Chapter 4

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I had gotten ready all through the week. I had my potion in my shoe, just in case, and had gone to a large field just so I would be away from people. I knew I would attack myself, as a werewolf that doesn't have any humans or animals around will attack themselves, so I had cast a charm over myself that made me pretty protected from anything that attacked my skin.

I looked around. I was in a large field, the only close-by building being a barn off in the distance. I took a deep breath as I watched the sunset. It went below the mountains and I savored these few moments of limbo between night and day. Then, the moon came up.

It was agony. I fell to the ground, as my body stretched and pulsated everywhere. My nose was getting longer. My legs and arms were getting longer. The hair on my scalp withdrew a few inches and hair all over my body sprouted. My clothes seemed to be sinking into my already hairy skin.


I woke up in the middle of a field. I lifted my head and saw that I was right next to a large barn. A flood of memories flooded back to me. Lying on the ground, scratching myself and seeing my paws bounce back, lying on the floor, and hearing a rustle as a man left the big barn, not too far away. Me, sprinting towards it, and the man, on the ground, with two, little, red dots on his neck.

Oh no... I thought. I looked to the right. There, lying next to me, was a whimpering thirty-something-year-old man. I scrambled up and pulled off my shoe. The potion was in there, and I took it out. I tried to uncork it, but my hands were too sweaty. The man on the floor was getting whiter every second. I reached for my wand but I had left it at home. I finally ripped it out with my teeth and applied the potion to the mark he had on his neck.

The blood came back. The man stirred. He opened his eyes and saw me.

"Ah! Get away from here! There's a giant wolf thing running around, it bit me, and--"

"Don't worry. It was me as a werewolf." I sat down next to him and told him everything he would need to know. The monthly changes, a bit of fact, the silver and dittany.

"Oh, right here," I said, handing him the bottle I had used to cure him. It still had a lot in it.

"Th-thanks," the man said. "Don't you need it?"

"No, don't worry, I can make some more." I then stood up and helped him back to his barn.

"But wait," he asked, once on the couch. "Won't it--"

But by then, I had already disappeared.

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