wish upon a star

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Spring gives way to summer, which gives way to fall. The crisp mountain air sending brittle leaves hued with red and orange scattering across the grass. Every day there is another death, another attack, another person they couldn't save. Miranda and Mateo do their best to keep updated on everything going on, but the Malfoy cabin is very well secluded. Somehow, Snape figured out where they were and instructed them to lay low. He was in hot water with the Death Eaters after their display at the Manor and couldn't afford to be seen in contact with them. They were only allowed to go so far, and that restricted the amount of people they could help, which frustrates Miranda to no end.

"I hate this stupid house, and this stupid stream, and all these stupid fucking trees." Miranda groans and flops down on her back in a pile of leaves.

"We're safe and that's all that matters." Matt pacifies, shoving his hands in his pockets.

Miranda rolls her eyes and sticks out her middle finger, "Don't speak to me anymore. I can't take your optimism."

A motor roars in the distance, a cloud of dust spewing from the path leading up to the cabin. Miranda rockets to her feet, drawing her wand, no one ever comes up here, not even a lost Muggle on a hike. If someone's here, it's definitely not an accident, and it probably means they're looking for Miranda and Mateo.

The dust clears, and Miranda and Mateo see a large black motorcycle, puttering and emitting black smoke.

"Told you we could make it up the hill, Elle." Sirius Black hops off  of the motorcycle, shaking his hair out of the helmet and reaching out a hand to help Evelyn down, which she refuses, jumping down herself. Remus however, takes Sirius's hand half begrudging, half grateful, legs wobbling slightly as he steps down, looking as though he might genuinely be sick.

"Moony was the one who had no faith, Black. At least I had some." She grins at Miranda and Mateo, "Hey kiddos, miss me?"

Miranda and Mateo run to hug their aunt, "Evelyn! How did you—? Where did you—? Why are you—?" They ask breathlessly, amazed that they're all here.

"Take it easy," Sirius slings an arm over Evelyn's shoulders, and Evelyn promptly elbows him in the ribs. "Aren't you going to offer us tea?"

Evelyn and Remus share an eye roll of massive proportions. "What is it with you and tea these days, Pads?" scoffs their aunt. She nudges Remus conspiratorially, who is busy muttering under his breath.

"Bloody, cursed, death trap," mumbles the man, adjusting his jacket. "Didn't like it back then...don't know why I thought it would be any different."

"Cecilia only has lovely things to say about you, Remus," whispers Sirus loudly, patting his motorbike consolingly. "He didn't mean it, darling."

"Cecilia has nearly killed both Moony and I over the years," huffs Evelyn. "You included! Don't you remember when Potter fell off? And of course Lils absolutely hated it. Didn't she, Remmy?"

"You know I hate it when you call me Remmy," Remus finally speaks, looking harried. Miranda silently wonders why they have come here. And why they have brought Remus along with them. Not that she is disappointed at their arrival. It is a welcome disruption.

"That's precisely why I do it, love," Evelyn hums, scrunching her nose up at her best friend. She glances at her nice and nephew's bewildered expression and hastens the proceedings along. "Now please Moony," she encourages impatiently, "before we're old and gray."

"Ah!" Remus's eyes brighten, pulling a small photo out of his jacket pocket. "Tonks had the baby today, just this morning! Theodore Remus Lupin, for Dora's father. 7 pounds, 6 ounces. Hair changing colors already." He shows a picture of a tiny baby boy with blue hair that changes to blond every second.

"Remus, he's just adorable," Miranda peers at Tonks' happy, shining face in the background, a brilliant beam lighting up everything around her.

"I'm glad you think so," smiles Remus. An honest to god smile. Miranda hasn't seen one in such long time. "I can only stay for a bit," he tells them. "I don't want to spend one second away from him."

"Of course," replies Mateo, patting him on the back heartily. "You're a father, Remus. Let's get you a damn drink."

Sirius rubs his hands together, "You're my kind of guy, Matt."

"Tea will be just fine, Matt," Evelyn reprimands. "Sirius still has to drive and not murder us."

"Besides," laughs Remus with a teasing glance thrown Sirius' direction, "we already had a drink at Bill and Fleur's."

Miranda starts at the this admission. "You were at Shell Cottage?" She cannot contain her surprise, her words breathy and hopeful, "You saw—?"

Remus nods carefully, eyes crinkling at her in the sort of way that makes Miranda feel the urge to cry. "That's actually what I came to talk to you about." He chuckles, "God knows there should be a good reason for letting Padfoot talk me into riding on that awful Muggle contraption.

"Oi!" Sirius exclaims indignantly. "She can hear you!"

