8. The Dinner

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The interview went well. I could not believe how easily things fell into place. The shift was good and I had humans at the same shift. At the most what I needed to do was use a scent mmasking spray.

Easy Peasy

I strode towards the elevator, a spring in my step from excitement about the job, and pressed the ground floor button. While I was walking toward the exit, the receptionist smiled at me.

I smiled back, grinning at her. I found my car, climbed into the driver's seat, and started it, overjoyed. I was humming with glee the entire way. I could not wait to tell Grandma the good news. Initially, I planned to just mind link her, but then I considered surprising her.

On the way, I stopped at an Indian restaurant and purchased some takeout food. As I waited for my parcels to arrive, I considered how I could use the lab equipment for personal purposes. I let out a sigh of pleasure. My neighbours, who were standing behind me, gave me strange looks. Perhaps they were curious because of my behaviour. Just then, my parcels arrived.


I paid in cash and just fled towards my home. The entire journey went by in a whim. As I made the turn towards my home, I noticed a Ducati in front of it.

Wow, Now that was a bike. I wish I had a bike.

Hey, it is parked in front of my house, which means we will have guests, I reasoned.

My excitement dropped a notch. I smelled the air for scents.

Great. It's the king.

My excitement dropped further. I had to play the role of a weresap. Again. Not that there was something wrong with being a weresap but it was exhausting to constantly keep my wolf reigned in . She was tired of not being able to release her power freely.

well, there's nothing I can do.

I parked my car inside and went to the door, unlocking it.

'Grandma, im home' I informed via the mind link.

Just then, I saw Grandma walking towards me, with the king in tow behind her. I looked at him and bowed. He nodded in reply. That meant I could raise.

" Now, What's the result of your interview, dear?" My grandma asked.

this improved my mood. I was back to my earlier self. I kept my expression neutral.

Let us annoy Grandma a little, I thought slyly.

Making a heart broken face I just hugged her, burying my face in her shoulder. Meanwhile, the king looked at me in confusion.

Just then, it felt like someone was drilling a hole in my brain.Like glass was shattering. The strange part was that my beast was overcome with joy, but she was perplexed as to why she felt so happy.I looked up in surprise.

'What's wrong, Aurelia? I thought you were selected.'

It was the king via Mind-link.In reply, I just raised my brows in question.

'Adrian told me' he informed me sheepishly via the mind link.

'Yes, I have been but I want to surprise my grandma and may be annoy her a little, My king.' I grinned at him and he grinned back at me.

"Oh, darling, don't be disheartened. It was just a job; you will find more jobs."

I then disengaged myself from her hug and walked towards the sofa, sitting on it. She came and sat beside me while the king looked on.

"I, grandma... got selected," I squealed in excitement.

In response to my words, she smiled and laughed along with me. Later, she realised I was teasing her, and she faced me in mock anger.

"You naughty child, "my grandma said, coming towards me and twisting my ears. I bent towards her, my ears throbbing, while my beast laughed at my state. She felt that I should be punished more frequently.

"Oh, grandma, you old lady, you still have so much strength left in you; you are the strongest woman on the planet. Please leave my ear," I praised her, knowing it would work.

"Yes, well, of course I am strong despite my age," she said, proud of herself.

I just laughed, and she joined in, hugging me.

"Now enough of your antics; i have dear addy here, who came to meet me. Learn from him; he's such a sweet boy and you on the other hand, are a naughty  devil" She said.

The king, on hearing her words, gave her a small smile, appearing to be pleased with himself, while my smile dropped at her words.

" Grandma!!!!" I exclaim.

"You are naughty, my dear; nobody can deny it," she replied smugly.

I rolled my eyes at her antics.

"Now, go to the kitchen and take out the utensils and serve the food you brought , I smelled it as soon as you entered."

I just grumble in response and go towards the kitchen. I put the food on the counter.Meanwhile, Grandma sets the table. I passed on the utensils to her and cut the parcels, distributing the food into the containers.

