The Lullaby Of My Craving Heart - Sneak peek...

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Hola peeps... Good to you all... Hope you all doing good by the Almighty's grace...

Your Crazy Girl Mahii crazymahiz is back again with an One Shot story...

Well... Many had asked me repeatedly, why am I not showing Abhi in a negative shade and why I'm showing Abhi in a sweetest and positive way always, in most of my stories...

Seriously saying, I don't know why am I doing so... Some would have thought that I don't know to write about the negative shaded people Or a dark story and some may even think that I can't write about villains...

But they have forgotten completely that most of my stories have villains (both male and female) and even I have showed them as very heartless and cruel too...

If you have read all my stories, you would have noted clearly that rather than Tanu, I have used many (male) villans in my fics.. None would have forgotten about Rocky of Longing For My Wife, who has the same face as that of Abhi, Isn't it...

Alas!!!! I have been questioned why am I not showing Abhi in a dark shade, repeatedly by many... Huh... Tough question to answer and explain these people 😂😂😂😂...

Few months back, mamunimamunii has suggested me to write a story about an arrogant and aggressive Abhi, who has a negative shade... She added some more points, which made my eyes to get widen in surprise... I was in a terrible shock and I asked her, why she want to see Abhi like this...

But she is so stubborn in her point and she requested me to write such a story... It's really a big challenge put forth before my writing and I couldn't reject this request so easily...

Eventhough I have a similar kind of story plot in my mind for a long time, I don't like to post such a kind of story, which is not at all my cup of tea...

Even DivyaRathi204 once asked me to pen down a story about the possessive nature of Abhi and she asked me to write about the bossy and hard headed Abhi, who shows his upper hand on Pragya...

As a writer, who respects the views of the readers wholeheartedly, I agreed to the requests from the duo and thought of this plot very seriously...

Well... I don't know how many of you will like this story...

Those who are comfortable and ready to see the Aggressive, Arrogant, Negative Shaded and Possessive natured Abhi, who gonna dominate the naive, timid and submissive Pragya, can proceed further..

If not, please skip this story....

My kind request: Only if you are okay and comfortable to read a dark story (which shows the dark side of the hero), go ahead and read...

But trust me, I will make this story a worth to read it... Eventhough it's a dark story, I will make sure that no abusive usage of words will be used...

It will have slight mature scenes but You can expect a decent one... I assure you all that I won't show any vulgarity or it won't be adulterated for sure...

I have explained all my points clearly... If you have any queries, you can pm me and clear you doubts... After that you can proceed to this story...

Read at your own risk and strictly no bashing is allowed....


Without further adieu, let's move to our new story...

"The Lullaby Of My Craving Heart"

Abhigya One shot


CrazyMahiz ...

Text fully copyrighted:
©Crazymahiz™, 2021®.

This is a work of fiction and no offence to any characters used here...

The character choices, the story line are no way related to any real life characters or any incidents that happened in real... This is just an imaginary work...

Bashers please stay away from this story, as this story gonna potray the dark shade of the hero Abhi and the Vulnerable and Helpless state of the heroine Pragya...


Teaser or Sneak peek :

The calm and dark night got it's life suddenly, when the huffing and panting sound of a girl breaks the odd environment... She doesn't know why those men are chasing her unnecessarily, as if she is a culprit, who needs severe punishment...

Not minding her swollen legs, bruised fingers, sweaty body, unresponsive heart beats and teary eyes, she runs as hard as she can, to save her dear life... Eventhough those men are clad in police uniforms, she has no guts to halt her steps and prove them that she is no way related to the accused, whom they are searching...

As if she is the trump card to catch the murderer and his gang, the police men are not letting her to move away from their clutches and they want to arrest her, by any means... They are chasing her aggressive and in full force, thinking that if they loose her, they will miss a golden chance to arrest a big gang....

But the poor girl, who is running in a pitiable state, don't know how to prove her innocence and she has no valid points to show them that she is not the one they are in need of... As the evidences are clearly indicating her as the main victim, she has no other choice than to escape from them...

Some women police too are shouting and warning her that they will shoot her dead, if she didn't stop or try to escape from them...Being an athlete from childhood, she takes much faster steps, ahead of them and she runs like a ferocious cheetah...

To her relief, she saw a man a little far away, who is clad up in a formal dress, has just entered his car and about to start it... Like a seed gets it's life, her face brightened on seeing the saviour of her life, who only can help her in the tough situation...

Suddenly, it started to rain heavily and the visibility of the place became even more darker... The chasing policemen had to slow down, due to the unexpected rain... But the girl uses the chance brilliantly, runs quickly as she can and nears the car...

She knocks the window of the car and informs something to the man, in a broken voice.... With her blurry eyes and half conscious state, she didn't even notice, who the man is and to whom she is pleading for help...

