19. The Bike Ride

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Aurelia's POV...

"I want to drive," I say.

Aiden rolls his eyes at me and says, "No way, I am not letting you drive my baby."

"Baby?" I say in confusion.

"Ducati over here is my baby. it's my sweetheart. I won't let you drive," he says, now completely turned towards me, facing me.

"Oh Pleasee, It's my dream. Only until the main road, where we connect to the traffic. I will give it back to you. I have my license." I plead with him, my hands joined together in a pleading manner, back hunched, leaning towards him, my eyes wide with hope. I am trying to give him my best puppy eyes. I hope it works.

My beast, on the other hand, is drooling in the back of my mind. Her focus is solely on the bike in front of her.

"You like bikes. Don't you?" He asks, taking in my stance.

"I love them. Please, oh, the mightiest Alpha king the earth has ever seen. You are the most kind. Please let me drive for a few moments," I say.

I don't have an ounce of pride left with me. Driving the Ducati in front of me, even for a few moments, is worth my loss of pride.

I am rich but not to the level of rich where I could afford such a bike. He stares me down for a moment, then sighs. Reaching into his pants pocket and taking out the keys, he dangles them in front of my eyes.

"Be careful," he says, sternly, looking like my childhood school principal.

A smile brightens my face and I give him a broad grin and jump at him, hugging his shoulders in excitement.

"Thank you, thank you. You won't regret it," I say, stepping back and taking hold of the keys in his hands. I jog towards the bike and see it already has two helmets. I look at him in confusion.


I shrug at him and take hold of one of the helmets while he takes the other. He helps me put mine on and later he puts his on and asks, "Are you sure?"

"Yesss!" I exclaim at him and roll my eyes.

Raising my right leg over the seat, I straddle the bike and take off the stand. I then insert the keys into it and grip the brakes. I press the ignition and the bike comes to life. It lets out a slight rumble and my wolf howls in approval.

I turn towards Aiden, who is still looking doubtfully at me. "Don't worry, it's only two miles."

He sighs and then straddles the bike behind me. "Should I be worried?" he asks.

"Not even in the slightest," I cajole, then press the accelerator while releasing the brakes. The bike gets off to a whooshing start, and Aiden crashes into my back.

"Whoahhh, I think I need to hold on to you," he shouts over the wind.

"If you want," I exclaim, my gaze fixed on the road ahead of me.

He gently loops his arms around my waist from behind, and I press the accelerator to boost the speed even further. The trees fly past us, while the engine rumbles beneath us. Aiden tightens his grip on me as we approach the traffic too quickly for my liking.

Sighing, I squeeze the brakes gently, coming to a slow halt.

"What happened?" Aiden whispers in my ear, his mouth close to my helmet.

"We are near the traffic; you should drive," I say, leaning and kicking off the stand.

Aiden squeezes my waist tighter and says, "You can drive to the grocery store."

This brings back my excitement and I kick the stand off again and speed towards the traffic. However, I am not as fast as earlier and drive safely in traffic under the speed limit.

My focus is solely on driving, switching lanes and following the driving rules. It is just a matter of a few moments and I am in front of the grocery store.

My excitement goes down and only then do I notice Aiden's close proximity. His arms were tightly wrapped around my waist, and his breath was on my shoulder.

I turn around slightly to look at him, and our gazes lock, the world fading away around us. We remain seated on the bike parked at the curb in front of the grocery store, our gazes fixed on each other, until a blaring horn breaks the spell.

Aiden promptly gets off the bike, and I turn around and take a breath, slowing my fast-beat heart rate. Not looking at him, I quickly pull the bike into parking and kick off the stand, turning off the ignition and locking the handle.

"Wow, you are a good driver," Aiden says politely, acting as if nothing happened.

I, too, follow his lead and nod, returning his keys to him with my arm stretched out. He takes the keys from my fingers, making sure they do not come into contact, and places them back in his pocket.

Meanwhile, I take off my helmet while Aiden does the same and straps it to the bike. I do the same.

"So this is how a grocery store looks," he says.

I jerk my head up at him, astonished by his words.

"You haven't been to a grocery store yet." My words are a statement yet they come out of my mouth sounding like a question.

"Yes, well, I have servants who cook for me so..." he trails off and just shrugs.