The king must have been feeling out of place as he turns towards Grandma and says , " Nana, Can I help you?"

Oh oh. That was not a good sign. Nana hated taking anybody's help.

"Naah, its fine, dear. I can manage. Aurelia, on the other hand, would need help. She is quite weak," Nana teases.

The king looks in confusion. I speak out, " Yes, King, can I have a helping hand?" Grandma just smirks at me.

The king approaches me, his confusion growing with each passing minute. I just smile and murmur, "Grandma feels like she is old, and she does not like it when anyone helps her. It also makes her think of Grandpa So..."

Understanding dawns on his face, and he mindlinked me.

"Oh, was that something her husband did?"

'Yes, he would be extremely helpful to her with household chores. It was their special way of romancing each other. She does not allow me to clean or dust the house, and I am only permitted to do minor tasks such as keeping things I have displaced because she believes it keeps her fit.' I clarify.

He nods to me in response and reaches towards the serving bowls.

'Oh no, My King, I can do it; please take a seat.'

'Please, Aurelia, it is good to be a part of something wholeheartedly,' He replies via the mind link.

'And Aurelia, you can call me by my first name, After all, apparently we both are fellow criminals who broke into the royal library' He jests.

I chuckle at his explanation and say, 'Okay.'

I was perplexed by what he said, but I get the impression that he truly wanted--no, needed--to do the job. So I let him gather the serving bowls while I grab the spoons and forks.

Grandma had already placed the dishes. And we both walk towards the dining table. Just then, we hear tires screeching and turned towards the door. The king groans at the door.

I look at him, perplexed, my brows drawn together.

"What's wrong..." I trail off.

Meanwhile, grandma goes towards the door and opens it. It was none other than Adrian, judging by the scent. I peek from where I was standing behind the king, and it was indeed Adrian. Grandma greets him, he was already becoming one of her favourites.

Aiden just glares at Adrian, 'Apparently we need one more plate; we have unwanted guests here."

I shrugged and did as what he said and made arrangements for another place at the dining table.

"Yo, bro! Sup!" Adrian talks to Aiden.

Aiden is still glaring at him accusingly.

"Oh, come on, Aurelia got selected, and I was about to ask her for a treat when you told me you were at Nana's, so I thought let's do it today. I brought food as a token of peace," he says, holding bags of food in his hands.

Aiden rolled his eyes at him."Come on, grandma, Aurelia, let's have food."

Adrian stands shocked, staring at his friend. "Won't you ask me to join in?"

"No, because you are unwanted."

"Oh, come on Aiden" Adrian whines.

Grandma then stands up from her seat when Aiden interrupts, " where are you going, Nana?"

"To bring more bowls for food , Addy," she replies.

"No need, grandma; Adrian will bring the bowls," He insists.

"Yes, Nana, I will bring the bowls," Adrian pitches in.

Aiden sits between me and Grandma, no doubt trying to avoid his best friend, I guess.

He rushes to the kitchen, retrieving the bowls, and serves the meal in record time.

"You are a good boy, Adrian," my grandmother coos. Adrian smiles smugly in response, while Aiden glares at him. I could see the nature of their friendship. Adrian was more outgoing than Aiden, who was more of an introvert.

"Oh, Indian food, that's nice," Aiden says in between bites.

"Yes, my king. it's my favourite as well as Grandma's." I let him know the reason behind this choice.

"Isn't it spicy?"

"Isn't my grandma a spitfire?" I murmur, leaning a bit towards him. His brows rise, his mouth drops open a little bit, and then understanding dawns on him as he nods. I just give him a smug smile and lean back, reaching out to serve myself the delicious biriyani.

Aiden stops me, "Let me.".

"Thanks," I reply, keeping mum while he served me. I sit there awkwardly, fidgeting in my seat.

He must have noticed my squirming as he looked at me in question.

"What's wrong?"

"It feels wrong letting you serve me, king."

"Ahhh, common, I had already asked you to call me Aiden." He groans out loud.

