The Moon Princess becomes a Warrior

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I started to cry a little knowing my last moments are coming close and there's nothing I can do. It would take a miracle for me to get out of this situation. Suddenly that miracle came and I could move again. I was out of the shock now I can fight again.

I stopped shadow's kick in the stomach.

"What the- how can you move again you're in shock? Paralyzed! You can't move!"

"No shadow you're wrong. I was only paralyzed for a short time and now...your time is up."

I punched her in the stomach and quickly got up. Suddenly I had this feeling of some sort. Shadow had a surprised look on her face and that told me that she saw something I didn't see then it hit me. I was in a full body suit of armor from head to toe.

It was a pearl moon with a tad of nightshade color and it had a night cap. In my hand I had a moon blade, one of the most powerful kinds of swords in the known world. Shadow was nervous now.

How? That's impossible no one can have that kind of armor're a guardian. Suddenly she started to laugh for some reason?

"This is perfect once I take you down I'll be the new ruler of universe and then nobody can stop me!"

She started attacking me with full force. Then she made a sword and tried to stab me in the side, but luckily I was able to dodge it. She was still trying to kill me, but I dogged it every time. Suddenly out of nowhere. ! BOOM!

I sat up and saw what had hit me. It looked like a human mixed with an animal. It was dark like a pitch black sky, it had spikes upon its back, and it looked like half human half animal.

"Hmm well it seems that I've discovered a new power... and I'm going to use it on you Lurana!"

Right on those words more of those creepy monsters started to appear out of nowhere. One by one. More and more came and I was surrounded. I had nowhere to go. This was going to be my end.

Then I had an idea. It was crazy and I might lose my life doing it, but it's going to be worth saving the good people of universe then I'll do it. I started to slice the shadow creature by one to make a path for me. One by one they disappeared but came back. So, after I sliced them I charged and made a run for it.

"Ahhhhh!" I was finally out of the crowd and once again standing face to face with shadow. "Well I'm surprised that you made it this far... Especially for a princess."

I sighed. "How many times are you going to say that? O and for your inform I'm The Lunar Guardian now!"

I slashed my sword at her but she deflected it with her own. We slashed and crashed our swords together and back with everything we got. Then I got her and I finally found her weak spot.

"Ahh you got me.... You really got me...."

She suddenly fell to the dark wet ground. She was bleeding but I could tell by the wound that it wasn't deep enough to make her die. If I left her she would disappear and return. I dint have the strength to put her in an emblem curse and I couldn't go back. So there was only one thing to do.... Put her in the moon.

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