"It would be a she," grumbles Remus, almost offhandedly. His lips are pursed together. Evelyn stifles a snicker.

Sirius flashes a rueful grin, a mischievous, boyish glint in his grey eyes, "Jealous, Lupin?"

Remus seems almost heartened at this teasing comment, emboldened.  He doesn't miss a beat. The man draws himself up, accepting the challenge with a calm, slight raise of his eyebrow, "No, I've never enjoyed being ridden."

Miranda chokes on her own tongue. Something unspoken, it appears, has been left off the end of that sentence. It feels as if there is something more to this exchange as a dark blush graces Sirius' fair complexion. A man who is usually so effortlessly confident and cocky gone flustered.

A small smirk plays on Remus's lips while he watches Sirius, and Miranda knows for certain that she is definitely missing something here. The smirk fades however, as the two meet eyes and Remus shoves his hands in his pockets. Sirius swallows tightly, and Miranda and Mateo share a confused look, silence settling.

"Godparents!" Evelyn blurts out loudly, desperate to break the awkward tension. Miranda and Mateo are startled at the sudden outburst.

"Pardon?" asks Mateo, forehead knitted together.

"Remus has made us godparents," Evelyn explains quickly. "Me and Black, both."

He clears his throat, recovering. "Against my better judgement too," says Remus wryly.

"Remmy!" Evelyn swats him across the shoulder. "We'll be excellent godparents. I've already got nickname for him, Teddy!"

"I bet Teddy will like Cecilia," Sirius adds reproachfully.

Remus sighs, shaking his head, "None of this is making me anymore confident in your godparenting abilities." He dusts his hands, "Which brings me back to what I was saying before I was interrupted by these heathens." Remus looks pointedly at Evelyn and Sirius. "I thought that the boy ought to have two sets of godparents, just in case. It's always better to have a backup in my opinion." There is a bittersweet note to his words. "So Miranda, I was wondering if you and Harry would like to be Theodore's godparents as well. Harry's already agreed, and I understand if—"

Miranda is overcome by emotion. "Remus," she gushes openly, "I'd be honored." She pauses, gnawing her lower lip, "But— you do know that Harry and I aren't— together anymore don't you?" The words hurt to speak aloud.

"For now," the wizard replies, almost smug.

"Sorry?" Miranda cocks her head, certain she's heard him wrong.

"I said what I said," Remus suppresses a knowing smile. "Now, I really should be getting back. Pads? Evelyn?"

"Coming," they chorus in unison, giving Miranda and Mateo each a hug, before clambering back on the motorcycle, and speeding away. Sirius whoops loudly as Remus clings on to Evelyn for dear life. Miranda and Mateo laugh as they wave goodbye to the three disappearing adults, heading back inside with newfound happiness.

A light frost settles over the tips of the grass in the mornings, mind numbingly blue skies pass, the peaks of the mountains snowy already. It had been little over a month since Remus's visit, and Miranda and Mateo were going stir crazy. They had stopped only two Snatcher raids in this time period and were anxious to do more, to get out in the world they knew was full of unrest. Miranda hates it most of all, hates sitting idly, doing nothing while people are dying. While Harry could be dying. The more time she has on her hands, the more her mind wanders to that dark haired boy with his intoxicating green eyes, those adorable glasses, and the easy grin hiding the shyness beneath. She keeps going over their last encounter. His hand on her cheek, warm and soft, his voice, the faint stubble on his jawline. The way he looked at her, and that moment when he almost kissed her. She needed his touch, craved his touch, wanted to feel his heart beat against hers again.

Of course she loves him, she doesn't think she'll ever stop loving him, but she couldn't tell him. Why couldn't she just tell him? Because she was scared? Because she was afraid of what might happen? And now it might be too late. What if she never gets the chance to hold him again? Kiss him again? You never think the last time you kiss someone is going to be the last time. If she had known— Miranda would have memorized the way his lips molded to hers. The catch of his breath and the exact width of his chest and his smile.

She doesn't remember their last kiss, and it is slowly eating away at her. But most of all— what if she doesn't get to tell him how she really feels? Hermione's words from sixth year come echoing back to her.

We could always use more love, especially right now.

God, Hermione. She misses her best friend so much right now. She misses all of them. Ron, that dumbarse, with his stupid jokes and the ability to know exactly how to cheer you up. Hermione, always the smartest in the room, loyal and true and brave. Ginny. Little, fiery Ginny, with flaming red hair and a temper to match, tough and strong, but gentle all the same. Ginny gave the best hugs.

Sometimes, Miranda catches Mateo staring at letters or photos of him and Ginny, a sad, wistful quality to his eyes. She pulls the picture Colin Creevey took of the six of them in the common room and cracks a watery smile. It is a nice reminder, however momentary.

