|16.1| A Deal With The Mercenary.

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Sky sat alone in the dark. She pulled her legs close to her chest and wrapped her arms around them. The bathroom didn't smell as bad as she had expected. It wasn't as cold either. Ah will get him for this.

After Don had failed to make her talk, he knocked her out. When she awoke, she found herself in the bathroom. Metal cuffs bounded her hands and legs. She had spent most of the night in there.

Does he think ah am going to eat that? She stared at the plate of white rice, squirrel meat, and stew beside her. Who does he think ah am? A fool? There was a drug in the black market that made people tell the truth for four hours. Sky had used it on a couple of her targets before killing them. And she assumed Don had put the same drug in the food.

Her stomach betrayed her and growled. "No, ah am not hungry," she muttered, hoping if she said it out loud, it would make her stomach stop growling. It didn't work. The coconut smell infused with the rice had filled the room, making her mouth salivate like a hungry dog.

She yawned, then rubbed her heavy eyes with the back of her hands. She hadn't slept, not wanting to miss when Barbie returned and saved her. She couldn't wait to see the look on Don's face when he realized she was free and about to kill him. She would relish those few seconds of shock on his face before snapping his neck.

Her stomach growled again. "Ah need to eat and gain the strength to snap his neck," she muttered. "Yes, that's right. It will be easier when ah am full."

She pulled the plate closer and started eating. A swirl of emotions rushed through her body, and she moaned. It was as if she hadn't eaten in a millennium. The food tasted like Heaven. The squirrel meat was overcooked; she liked it that way.

When she finished eating, she grabbed the glass of water next to her and drank it in one sip. If there had been a truth-drug in there too, then she didn't care. Her stomach was full, and she was ready to snap Don's neck.

Someone unlocked the bathroom door from the outside, then opened it. A bright light filled the room, forcing Sky to cover her face with her arms. When she checked to see who stood at the door, all she made out was a shadowy figure. But she could tell it was a woman.

"Barbie, is that ya?" Sky asked.

"Yes, Sky." Barbie knelt beside Sky. She had changed clothes, looking like a paperboy now. "Are ya all right?" Barbie asked.

"Yes," Sky said. "Why did ya jump out the window? Where did ya go?" She had never seen her best friend act that way before. What had gotten into her? If demonic possessions were real, then that would have been a reasonable answer.

"Ah had to leave," Barbie said, then kept quiet.

Sky knew when her best friend didn't want to talk about something. So, she changed the topic. "Did ya kill White Hair?" She hoped it wasn't true, but had to ask.

"No, but ah made a deal with him." Barbie showed Sky the key in her hand, then used it to unlock the metal cuffs.

"What deal?" Sky looked puzzled. Why would she make a deal with him? He was the enemy, not an ally.

"Are you two done hugging and kissing?" a voice asked.

Sky looked towards the door and saw Don. She almost pounced on him, but Barbie stopped her with a hug. "Let me kill him, Barbie. It will be quick. Ah promise."

"No, Sky. Ah promised him ya wouldn't do that," Barbie said. "So please, don't." She cupped her best friend's face with her hands. "Please, do this for me."

Sky sighed. "Fine." She didn't want to let Barbie down. Barbie was the only person Sky had left in this world. Sky stood and crossed her arms. "What deal did you make with him?" She glared at Don.

"I see you ate the food," Don said.

Sky tried to attack him, but Barbie stopped her again. "Please, Barbie, one punch. That's all ah need. Look at him," she pointed at Don, "he has a punchable face."

"Thank you. I get that a lot." Don smiled.

Sky wanted to rip the smug look on his face and feed it to the slumdogs. "That wasn't a compliment, idiot." Sky rolled her eyes.

"Your mouth said idiot, but your eyes called me sweetheart." He blew her an air kiss.

"You two stop it," Barbie said, pointing to both of them. Then, she focused on Sky. "In exchange for ya freedom, ah want ya to help them with something."

"Help them? After they threatened to send me to Slave City?" She cackled. "Not going to happen." She walked past Barbie and Don, bumping shoulders with the latter. She arrived in the living room and found Pipi sleeping on the couch.

"Sky, please, wait," Barbie said after arriving in the living room. "Listen to what he has to say, please."

Sky turned to Barbie and pointed at her. "No, Barbie. Ah won't help him." She stared at Don with disgust. He was leaning on the wall next to the couch.

"I told you, Barbie. She won't do it. I thought you said she was the best mercenary in Hervana. It seems you lied to me." Don shook his head like a disappointed parent.

Sky knew Don was baiting her. Barbie would have never said that. It didn't sound like her. But still, she felt away by what he said.

"Sky, listen; help them, then we won't have to see them again," Barbie said.

Sky scoffed. She didn't want to do it. But Barbie had those puppy eyes that were hard to say no to. Sandie had the same ones when she wanted ice cream. "Help them with what?" she asked.

"I am delivering the wings, and I need backing. Since Pipi is unable to go, Barbie suggested you as a backup," Don said.

Sky glanced at Barbie, who smiled at her. "Fine, ah will help," she said. "But consider the metal gloves as payment," Sky said.

"You mean the gauntlets?" Don's eyes widened. "They are mine."

Sky crossed her arms and raised her brows.

Don raised his hands in defeat. "OK, they're yours."

"Come on, Barbie. We're leaving." Sky headed for the front door.

"We meet here tomorrow at seven," Don told her.

Sky showed him her middle finger.

"I'm serious."

Sky turned to Barbie. "Come on. Ah need to take a cold shower," she said.

Barbie looked at Don. "We'll be here at seven. Don't worry about it."

Don nodded, then gazed at Sky with a smile.

Sky rolled her eyes. "Come on." She grabbed Barbie's arm and led her to the front door.

"Goodbye, sweetheart," Don said, waving at her.

"Eat shit." Sky showed him her middle finger, then walked out of the apartment.

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