All she want at that time is to escape from the clutches of those policemen, who are in a verge to prove her that she is the girlfriend of the bl***y murderer... As they can near them any a time, she cries hardly and begs the man to let her inside the car and also to move away from there, as soon as possible...

The man nods his head affirmatively and he let's her to get inside the car... Once she slumps her body in the car seat, she feels as if she has got back her life... She thanks him with all her might, while he locks the door using the central lock and asked her to wear her seat belts...

With wavering heart beats, she rolls her eyes here and there and she is so keen to watch whether the policemen are nearing them or not... Rather she failed to notice what the man is doing, behind her back...

After starting the car, he hands over her a bottle of water, as she is licking her lips repeatedly with a need to drink some water... He also  gave a towel to her and asks her to wipe her face and wet body, which is drenched in rain...

She feels happy and thinks of him as a gentleman, who can understand her state and is helping her without minding that she is troubling him at the rainy night... She didn't even understand that she is giving a wonderful feast to the man's eyes, as her dress is completely clinging to her skin...

She feels a strong manly scent in the towel and she is not in a mood to think off anything further, as her mind is completely blocked up with the unforeseen happenings... Wiping off her face, neck and body quickly, she felt somewhat relieved and keeps the towel in the backseat...

She gulped the water in a go, to quench her thirst... Slowly, she regained her lost energy and she is so happy that she has escaped somehow... But she is not aware that she is trapped in a big hell, under the clutches of a heartless monster...

The taste of the water felt so wierd to her, but she didn't mind it as she is badly in need of it at that time... Emptying the whole contents to satiate her body, she let out a small burp and closes the bottle... Before she utters thank you once again to the man for the timely help, her eyes blurred up slowly and she sees the deadly smirk of the man, who is watching her like a prey....


The car is running in a jet speed and the man is  twisting the steering very elegantly, as if he is a car racer... His dark aura is haunting the whole car and he didn't mind the darkness and heavy rain too, as he wanna reach his destination very soon...

The pretty girl in the vulnerable state is triggering his manly ego and he didn't want her to escape from his hands ever... Time tickles quickly and the man is in a mission to cross so much of kilometres in few minutes, before the girl gains back her conscious...

His lips curved to an arrogant smirk and his face glowed with attitude, as he has reached the final destination, where he can have the girl all for himself, without any interruptions... He halts the car in the lobby and he quickly gets rid off their seat belts...

He picks up his mobile and switched on the camera to take an intimate selfie with the girl... The flashes revealed their faces and it's none other than Abhishek Prem Mehra, the dangerous ****** and Pragya Arora, a poor soul who lost her family in a pathetic way...

Abhi slowly traces his hands in her body and he shamelessly wanders his hands in her womenly curves... Letting out a deep sigh, he gets rids of his hands quickly and comes out of the car... Opening the car from the other side, he sweeps Pragya in his arms and put her on his shoulder...

Abhi picks up the key from his pocket and enter inside the big house, which is located in the abandoned area of the city... He takes fast steps and enter the secret cabin inside the house and places Pragya in the huge bed...

He thinks of something deeply and ties her hands and legs tightly... He slowly nears her and inhales her womenly scent, which is making his hormones to do somersaults... He couldn't control himself and he quickly places his lips on her and chews her lips and drinks the sweet nectar....


Pragya stirrs her body and she feels that her body is paining terribly... All the unexpected incidents of the past 10 days flashes in her mind and her heart bleeds with heavy pain... Yet her mind alerts her about the man who has helped her and her  lips curved a bit thinking of the timely help...

But her face lost all its colours, all of a sudden, when the flashes of the man's face strikes her mind... She gasps in heavy shock and opens her eyes quickly... Her breath hitched, as she is placed in a comfy bed and she is wearing just a knee length shirt to cover her body...

Pragya's body shivered in horror and her eyes welled up in tears on seeing her state... She curses her stupidity as knew pretty well that she has entered a Monster's dark tunnel, which has only an entry gate...



How is the teaser??? Did you all like it???

Can you guess what kind of story is this???

Who is Abhi and who is Pragya???

How did Abhi reached the place correctly and how is it possible for him to take her away, without the knowledge of the policemen???

Will Abhi be the saviour of Pragya or will he be the sautan of her peaceful life???

What future has in store for Abhi and Pragya???

Will the cravings of the heart gets it's needed Lullaby???

Keep guessing and stay tuned....


As I mentioned earlier, this is just an One Shot story... But it will be quite long... (Will split into 2, if you want... Majorities choice will be considered)

Expecting your love and support as always...

Seeing all your response only, I'm going to decide whether I can post this story or not...

Planning to post this story on the second or third week of this month, as I've to pen down my main stories... Waiting for your response as always... Hope you guys won't disappoint me...

Feel free to pen down, what you think of the sneak peek... Can I proceed further or not???

Do vote and comment, if you like it....

Meet you all soon...

Bidding adieu,



Have a great day...

Stay Responsible... Stay Safe....

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