"I'm going to go out and get some more wood from town," Matt  informs her, entering the room and breaking her from her daze.

"I'll join you," Miranda replies. "I just need to grab a scarf from upstairs." She leaps up the stairs quickly, rummaging around in her trunk for her old Gryffindor scarf. "Ouch!" Miranda drops the scarf in a flash, her hand red.

"Alright, Miranda?" calls Mateo from downstairs.

"The fucking scarf burned me!" Miranda shouts back, rubbing her palm.

Mateo pokes his head in the doorway, irritated, "What are you blathering on about now?"

"The scarf," Miranda repeats with an aggrieved huff, showing her brother her hand. "It burned me!"

Mateo massages his temples, moving to pick up the scarf. He is nonplussed and entirely disbelieving, "Why would the scarf—OW BLOODY HELL IT BURNED ME!"

His sister giggles, "Told you so." She is more than a little pleased with herself, hands on her hips.

"Oh my god—" he breathes, crouching down to the floor.

"What?" Miranda follows suit, kneeling beside him.

"It's one of your old D.A. galleons," he muses with a laugh. "It must've been wrapped up inside of it."

"But why is it on?" frowns Miranda. "We haven't used those in ages, not since—" Miranda flips the coin over, searching for the message she prays to Godric is there. "Yes!" she pumps her arm in the air excitedly.


"I was right," she gasps. "They need our help! We have to go, Matt."

"Who—? Go? Go where?" Mateo looks at Miranda with very very wide eyes, concerned at her behavior.

A slow smile spreads across Miranda's face, eyes glowing with anticipation, "Matt, we're going back to Hogwarts."

"Are you fucking demented?" Matt cries out in utter disbelief, "That is the worst possible thing we could—"

"They need our help Matt," Miranda implores. He knows how important this is. He has to. She doesn't want to go without him. But she will. "We'll go in through the Hog's Head passage. I'm assuming they're hiding in the Room of Requirement..." she trails off as she begins packing a bag.

"Hello?" Mateo waves a hand in front of her face. "Crazy packing person, formerly known as my sister? I'd like some answers here! Who's they?"

Miranda brushes him off inconsequentially. Who knows how long they've been trying to contact her? They needed to get moving. "Most likely, Ginny, Neville, or Luna." Miranda continues stuffing things in her magicked bag.

"Ginny?" Matt's voice rises several octaves, unable to hide his excitement. "Wait— you think—why didn't you just say so? C'mon then, we have to go!" Miranda rolls her eyes as her brother drags her out the door, making sure to cast all the protective charms and alter their appearances, before apparating into Hogsmeade. They look at their dark surroundings with horror. What had once been a bustling center of students and life was now dismal, dangerous, and downright terrifying.

Miranda pulls her hood tighter over the face as they walk quickly and inconspicuously toward the dilapidated and deserted old bar. Quietly, she swings open the door to the empty room, and heads straight for the picture of a young girl in blue dress. "That's the one," Miranda nods her head determinedly. The pair climb into the portrait hole and venture down a long, winding tunnel. A door awaits them at the end of it, Miranda and Mateo glancing at each other with apprehension.

"Well, here goes nothing," she takes a deep breath and pushes the door ajar, completely unsure of what they might find on the other side.

"You came!" A familiar bellow greets them, the entirety of the Room of Requirement turning to look at them. Neville. It's Neville. Miranda nearly sobs. He looks tired, but— strong.

Miranda grins widely in spite of herself, eyes passing over all the familiar faces, Dean and Seamus, Michael Corner and Colin Creevey, Frederick, Cho, Luna, and Neville of course, more alive than she has ever seen him. She searches the crowd for that telltale crop of black hair, but finds none. Her heart drops, not knowing whether it is a blessing or a curse that he is not present.

A flash of red streaks through the crowd. So fast, Miranda nearly misses it. Robes flying, Ginny catapults herself into Mateo's arms, legs wrapping around him, and he catches her in one swift motion. Mateo strokes her hair softly and Ginny clutches him tight, not letting go, both of them whispering, "I love you."

Miranda slips away to talk to Neville, leaving her brother and Ginny to their reunion in private. She gives Neville a huge hug, noting the many new scars crossing his face. "It's so good to see you!" she beams. "How are—?"

"We've been alright," he says reassuringly. "Had to get on without you lot somehow, didn't we?" Somehow, Neville knows that Miranda has been feeling insurmountably guilty about leaving so unexpectedly.

"Neville's been brilliant," another voice adds.