I grin broadly at him and pull him by my bag that hangs around his shoulder, "This will be a fantastic experience."

He is taken aback by my childish behavior, but he continues to trail behind me, stumbling as I pull him away.

"Sorry," I say, and he simply grins and nods at me.

Soon, we are at the door of the grocery store and I swing it open. His eyes are wide, taking in the surroundings.

He enters, and I join him, watching his reactions. His eyes move swiftly, scanning the area and looking everywhere. After a few moments, he looks at me.

"Where to?"

"Vegetable section," I reply and walk ahead, grabbing an empty basket on the way.

We are in the vegetable Aisle and I start picking up bags of tomatoes, bell peppers and a few leafy greens and adding them to my basket.

Aiden, meanwhile, keeps mum and observes what I am doing. We soon reach the end of the aisle, and his eyes light up with excitement looking at the chocolates in the next section.

I move and stand beside him. "Do you like chocolates?"

"Who doesn't?" he retorts, his gaze locked on the chocolates.

"Well, I think it's time for me to stock up on chocolates."

He grins broadly and practically runs to the chocolates, taking the basket out of my hands and filling it with all varieties.

It's fine until he reaches a point where the chocolates are too many for me to store.

"Heyy, I don't need that many."

"Sorry," he says and then adds, "I will take a few chocolates with me, though; you don't need to worry."

The remainder of our shopping proceeds in the same manner. Me finding something to fill up the fridge and Aiden getting thrilled at a few items. He's behaving almost like a kid who has been given a new toy to explore. He is moving here and there; he is dragging me now.

My beast is giddy seeing him excited. According to her, whatever the king does is right. Even if it is him pulling me like a kid around the store with many people staring at us. I check the time; it is about six p.m.

We get in line to pay the bill, Aiden with the basket and me next to him. Soon it is our turn, and the cashier scans every item in our basket. He notices the amount of chocolate and simply raises his eyebrows at us. We both shrug simultaneously. It is none of his business anyway.

Aiden beats me to it in paying the bill, taking out his card quicker than me. I think he has not forgotten that I did not let him buy the designer dress. I roll my eyes at him, grasp the paper bags containing our groceries, and walk out.

Aiden helps, holding the door open for me and as soon as I step out, I notice a black car parked beside the ducati and a guard with a crown and paw stitched onto his suit, standing in front of it. Aiden must signal him as he rushes towards us and takes the bags out of my hands.

Aiden, then takes off my bag, which was still hanging around his shoulders and gives it to him. The guards carry them, deposit them in the backseat of the car, climb into the driver's seat and start the car.

I look wishfully at the ducati and start walking towards the car but Aiden stops me by grabbing my hand.


"We are not going by car," he says and my eyes light up at the prospect of getting to drive the bike again.

He chuckles at my expression, sensing my excitement. "Do not be too pleased because I am driving."

My grin drops and I pout. he just shakes his head at my behavior and walks towards the bike, straddling it and putting on his helmet. I, too, mimic him and do the same.

Aiden is a good driver, switching lanes quickly and we turn onto the highway that leads to my home. Aiden picks up speed and I am forced to wrap my arms around his waist.

Previously, I had grabbed his shoulders for support, but at high speeds, I am forced to hold onto him by his waist. It is no surprise that he wrapped his arms around me earlier.

I notice we have lost sight of Aiden's car, which was trailing us. "Hey, I can not see your car!"

"What?" He looks in the rearview mirror before shouting, "They will catch up."

We soon turned towards the road leading to my house, with the forest surrounding us. The bike abruptly jerks and skids. Aiden tries to control it, but his grip slips and it slides away from beneath us.

We jump to the side of the road to avoid being crushed by any approaching vehicles, only to discover that there are none. Our quick reflexes help us avoid getting hurt.

I fall into the dirt near the side of the road. Aiden is a few inches in front of me. I push myself off of the forest floor and look up at Aiden but the eerie silence makes the hair on the back of my neck rise.

I slowly raise my eyes and my breath gets stuck in my throat as I take in the sight before me.


Word Count: 1756 (E.O.)

AAhh A short chapter by my standards—only seventeen hundred words.

Well, how was the chapter? Aiden and Aurelia are fast becoming great friends, aren't they?

What did Aurelia see? Any guesses?

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P.S. When I wrote the note last week, the number of views were 269 and now they are over 300!!

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