23. Recovery

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There are many sounds around me as I drift in and out of unconsciousness. I hear a few shouts, the sound of a car starting and a woman crying. I try to make sense of those voices but am unable to comprehend.

Someone is squeezing my hand. Maybe it's grandma. She is fine. She has to be fine.

"Grandma," I croak out, my eyes still shut. I try to open them but flashing light binds them. I squint to look at the person holding my hand.

Initially, a dark outline was all that I could see. But colors slowly return, as my eyes adjust to the light. I first understand that it is a man and not a woman that is sitting beside me before my eyes focus on the man's face.

It's Aiden.

"Where's grandma?" I ask, my throat clogging, full of emotion. I try to get up and remove my saline but pain shoots up my thigh. Aiden holds me down and pushes me back. His touch is gentle yet firm.

"She's fine. Recovering. See," he points to the side.

I follow his finger to see Grandma in a hospital bed beside me. Her sheets are green. Then it comes to me that I'm at the hospital. Relief washes over me and I get back into my bed. Grandma is fine. That's all that matters.

Suddenly, Adrian comes to mind. He was being rushed to the hospital. How is he? Hopefully well and taking care of the royal beta duties. I will have to ask him why he never told me about the significant responsibility he carried, once I am out of this hospital bed.

"Adrian? Is he alright?"

Aiden's shoulders drop in remorse. Oh no. Does that mean he's dead? It's because of me. My research. Why did I need to find out the reason behind my abnormality?

I should have accepted my reality and not have questioned it. My stubbornness has led to this. Now Adrian is dead because of me. Tears well in my eyes and I start sobbing.

"Hey, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" Aiden asks.

"He-died. Adrian is dead." I manage to get those words out of me barely, my voice almost a whisper.

"No no. You did not get it right. He is in comatose. We are not sure when he will wake up."

Aiden leans in and wipes my tears with his right palm. Only then do I feel the tears staining my cheeks. I let out a sob both in relief and guilt.

He holds my hand again and makes soothing gestures against my skin.

His words take a bit of guilt off me but still, Adrian's in a coma because of me. But it doesn't make sense. If they want me why attack Adrian? Even if he had discovered my research since he was last recorded on CCTV at my work desk.

The next logical step of his would have to be coming to confront me and informing Aiden about it. But he didn't reach me. He was attacked before he could do that.

Strange. So they wanted my research but didn't want my secret to be out. They were willing to kidnap me and probably kill me too. If somebody knows about  my research that would mean they know about my abnormality too.

But they haven't still confronted me about it nor have they revealed it to someone else. There is some other motive that factors into the equation that I don't know about.

Now, anger replaces my guilt. My research must have some results that are beyond my understanding. They don't just relate to me. If that wasn't the case, I and my dear ones would have been targeted. Not Adrian.

My guess is he was at the wrong place at the wrong time.

My beast stirs in my mind. Wait, how long has it been? I don't think my supression shot has worn off yet because Aiden sits in front of me and he is being normal. But I can't take a risk.

I need to know how long it's been since my last shot. I look at his face and scrutinize him. 

"What is today's date and what's the time?"

Aiden, now confused, looks at me.

"Thursday, the thirteenth, about five in the evening," he replies, his face full of questions. He might be wondering why I'm asking him the date or time.

I release a breath. I had no idea I was holding it in. It was this morning that I was captured.

Twenty-four hours have not passed yet. My secret is safe. Or is it a secret anymore?

"I thought I was asleep for many days," I say, trying to cover up any suspicions raised by my unusual questions.

Aiden looks confusedly at me before his expression turns to one of concern. "How are you feeling, Aurelia?"

I nod at him and assure him. " I am fine. However, I would like to go home. I am not a big fan of hospitals."

This brings out a small smile on Aiden's otherwise serious face. "Who does?" He retorts and I try to smile in response but fail at it.

Taking a deep breath, I look at him in the eye. "Did Grandma sustain any serious injuries?"

"No, she just went into shock. She's asleep right now. The doctor said she needs rest so she is under the effect of sedatives. She threw quite a tantrum, worrying for you."

Tantrum and grandma go hand in hand. If she threw a tantrum that means she is well. That's a good sign.

"Oh. Where are we? I mean, I know we are at the hospital but..." I trail off.

"We are in the Were community," he replies.

Oh no. This is not good. I am not supposed to be here. I try to move my leg slightly, testing the pain. It throbs a bit but I think I'll manage to stand if I don't make any sudden movements.

"Umm, can I be discharged?" I say, guaging Aiden's reaction. His eyes widen at my words and he glares at me.

"Do you even know what state you were in? You fell unconscious. You are a weresap. Almost fragile like a human. Your thigh hasn't heeled completely. It will take time to heal. And you want to be discharged," he shouts.