"Dean!" Miranda embraces him, thrilled to see the boy. He is less thin than when she last saw him. "You made it back, then?"

"That was all your doing," Dean reminds her, squeezing her shoulder.

"And I thank you for that," Seamus shakes her hand warmly, winking at Dean, and for the first time Miranda sees their linked hands.

Her mouth falls open, "When did this happen?"

"Oh it's been happening for a while," Dean smirks. it just took us this long to realize it."

"Us?" Seamus raises an eyebrow.

"Listen," Dean defends himself, "you have to snog a lot of toads to get to the prince, or princess, or whatever you fancy." Miranda laughs, happy that her two friends have found light in these dark times.

"Are you suggesting I was a toad?" Ginny walks over to join them, still wrapped up tightly in Mateo's arms.

"Gin!" Miranda tackles the girl in a huge bear hug, tearing her away from Mateo, who scowls.

Ginny covers Miranda with kisses, "Miranda!" She takes a step back and surveys Miranda's appearance. "Short hair suits you darling, I'd tap that arse."

"GINNY!" Miranda and Ginny burst into giggles and Mateo becomes exceedingly uncomfortable, growling, "My sister is stealing my girlfriend."

"Relax, McGonagall," Ginny says, folding herself back into her boyfriend's body with a contented sigh. "You are twins, you know."

"Gin! You didn't tell me they'd arrived already!" Their aunt appears from behind them, dragging a disheveled Sirius along with her.

"You know our aunt?" Miranda turns to Ginny with surprise, while Evelyn gives her niece and nephew a hug, before putting an arm around Ginny as well. The atmosphere has become so chaotic that Miranda almost can't stand it. After so much quiet, it is a welcome and drastic change.

"Our location was compromised a couple weeks back," explains Evelyn. "We've been here ever since. Ginny and I have got on quite well. I think she's fantastic, Matt." She adds, devilishly, "No idea why she's with you."

"I ask myself that same question everyday," Miranda snickers.

"Oi!" Mateo glares, stepping on his sister's foot.

"Because of his wildly handsome good looks, obviously," Sirius reassures emphatically, patting Mateo. "We blokes have to stick together,"  mutters Sirius under his breath conspiratorially. "Until Harry and the Weasley boys get here, we're outnumbered."

"Thanks, mate," Mateo nods in solidarity as Miranda inhales sharply. Harry. He's alive. He's alright. He's—

"Sorry—" Miranda gulps, her heart seizing at the prospect. "Did you say Harry is coming?" Anxiously, she awaits the impending answer.

"Well, of course he is," Neville saunters over, clapping Mateo on the shoulder. "He's the reason I called everyone, and I do mean everyone. We're ready to fight. I got word that Harry, Hermione, and Ron were coming to Hogwarts for something. In fact, they should be getting here any minute."

More and more wizards and witches begin entering through the portrait, Order members, Hogwarts alums, people Miranda doesn't even recognize. Angelina Johnson, Katie Bell, Lavender Brown, the Patil sisters. Fred and George Weasley join the group starting to form and embrace their little sister, parents close behind. So many people, families, faces. Survivors. They are all survivors. Resilient and ready to fight, whatever the cost.

Miranda's chest tightens exponentially, fear gripping her all at once. These people had lives and loves and so much to lose.

Fleur and Bill are next, and Remus and Tonks, who Miranda is very surprised to see, considering they have a newborn at home, but Tonks is her usual kickass self, ready for action.

Remus throws his hands up,  "I tried to make her stay home."

Tonks rolls her eyes, "The key word there is tried."

"I like her already, Remmy," Evelyn proclaims, and the two women begin chatting quietly, while Remus and Sirius catch up. Even Charlie Weasley shows up, hands burned beyond belief, his easy smile so like that of his brothers, but his longish red hair showing that the sibling he looks most like is Ginny. Even in a time and place where there is so much unknown, so much danger, there is hope. Hope all around as people reunite and smile and realize how lucky they are to still be here. To be together. Miranda is surrounded by people, and yet— she still feels alone. Something is missing. Someone is missing.

Everything fades away as Miranda spots the portrait hole swing open again. The conversations around her silence, white noise in the background. All she sees is him, beautiful and broken, and for one moment it is only Miranda and Harry. Just the two of them, eyes locked, hearts pounding steadily.

"Hey,"shouts Neville. "Harry's here!"

The moment breaks, everyone yelling in support for the Chosen One, stomping their feet and cheering. The staggering amount of people who want to help is overwhelming, and Miranda can tell Harry feels that way too, going up to the front of the room looking a bit like a deer in headlights, flanked by Ron and Hermione. Miranda immediately spies their connected hands hiding behind Harry's back, sending Ron a knowing grin.

