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/hunt with...
/hunt alone
You hunt and bring back prey. Cats get a group bonus, Lycat-cats get a loner bonus

/patrol with...
Brings up the border, two patrols of four cats needed to bring it up. A lycat-cat counts for two cats

/Forage with...
/forage alone
Brings back herbs/sticks, cats get a group bonus, lycat-cats get a loner bonus

/train [skill] with...
/train [skill] alone
Training your skills will help them go up! If its one cat training another, the cat with lower skills will get 0,5 skill in the chosen skill, if a cat trains alone they will get 0,25 in skill

/start training session with...
\start training session
Training sessions are like regular training, except more people can join! You do need to put in a second command:

/teach [skill]
/learn [skill]
Only for training sessions. The first person to reply to the command above this one gets to pick the skill. The amount of cats that join does affect the amount of skillpoints you gain

/bond with...
If you reach bond lvl 6 you can request to become mates

/become mates with...
Any type of relationship is accepted, yes, even poly (as long as you're okay with me fangirling)

/breed with...
Only available if you're mates

/ bury [deceased] with...
It's a sad day when someone dies, but you have to put them in the ground. Predators are attracted by the smell of corpses. The more cats that help the less chance of a predator showing up

/search for a rogue tom/she-cat
Want kits but not with your mate? The password is your favorite letter? Or are there no current mates available? Search for a rogue tom/she-cat to be the other parent. You might even bump into a lycat!

/search for kits
Want to breed but can't? Or wanna add some fresh blood into the clan? Search for kits! Warning, lycat females often leave lycat-cat kits behind

/kidnap [name]
Kidnap anyone you want! Kits, apprentices, warriors, whoever! This action must be via PM

/Brainwash [kidnapped]
You kidnapped someone for whatever reason, but of course they will not instantly agree with you, so you'l need to... give them a nudge in the right direction. This action must be PMed to me

/kill [name]
Don't like someone? Kill them! This action must be PMed to me

Bạn đang đọc truyện trên: Truyen2U.Pro