I flinch at his tone and the memories that come with remembering how my thigh sustained this injury. That horrible vampire. I shudder as I realize what would have happened if Aiden hadn't arrived at the right moment.

I would have been dead.

I think Aiden senses my shudder as his harsh glare turns soft now but his lips are set into a hard line.

Maybe I can convince him if I put logic and reason into the discussion.

"Shhh okay. What if the doctor says I can leave? What then?" I say, trying to calm him down.

He looks at me for a moment, scrutinizing me before saying, "If the doctor approves, then it's his word that is final."

"Ok, call the doctor." Aiden still looks unconvinced but he's a logical man.

So he goes along with his words and stands up, walking out of the door, glancing at me before closing the door behind him.

I now take time to process the surroundings. It's a big room for two beds. Grandma lies on the bed beside me sleeping, her mouth slightly open. This brings a smile to my face. She's safe.

I then look at myself. I'm in a hospital gown, a sheet covering me waist down. I slightly move it, assessing my wound. It's wrapped in gouge. Dried blood showing through.

I want to see the inside but decide against it. It's better to wait for the doctor. Just as I think of the doctor, a woman in white coat appears, followed by Aiden. I hastily cover my legs up, not wanting Aiden to see them.

She grins at me. "Hello, Aurelia. I'm Ferretey, your doctor. Let's see how's your wound. Shall we?"

"Hello, doctor. Yes, please. "

She comes towards me and does all the vital checks, like the eye test and the pulse.

"Well, your vitals seem normal. Let's see how your wound is faring."

I nod at her. She leans in removing the sheet but I clutch it to myself tightly. Now, she looks at me confused. I glance at Aiden uncertainly and understanding dawns on her face.

She turns towards Aiden and says, "Maybe you should turn around, King."

Now, Aiden is embarassed and his eyes widen as he stutters, "Oh, ok"

He turns around as the doctor gives me a reassuring smile before removing my sheet. I smile at the embarrassment on Aiden's face.

She reaches out to my bandage and starts removing it gently. The bandage is peeled easily layer after layer, showcasing my healthy skin. No wound in sight.

Astonishment flashes her face, followed by confusion looking at my wound. Her brows raise at me. "Wow, Aurelia. You've healed fast for a weresap."

I shrug at her in response when suddenly Aiden exclaims, "What?"

He's still facing the door, his back to us. "Yes, king. She's healed. Maybe a slight internal injury might exist but none that will cause her trouble."

Aiden turns around and I drag my sheets up quickly, covering my legs. He narrows his eyes at me and says, "I want to see if it's the truth."

I sigh, shaking my head at him and adjust my covers, so that they only expose the part of my prior wound. I'm certain he won't believe until he sees it.

He looks at me in wonder. "But how? "

"Well, it looks like she's a strong weresap. Well, stronger than the usual ones, as she's healed quickly." Doctor Ferretey informs.

"Can she be discharged?" He asks, trying to make me stay longer at the hospital. I narrow my eyes at him.

"Yes. There's no point to her staying here. I'll prescribe a few vitamins, of course, but nothing to worry about."

Aiden purses his lips at first but then his shoulders drop as he agrees with the doctor. But then suddenly his eyes light up.

"But she's not able to mindlink." He says to the doctor.

He is trying to search for a loophole and make me stay here longer. I purse my lips in disapproval at him.

The doctor, now confused, looks at me.

"Well, yes, I wasn't able to earlier before I was unconscious. I have not tried now." I explain to her.

She nods at me and then thinks something for a moment.

"Then, maybe you should try now. Try to link me," she says, looking at me patiently.

I take a deep breath and search for her. I feel like I have come across someone and try to break into her mind.

'Did this work, doctor? Err Ferretey '

A smile lights up her face as she turns towards Aiden and says, "She linked me. Something must have been blocking her earlier."

Her assessment was accurate. I remember the dart I felt when I stepped into the grandma's room.

"Oh yes. I was hit by a dart."

"It must have been worn off. You can go home." She says, smiling slightly at me as I release a breath.

I grin back at her, then glance at Grandma. Is she well enough to be discharged? Aiden did say she was fine.

Doctor follows my gaze and then assures me, "She's ok. we had to sedate her because her BP went high due to worry. I'm sure when she sees that you are alright, she'll be fine."

Finally, I can go home. Aiden still looks at me with doubt in his eyes. I sigh. I may have to let him know the details of what happened if he already doesn't know.

I remember him killing the vampire so I doubt he would have gotten any information from him. I wonder if there was someone else at the place.

Word Count: 1794

I know kind of filler but also a leading chapter. What are your views on it?

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