The dark side of the moon

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While I was sleeping I had a dream...a nightmare. I was in my room. I was about 6 years old the age of when my mother died. I was playing with my little toys, but suddenly it turned dark. The room was pitch black, but I saw one thing. I saw the town's people standing right in front of me.

"O hello can I-."

"Monster bad" I heard them say.

"What I don't understand."

"Kill her kill her" they kept saying it over and over.

"Monster bad. Kill her kill her."

"No please. There must be a mist understanding. I'm not a monster. I'm not a monster! I'M NOT A MONSTER!!!!" Then I woke up from my horrible nightmare.

Whew. I was alive, I wasn't being hunted by people, and I knew I wasn't a monster. But question was why did I have that sort of dream? Well time to start a new day. I got dress like any other day and headed down stairs but was greeted with a surprised once I came down.

There was Solar at the royal table eating breakfast with my stepfamily. "O Lurana come, come sit we have a visitor." My Stepmothers said with those don't get any ideas eyes. I didn't even realize I was sitting right next to solar until I took my place.

"Lurana I would like to introduce you to prince solar one of the many rulers of the sun."

"Hello your highness." Solar acted like we never met before and I was wondering why?

After breakfast I went into the castles garden and walked around looking at the varieties of flowers. I sighed at the magnificent beauty of the flowers.

"Hello Luna." "ahhhh."

It was solar.

"Solar wwhat are you doing here!?! If my stepmother sees you here with me she'll-" suddenly he put his finger on my lip and I settled down.

"It's ok she won't find us. Now tell me, what's a beautiful princess like you doing in a garden like this?" I was getting a little frustrated. I mean what's with him?

"Well" I finally said. "I was coming her for a little walk for your information."

Once I said that he had that little want to play a game smirk. "Well your highness may I walk with you on this lovely day?" With that he held out his hand and i took it.

Suddenly we started floating off the ground.

"Whoa, whoa solar!"

"Ha-ha don't worry I got you haven't you ever flew before?"

I shook my head. The only way I fly is on my star board and the reason for that is simple...neither of my parents ever taught me to fly. Not even my stepmother because 1.she hates me and 2.after the punishment a few years ago she never taught me.

I hanged on tight because I was afraid I was going to fall and die. "Here we go!"

Solar seemed to go little faster after he said that. After a few minutes of terrifying death, we arrived at a field full of flowers. "Wow" was all I had to say.

"This is amazing. There's ever flower you could imaging!" "Hm. So Luna do you mind if I asked you something?"

"Umm...Sure?" I was a little nervous once he said that.

"So why don't you ever come out of the castle or anything. Go to parties have a little...." "Fun?" I said because I knew that was the word.

"Yeah... Why don't you get excited, run around, dance, sing, anything....Why don't you be you? I mean I can already tell the difference of when you put on an act and when you really show yourself. So, why do you hold back?"

I was shocked. I wanted to play, I wanted to sing, and I wanted to dance... I wanted to be me.

"Well my stepmother banished me from doing anything without her knowing and all I wanted to do was have fun. But it's too late for that. I mean I already gave up on so many things, so why should I have my hopes up so high?"

"No! You shouldn't do that!" he interrupted.

"You can always have fun no matter what. I mean if I can do it so can you because....because I believe in you. You may want to give up on everything, but I won't let that happen to you. I will always be there for you no matter what happens."

Suddenly I felt something in my heart. Something...different, but I just couldn't put my figure on it. I knew that he felt the same way though because I saw it in his eyes.

I didn't notice it at first, but the air started to get heavier and the light surrounding us stated to get dimmer. All if a sudden it turned dark.



I shut my eyes and held to Solar because for some reason I was scared.

"W-what is that?" by his voice I could tell he was frightened as well.

"Well, well, well what do we have here? A Moon with a Sun? Hm I didn't think it was possible, but hey! Never say never." She looked exactly like me, but darker... and more menacing. "Names Shadow and I'm so glad too finally to meet you Lurana."

"W-what do you want?" I tired saying this without sounding scared, but all the fear I had wouldn't go away.

"Well it's pretty simple really. I want your powers."

"You'll never get her powers! I won't let you!"

He was so sweet to defend me but I knew we had even bigger problems than that.

Shadow laughed, "A-ha-ha and what makes you so sure you can stop me Prince Solar?"

Solar said nothing and stared at her with fear roaming around in his eyes. Shadow huffed.

"Well I guess there isn't a way Hu? Hmm well I just have one thing to say beware because both of your lives are going to change." And with that shadow was gone.

After that Solar immediately took me home. We didn'tknow what she meant, but I just hopped it was all a lie. And just like my usual self I had my hopes up too high. We were shocked at what happened to the kingdom. It was destroyed, but still stable enough for a few families. When we got to the castle it looked like a wreck. A guard came up and took Solar by the arm.

"Prince Solar ruler of the sun you are under arrest for the kidnapping of Lurana Starlight Moon and making her turn on her own kingdom! Thank goodness she's out of her little trans." I was shocked!

"Trans? What Trans I have no clue about what you are talking about! Now hand over Prince Solar before I have you under my power."

The guard spoke before anything else happened.

"Fine do what you want, but here... this is the letter from your Father saying that this Prince shall be taken into court and then sent to his punishment."

He was right. Right there in my father's handwriting pacifically saying,

For the kidnaping of Lurana moon ,a.k.a my daughter, solar ray sun will be put in court to hear what he has to say and then be but in the Dugan until his punishment is ready.(death )

Sighed: The man in the Moon

I was so stunted I couldn't move but I could still hear Solar in the background trying to free himself from the guards grip. "Ah- let me go, let me go I'm innocent!"

By the time I was back in reality everyone was gone and I couldn't do anything about it.


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