine."

    "Harry is your scar hurting you? Have you had any more dreams? I told you to tell me if that happened again." Hermione scolds him.

    He shakes his head, "I know. I know, Hermione. It's only been hurting every now and then. It's not that bad."

    Confused, Miranda asks, "What are you guys talking about?"

    Harry answers, "Voldemort and I are kind of, well—connected in a way. Sometimes I get visions and my scar hurts. Oh— and I can speak to snakes. It's a consequence of the curse. Actually, I've been meaning to ask you if anything like that ever happened to you, since you survived him and all."

    "No, sorry, the only thing left of that night is my eye." She shrugs, "I wish I could be more helpful."

    "Nah, I'm glad you don't have to deal with it." Harry looks pale. "This is useless, I'm never going to be able to figure this out before tomorrow."

    "And on that cheerful note, I'm going to dinner. Good luck, mate." Ron walks out of the library.

    "We should probably head out too, Miranda." Hermione hints, nodding her head at the door.

    "Bye, Harry," Miranda joins Hermione. Harry gives a half hearted wave as the two go to McGonagall's.

    When they enter her office, the professor has her wand drawn. "Auntie! What are you-?!" And then Miranda and Hermione are plunged into darkness, falling to the ground, unconscious.

    "Sorry," Professor McGonagall grimaces, putting them each in a bed next to small girl with platinum hair and a freckled boy.

    The next day...

    Draco trudges down to the Black Lake, searching the already forming crowd of spectators for Miranda, if he can just find her, maybe he can apologize for yesterday, and try to explain. He doesn't see her. Who he does see is Ron Weasley. Draco's mouth turns down in disgust. Well, desperate times call for desperate measures.

    "Weasley, do you happen to know where Miranda is?"

    "You talking to me, Malfoy?" Ron retorts defensively

    "No need to get your hand me down knickers in a twist, Weasley. Just tell me where she is." Draco flares his nostrils.

    "What's it to you? Didn't you guys get in a fight? What makes you think she wants to see you anyway?" Ron taunts.

    Draco sucks in a breath, stung. He hadn't known Miranda told them that, "Don't make me regret talking to you, blood traitor."

    Ron scoffs, "I'm not afraid of you, even if I knew where Miranda was I wouldn't tell you."

    Draco's concern for Miranda outweighs his hatred for Ron. According to the weasel, nobody had seen her since last night, and now he was worried. He leaves Ron without responding, trying to see if Miranda is already at the dock. The cannon goes off, signaling the start of the challenge.

    Harry dives into the frigid lake, praying his faith in Neville was well placed. He convulses underwater, before forming gills and webbed feet. Using his newfound power, he glides though the water quickly, passing a shark headed Krum. Soon, he comes upon an empty stretch of lake, mermaids surrounding something. When he moves closer he realizes it's four people, unconscious and tied to thick stalks of kelp. He can make out the faces of Hermione, Miranda, a boy who he thinks is named Frederick, and a little girl he doesn't recognize. He swims faster, moving to untie Miranda and Hermione, but a mermaid shrieks, barring him from continuing with a pointy trident, "Only one!"

    "But they're both my friends!" Harry protests.

    As he does, Shark Krum swims in, and in one fluid motion snaps Hermione's bonds, beginning to drag her to the surface.

    Instantly, Harry understands, one per champion. His theory is confirmed when Cedric takes Frederick, pointing wordlessly at his watch, reminding Harry to get moving. That must mean that the little girl was Fleur's, so where was she? Harry couldn't just leave her down here. Before he can think about it too much he releases the girl, and takes both her and Miranda to the surface. He kicks as fast as he can, trying to make up for lost time. He can feel his gills start to disappear, so in one last spur of energy, he tries to ricochet to the top of the lake, shooting a spell with his wand.

    Miranda coughs as she breaks the surface, helping the other girl swim to the dock. She looks frantically around the water for Harry. Suddenly, he emerges from the depths, shaking his hair, water droplets flying. He glances at Miranda sheepishly.

    "Why do you always have to be the hero?" Miranda says, pulling him into a damp hug, not caring she's freezing.

    Harry grins, "I can't help it. C'mon let's go see if Hermione's ok."

    Hermione was, in fact, okay. Wet, but okay. When Krum had gotten her safely to the dock, Ron was the first one there, nervously waiting.

He had said, "Are you, erm...ok?"

    "Do you care?" Hermione had asked softly.

    "Of course I care, Hermione. You're- er, I care ok." Ron had given her a blanket, and Hermione smiled at him.

    Miranda and Harry are still making their way through the mass of people when they come upon Draco.

    "Miranda!" He exclaims in relief. And to her surprise, he hugs her, for once not caring who's watching. "I was so— I mean— I thought something had—well, I'm glad you're alright. And I'm sorry, so sorry, and—"

    "D, forget about it," Miranda tells him. "I forgive you."

    "Really?" Draco didn't think it would be that easy.

    "Really," she laughs softly. "I don't think I've ever heard you apologize before. Plus you just hugged me. You, Draco Malfoy, hugged me."

    "Shut up," he mutters, trying to hide his smile. Finally, he notices Harry, who is standing there with a murderous look on his face.

    "You," Draco's hands curl into fists. "She was in danger because of you, Potter."

    "I'm also the one who saved her, Malfoy."

    "She wouldn't have had to be saved if you weren't such a git, Potter."

    "Don't test me, Malfoy."

    Draco curls his lip in anger, "I swear Potter I'll—"

    "Draco!" Miranda yells.

    Harry steps closer to Draco, menacingly, "Your father can't protect you out here."

    "Harry!" Miranda glares at the feuding boys. The tension is palpable. Draco breaks first, as much as he wants to make Potter pay, he doesn't want Miranda to see this side of him.

    "You're not worth it."

    Harry watches him go, jaw tight, "I really hate that guy."

    "I know," Miranda rests her head on Harry's chest tiredly, another headache is coming on. Ron and Hermione find them, and Miranda notices the chill in the air, and the stony silence between them has disappeared.

    "Looks like you guys made up," she nudges Hermione.

    "About time," Harry agrees, slinging one arm over Hermione's shoulder, and one over Miranda's, who slings her arm around Ron. Three of them still dripping with lake water, the four friends walk towards the castle, content.        

    For the moment.

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