I jerk away, shocked at his sudden outburst. Adrian and Grandma look at us in surprise, distracted from their argument over whether Italian or Indian cuisine was better.

"What happened?"

"She does not stop calling me king". He exhales.

Adrain looks at me and before his gaze shifts to Aiden, and bursts out laughing. My face scrunches in confusion while the king-Aiden-keeps glaring at me. I lean away, afraid of him. His anger is emitting waves of power off him.

I think the waves reach Adrian as he stops laughing, staring at me, and then shifts his gaze towards Aiden for a while. I think they were mind-linking. My grandma just looked at me in disapproval.

What was my mistake for the disapproval?

Just then. Aiden sighed and looked at me. "Aurelia, I get my share of burden from being the king and usually like to behave like a normal person, like a werewolf, when I am away from the palace. That was why I came here: Nana views me as a kid she raised, not a king. She treats me normal and I do not want her granddaughter to think of me as a king, someone she is meant to be afraid of and not be friendly with. I plan on coming here a lot more frequently to meet Nana, so these formalities will only act as a thorn in our sides," he ranted out.

Adrian looked at him like a proud mother hen where grandma was emotional. She was sniffing.

"Aawww, Addy, we understand the weight of the responsibility you bear, and as far as Aurelia is concerned, she understands right, dear," my grandma said, looking at me pointedly.

I rolled my eyes at her words and turned to face Aiden. "I apologize for offending you in any way; I was just being cautious, after all, I do not know many kings. Do I?King, I mean Aiden," I joked.

Hearing me call Aiden, his shoulders dropped, and he looked at me in relief, mouthing a thank you.

"Why the other plate, Adrian?" My grandma asked in an obvious attempt to divert the matter.

"For Abigail, of course Nana, she said she'd join in two minutes."

"Just great," Aiden jerked his hands, leaning away from the table.

"Now whats wrong with you, Ki--sorry, sorry, --Aiden?" I inquired.

"I came here to spend time with Nana, not share her with Adrian and Abigail; they will take up all of her time."

I smirked at him and considered annoying him a little. He was the one who desired to be normal.

"Hey . You will have to share her with me at the very least," I urged.

"Of course not. Nana loves me more," he jested.

"Huh, keep wishing that; she loves me the most." I countered.

"You both keep telling yourselves that Nana loves me the most, and that is why she has told me about your childhood escapades," butted in Adrian.

"Huh," both of us scoffed in response.

" Ok, I have a way to solve this mystery. Its easy; let's just ask Grandma," I announced.

Grandma, who by then had started eating, looked up from her plate in alarm.

"So, grandma, who do you love the most?" asked Aiden.

All of us turned to look at her. She gulped, sat silently for a moment, and then suddenly a smile graced her face.

"I love your grandpa the most," she replied smugly, happy that she had diverted the answer to that question.

"But..." I started, only to be cut off by her.

"We do not talk while we eat, Aurelia," she scolded.

Her words filled me with guilt. Aiden and Adrian exchanged looks before shrugging at me and beginning to eat.

Just then, Abigail entered the room.

"Hi guys, hello Nana," she said to the boys and Grandma, completely avoiding me.

Aiden looked at me in question. I just raised one of my shoulders in response.

What do I know?

'Is there trouble between you and Abigail' Aiden linked.

'What do I know? She has been hot and cold towards me from the time we met.'

'Hmm' he replied, and the link went silent.

I focused on eating then, and the conversation went forward. As Abigail joined in, Grandma, Aiden, and Adrian were all laughing and teasing each other. Similar to how it was at the ball.

I am alone, as I always have been.

Everyone finished eating, and all of us rose, collecting our cutlery and putting it in the dish washer.

"Ok, kids, I am tired and I will retire to my room but you people carry on . Why do not you children move to the backyard so you can build a bonfire."

Adrian's eyes lit up at the idea.

Do you like Indian food? I would love to know what your favourite cuisine is.

Bonfire up next. Do you like Nature?

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