|14.2| The Philosopher's Stone

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The Catacomb of Magnus Opus was far away from the other catacombs in Mine City. Outside its entrance were warning signs, cautioning whoever entered to prepare for the worst.

Pipi's insides tied themselves into knots when he gazed at the signs. One of them caught his attention. It read: THE WICKED LAY INSIDE. DISTURB AND THEY WILL ATTACK.

Evil lurks in the dark, Pipi remembered Reed's words. He hated the unexpected. It was the reason he became an inventor. The weapons he built helped him overcome unforeseen attacks.

Pipi glanced at the setting sun and gulped. Pipi has an awful feeling about this. He went through the entrance and covered his nose with his bandana after inhaling a horrific smell. "What is that?"

"The smell of death-oh," Reed replied, taking in a deep breath. He seemed unaffected by it. The Outlawz had covered their noses with their bandannas. "My sense of smell isn't as good as it used to be-oh." He traced his fingers along the scar on his nose. "It was my mistake-oh. A silly mistake-oh." He refocused on the map in his hands while leading the way. The four spheres provided light, allowing them to move with ease.

Pipi watched the darkness swallow his shadow as he descended the spiral steps. "What's the history behind this place?" he asked.

Reed stopped and faced Pipi. "You don't know about Magnus Opus-oh? Every magic-user knows about it-oh," he said.

"He's lived most of his life in Sin City. They've banned magic there-eh," Rambo said.

"That explains why people think The Outlawz has three members and not four. He is a temporary addition-oh." He turned back to Pipi. "The relationship between Magic City and Mine City was to be like Virtue City and Sin City-oh. The rich would live in the sky, while the poor would suffer on the ground-oh. But it never came to fruition-oh. Mine City had the ingredients to make someone the best wizard in the world-oh. And Magic City was where that wizard would go to show off their powers and get embraced by their peers-oh.

"Magic City and Mine City ended up battling for power until the latter got defeated-oh. Ask yourself, why are there no houses, restaurants, or apartments in Mine City? Even the Inns don't last long-oh."

Pipi had always assumed it had to do with air pollution. Thus, the Inns were for tourists and workers. He never thought it had to do with the battle between the two cities that took place centuries ago.

"Mine City is cursed. No infrastructure lasts over five years on its ground-oh. Those who build factories here have to pay one of The Elders to lift the curse on the part of the land they are using-oh. It's not cheap either-oh."

"But you haven't told Pipi about this catacomb," Pipi said.

"They built Magnus Opus to bury those suspected of using dark magic-oh."

"The Wicked Witch and Dark Warlock," Pipi said. He knew about them. Every magic-user did. They were a cautionary tale. The Wicked Witch and Dark Warlock had tried taking down The Elders. They wanted to make dark magic legal in Magic City. But they had failed after their apprentices betrayed them and sided with The Elders.

"They built Magnus Opus for them-oh. Though, some people believe it's a lie-oh. They say The Elders cursed them with immortality and inability to use magic-oh." Reed laughed.

"Let's say it's true they got reincarnated. Does that mean they're living among us right now?" Pipi asked.

Reed nodded.

Pipi hadn't realized they had arrived at the end of the steps. When he glanced around, an icy chill ran down his spine. He couldn't believe what was in front of him. Skulls and bones covered the walls, along with moss that resembled splattered paint. The stench in the air had gotten heavier down there. Even Reed had covered his nose.

"This way-oh." Reed beckoned.

Slim walked next to Pipi. "What's the deal between you and Rambo?" he asked. "I've noticed he keeps giving you unfriendly stares. I thought you two had resolved your issues. No?"

"No." Pipi had apologized to Rambo for leaving The Outlawz. But the fair-skinned man had refused his apology. When they were younger, Pipi and Rambo had promised each other to lead the group until the day they died. But Pipi left them the moment life got hard, and Rambo hated him for it. It would take time to rebuild their friendship.

"We're here-oh." Reed glanced between his map and the three gigantic skulls in front of them. "There-oh." He pointed at the middle skull–it was the largest of the three. A bright light glowed from inside it. "It's in there-oh." Excitement rang in his voice. "Magnus Opus-oh."

