|12.2| No Man Shall Define La Familia.

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"Where are we going, Barbie?" Sandie asked. She wore a black blouse with an image of two white camels on the front, an animal print red skirt, and black shoes. She parted her short wavy dreadlocks over her forehead and smiled.

"It's a surprise," Barbie answered. John had planned the surprise trip, and she was going along with it. She gave out a hand, and Sandie took it. "Don't worry. We will be back before Sky returns."

"OK." Sandie had an innocent smile. Locals had said that her smile could brighten the darkest of hearts. It was true. When Barbie had first met the girl, she was in a grim place. But after being around her, she had learned to love the girl as her sibling.

Barbie pulled the hood of her jacket over her head, then led Sandie out of the apartment. John had been waiting for them inside a carriage. He got out when he saw them.

"Johnie!" Sandie shouted as she jumped on the bald man. He spun her around, then placed her down. "Are we going for ice cream, Johnie?"

Sky had warned Barbie about giving the girl too much sugar, seeing as she got a rush and stayed up all night. But Barbie didn't listen, spoiling Sandie whenever Sky wasn't around.

"Yes," John replied with a smile.

"Yay!" Sandie jumped into the carriage. "Come on, let's go." She beckoned at the two adults.

"Where are we going, John?" Barbie asked with crossed arms. She hated it when he kept things from her. It seemed like he didn't trust her. He knew she would do anything for him. And yet, sometimes, she felt the relationship was one-sided.

"Do ya remember the man who had called offering a job?" John asked.

"Doctor?" She thought the name was stupid when John had told her about him. Who called themselves Doctor? Didn't they have a first and last name?

"Yes." John nodded. "We're going to see him."


"Ya will see." John smiled. He always did when he wanted her to trust him. And she did. It was just she hated being in the dark. She had spent there most of her life before Sky saved her. She didn't want that anymore.

"All right." Barbie kissed his cheek, then entered the carriage. Sandie squealed with joy at the prospect of eating ice cream, making Barbie and John laugh.

Sadly, Sandie died that day.


Barbie stood outside Glen Coco's Medical Dispensary while Billie had gone inside. On paper, the place sold medical marijuana and heroin. But it also acted as the center of a gun trade ring in Sin City. Barbie had gone there many times when John had meetings with arms traffickers.

When Billie suggested they stop by Glen Coco's, Barbie knew she wanted to buy a gun. But Barbie had declined to go inside. She had never done so without John, and wouldn't until when he returned.

He hadn't contacted her yet, but she remained hopeful. Ah know ya are alive, my love. Ah can't wait to see ya.

The nagging feeling he might not be alive tormented her gut. John had been the first man she had fallen for since Sky rescued her from Erik. She had never thought she would love again. But she did. John had saved her from a life of loneliness and torment. And to show her gratitude, she had done everything he asked of her.

When they had gone to Doctor with Sandie, the man had asked them to kill the girl. Barbie was shocked and confused at first. She didn't want to do it. Sandie was like a sister to her. And if she killed her, it would destroy Sky.

But then, Doctor had offered them something they couldn't refuse: a key to Peace City.

Most people compared Peace City to Heaven. Others went further by saying it was better according to the stories they had heard. But they agreed it was the best place to live and start a family. There were no crimes there. Everyone lives as equals–no matter the skin color, race, sex, or gender.

But, the only way to get there was through a special key that opened a magic portal to the city. And Doctor had it.

Barbie and John had dreamt of leaving Sin City and going to Peace City. But they didn't know how to get a key. So, Doctor's offer was hard to refuse. It was why Barbie had killed Sandie. She loved John so much; she would burn the world if he asked.

"Babe," Billie called.

"When did ya come out?" Barbie asked, rubbing the tears streaming down her face.

"Ah've been calling ya name for tha last five minutes. Ya looked out of it. What were ya thinking of, babe?"

"Forget about it." Barbie sniffled, then sat behind Billie on the off-road motorbike. She wrapped her arms around the woman's waist. "Can we go?"

"Yes." Billie started the engine and then drove off.

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