|2.3| Best Served On A Cold Dish.

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A chorus of screams erupted outside the building. Everyone inside was alert, looking around in shock, wondering what was going on. The sounds of gunshots came next, followed by echoes of men grunting.

There was a moment of silence. Everyone stood still, gazing at each other, waiting for someone to make a move.

Screw this!

Sky dropped the silver tray and bolted towards the stairs. The rest followed. She arrived at the entrance and pushed the door with all her strength.

The guards were pointing, shouting, and shooting at a figure climbing the wall like a spider. Sky closed her hand and left a small opening between her fingers. She peeped through it and got a closer look at whoever it was.

White Hair. She recognized his distinct feature. Ah knew something was off when he went back to the balcony.

Sky noticed the growing crowd around her. Through the many bodies, she spotted Princess heading back inside the building. This is ma chance to get her.

She slid through the crowd with ease. She had done it so many times; it became second nature to her. She was invincible when that many people were around, having trained hard to make it that way.

Sky entered the building and saw Princess walking into the bathroom. She was about to go after her when two large hands grabbed her arms. Hot breath brushed her neck and sent shivers down her spine. She had been reckless to think there would be no one protecting Princess.

"Where do you think you're going, rat?"

Sky grinned after recognizing Muscle Man's voice. She didn't waste time enacting her revenge. She kicked him on the shin, and his grip on her arms loosened.

She escaped his hold and turned to him. "Ya are marked," she said.

Anger coursed through Muscle Man's eyes as he glared at Sky. Large veins covered his face, looking like his head would explode. "I will hurt you so bad."

Sky had been in this position many times. The larger opponent always thought they could beat her with ease. But she was a slum girl. A rat, as they said. She fought men and women who were twice her size all her life.

Muscle Man thrust his meaty hand at her face. Sky dodged to the right, and the arm missed her face by inches.

With a quick movement, she gripped his arm with one elbow and pulled him towards her. As he went in her direction, she knocked out his teeth with her elbow.

Blood spluttered out of his mouth, and he stumbled backward. He swayed left and right, trying to maintain his balance. "I... I will kill you," he said in a tame tone.

Sky darted at him like an arrow and kicked his chin with a knee, sending him to the floor with a thud. She straddled his chest as he laid there, trying to catch his breath.

"Even with all ya muscles, ya are useless." She reached between her breasts and pulled out a pocketknife. It was so small; no one would have seen it unless she undressed. Sky flipped the blade out and slit his throat, loving the choking noises he made.

It didn't take long before he died, and Sky sat there and watched with a grin as he took his last breath. She got up and kicked his dead body. Piece of shit.

She kicked it again because she hated odd numbers, then added another one. Two was too low of an even number. She repeated until when she got to sixteen, the age which Sandie was before she died.

That's right, ah still have a princess to kill.

Sky kicked the bathroom's door open, and Princess gasped when she saw her. She noticed the knife in Sky's hand and backed away. "What—What are you doing?" She trembled.

Sky loved the look of fear in Princess' eyes. It made her loins stir, and her mouth salivated. She took pleasure in making Princess, and everyone like her, tremble.

When she was young, she lived three doors away from a group of mercenaries. They would gather outside their apartment building and talk about their missions. Sky enjoyed it when they spoke about killing rich people. She hated them with a passion. Her father had died at the hands of one, and her mother turned to prostitution afterward.

She became a mercenary with the sole purpose of killing as many rich people as possible.

"Ya shouldn't have killed ma sister," Sky said.

Princess raised a brow. "Your sister?" She looked confused. "What are you talking about?"

Sky pointed the knife at her. "Don't play dumb with me, Princess. Ya killed a girl a week ago in Sin City. Why?"

"Sin City? Why would I go to Sin City? I haven't been there since..." She bit her lower lip.

"Ya remember now?"

"I haven't been to Sin City in the last... many years." Princess glanced between Sky and the knife. When Sky moved forward, she stepped back. "Why would I go to Sin City when I had an auction to prepare for?"

"So ya wasn't in Sin City?" Sky's expression changed from cold-hearted and murderous to an inviting one. She lowered the hand holding the pocket knife.

"I wasn't, I swear," Princess answered.

Sky looked at the marble floor. When Princess relaxed, she swung her arm sideways. She slit Princess's neck and shoulder and ripped parts of her dress.

"Guards! Help!" Princess screamed while blood came out of the wounds Sky had inflicted.

Sky grabbed Princess by her hair and bashed her face into the wall. She did it twice before dragging it across. Princess was crying now, tears and snort mixing with the blood on her face.

Sky was too powerful for her. Princess couldn't do anything. When she scratched Sky with her nails, the mercenary punched her on the ribs. Princess fought for air rather than fight again.

"Whatever you think I did, I swear, I didn't do it."

Sky didn't care. Barbie and John had assured her Princess killed Sandie. And she believed her friends more than a stranger.

She cut Princess's face, and blood coated her clothes, hands, and knife. "They won't recognize ya at ya funeral." The commotion outside drowned Princess's screams.

Sky grabbed Princess by the neck and thrust her face against the five bathroom mirrors. They shattered and split Princess' lips in half.

What Sky was doing was cruel, even for her standards. But Princess had murdered Sadie, so Sky had to teach her a lesson.

Sky kicked Princess to the floor and then straddled her body.

"Plea... Plea..." Princess coughed out blood, not able to finish the sentence.

"What did ya say? Ah didn't hear ya."

"Plea... Plea..." Princess couldn't speak. She was choking on her blood.

"This is for Sandie." Sky had stabbed Princess on the chest before she plunged the final blow on her neck and left the knife there. "See ya in hell." She spat at her and then got up.

While Princess fought for her last breath, Sky walked out of the bathroom with a smile on her face. She had avenged her little sister's death.

Whoever said revenge was bitter, never knew Sky best served it on a cold dish.

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