Harry scratches his head, "Er— why—what is everyone doing here?"

"For you, mate!" Seamus calls encouragingly.

"For me?"

"We want to help. Whatever you need, we're there," Luna pipes up from her place next to Cho.

"Er— that's brilliant. Really, it is. It's just—" Harry's words are cut off as everyone in the room keels over in pain, clutching their heads. Voldemort's voice booms loudly, telling them all to give up Harry or die.

So everyone heard that?

He's getting stronger, Miranda.

Harry's here for a Horcrux.

What happened to not invading people's privacy?

Fuck off. He's looking for the diadem.

The lost diadem? Isn't it—you know, lost?

He thinks Helena's got some secret she's keeping.

Your boyfriend's lost it.

Not my boyfriend anymore.

I know you were hoping he came here for you.

"We're ready to fight Harry," repeats Neville. "Just say the word."

"I can't—"

"Yes, you can." Sirius hops up to embrace his godson, putting a comforting hand on his shoulder, "We'll protect you to the end, Harry. Whatever it takes."

Harry hesitates, looking at all the eager faces around him. Many bruised and battered, clothes torn and bloodied, dirt smudged, but spirits high. His eyes rest on Miranda, who raises her head to meet them. A silent understanding passes between them as she gives Harry a hint of a smile, ever so slightly nodding her head.

"What the hell?" Harry clenches his fists. "Let's do it."

The Room of Requirement explodes into roars of camaraderie, wands are secured and arrangements are made. Miranda rushes out into the halls of Hogwarts to go find her aunt, leaving Ginny and Mateo to their argument about whether or not she should fight.

"Auntie!" she beckons Minerva over, panting from exertion. "There's going to be a battle." She instructs, "Get the younger students to safety. Alert the other trustworthy teachers. It's time."

Pansy Parkinson pokes her head out from behind a stone archway, pointing an accusatory finger at Miranda, "Where's Potter? I know you know, just give him up."

Miranda snarls at the girl, drawing her wand, "Don't test me, Parkinson. I am not afraid to cut a bitch if you—"

Minerva holds her back, flaring her nostrils at Pansy with disdain, "Move along, Miss Parkinson. I suggest you get to safety, seeing as your wand skills will surely not suffice enough to keep you alive." Miranda claps a hand over her mouth, stifling a laugh, while the professor merely sniffs, Pansy Parkinson slinking away begrudgingly. McGonagall then proceeds to cast an enchantment, the soldiers lining the halls creaking to life and marching out with purpose.

"The other teachers and I will form a magical barrier around the school. It should hold them off for a while," she says brusquely, walking away. The professor pauses in her tracks, "Potter went up to the Ravenclaw tower with the Lovegood girl by the way."

"I didn't—" Miranda calls out to her aunt's retreating figure. Did everyone know? She yanks her hood back over her face and creeping through the eerie corridors. Hogwarts is empty, too empty. She's never been to the Ravenclaw common room, but there's no time like the present. Tiptoeing up the stairs, she wishes she had more time to appreciate the unique midnight blue and metallic designs that scream Ravenclaw. Miranda enters the room with apprehension, wand drawn in a defensive stance, but relaxes when she finds only Harry. Harry.

Miranda feels her heart rise in her throat, suddenly extremely aware of her breath and her hair, the dried blood and dirt crusting her skin. Every detail of him is more striking, something that happens when you go without seeing someone for a while. Her senses are heightened, picking up on every movement he makes. He opens his mouth to speak, his green eyes never leaving hers.

Miranda strides forward quickly, "Don't say anything." And promptly grabs his face, placing her lips on his. Their mouths melt into one another, lips parting slightly, the kiss becoming deeper, more intense. They haven't done this in so long, and god does it feel good. Her hands run through his hair, and Harry pulls her closer. The kiss is electrifying, like lightning, a shock to her system, but a welcome one. He kisses her harder, like it's the only thing keeping him alive, and she responds with equal fervor.

When they finally break apart, cheeks pink, Harry's hair sticking up at all ends, Miranda's eyes fill with tears, "I just— I couldn't remember the last time we kissed," Miranda's voice trembles. She feels quite like she might die if she doesn't tell him all of this as fast as she can. "And it was killing me because I needed to remember— because what if— so I just— I needed to—"

Harry grabs her waist and kisses her again, lovingly, gently, slower than before. Like they have all the time in the world. And Miranda can finally breathe again.

"I love you." She rests her forehead against his, lips salty from their combined tears. "I love you. I love you."

He is her air. Her heart. He is all of her, and she is all of him. They want forever, they deserve forever.

But we don't always get what we wish for.

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