"Ça y est?" Scarf asked, his tone full of disappointment. "Where are the evil things?" He crossed his arms on his chest.

"Don't ask for something you handle-oh." Reed folded his map, then placed it inside the green satchel he carried. "Wait here. I'll go get the skull-oh."

Pipi watched Reed go through the mouth of the middle skull, then glanced around. He felt as though something was watching them. "Pipi has an awful feeling about this," he said. "Prepare yourselves for anything."

Scarf reached in his pockets and took out black gloves. They had different colored crystals on the knuckles. He wore them. Scarf had crystal magic. But he couldn't use magic without the crystals. "Prêt," he said.

Slim stomped his foot on the ground, and stones floated in the air, surrounding him. He motioned his hands clockwise, and the stones morphed into spears. "Ready, yes?" he said. His elemental magic had been a huge factor in The Outlawz's success.

Pipi looked at Rambo.

Rambo sighed. "Fine-eh." He snapped his fingers, and fire coated his arms. It always amazed Pipi how the fire magic never burned off Rambo's clothes. "Your turn-eh."

Pipi smiled. Then, he snapped his fingers, and a mounted machine gun appeared in front of him. He didn't know what they would face, so he constructed the easiest and effective weapon. His magic was energy constructs, and its limit was his imagination.

Reed returned, holding a glowing diamond skull. It had bright colors swirling inside it. "Before you ask, it's called The Philosopher's Stone-oh," he said.

"Who's this philosopher?" Scarf asked.

"A scientist who had claimed he found a way to immortality-oh," Reed replied. He placed the skull in his satchel. "Let's get out of here-oh."

They headed for the stairs.

"I don't know why you needed us here, nothing bad happ-"

"Shh!" Pipi placed his forefinger on Scarf's lips. "Did you hear that?" he asked.

"The crickets stopped chirping, yes?" Slim said.

Rambo pointed at the wall. "Where did the skulls go-eh?" he asked.

Loud monstrous shrieks echoed throughout the catacomb. It came from everywhere, forcing them to gaze around in panic.

"Guys!" Pipi shouted. "Look." He pointed to the ground. Skeleton arms stuck out of it. The hands planted themselves on the ground and pulled out the rest of their bodies. It wasn't one or two, but more than a hundred skeletons stood in front of them. They wore silver armor and held various melee weapons.

"What now?" Scarf asked, pointing his hands at the skeletons. Ice swirled around his arms.

"He told me there would be protectors of the stone, but I didn't think it would be skeletons-oh. Now I know why whoever came in here didn't survive-oh," Reed said.

"This is the evil you were talking about, yes?" Slim asked, the stony spears he controlled protecting him from the front.

"He told me they are drawn to blood-oh. There's one way to survive this." Reed stepped away from the group. "Remember Outlawz; this isn't personal. It's business." His spheres began shooting at The Outlawz. They had blocked most of the laser bullets. But one snuck through their defenses and struck Pipi in the chest, thrusting him to the ground. "Thank you for your sacrifice." Reed stepped on the spheres, and they flew him out of the catacomb.

The skeletons smelled Pipi's blood and turned towards him.

"We will find you-eh!" Rambo shouted at Reed, but the Wild Wizard was gone. Him, Scarf, and Slim surrounded Pipi. "Don't worry, Pipi, we got this-eh."

Scarf clenched his hands, and a wall of ice surrounded them. The skeletons started hitting it with their weapons. It wouldn't be long before they broke through. "Ne t'inquiète pas, Pipi. We won't let these things harm you," Scarf said.

"I agree, yes?" Scarf added, increasing the number of stony spears to his arsenal. He wasn't able to use two or more elements at once, like the skillful elementals.

Pipi was on the ground, gasping for air. White dots blocked his vision. He heard his friends screaming and groaning as they fought the skeletons. Is this the end of Pipi? Blood dribbled out the corners of his mouth. And with the last breath, darkness swallowed the world around him.

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